30 day shred...



  • Showcats
    Showcats Posts: 32
    I started on Sunday and did day 2 today. I am so sore and had to stop for a few minutes each day but didn't give up. Please tell me it will get easier.
  • brendansmom1
    brendansmom1 Posts: 530 Member
    I am on day 5 of level 1. I did this last year, but for some reason did not finish...I am determined to finish this time!

    I will be doing 5 days a week....mixing up other stuff inbetween. I actually found that taking a nice brisk walk with an incline after I do the video helps with soreness....the other two days I do other cardio. (Tae Bo)

    Level one is a killer...I seem to remember level 2 being easier than one....but I could be wrong...it could just be wishful thinking!! LOL

    Good luck fellow shredders!
  • gamommaof3
    I just got it today! I have already completed 5 days of Level One though. The complete Level One is on YouTube. I have been just using my laptop and doing it. It kicks your butt, but I love it so far!!! I also got Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones and can't wait to try it soon!

    Good luck!!
  • peachpearl1
    I just finished Day 8, Level 1. This is the furthest I've gotten so far. I must finish this damn thing in 30 days! :)

    Since I've only ever experienced Level 1, the hardest move for me was the side lunge move with the lateral arm raises. Oh.. my... god. I am now at the point where it's much easier, but the buuuuurn in the shoulders when you're done? Hot damn! You really feel it! Like fire flowing through your shoulders. Phew!
    omg i did it for the first time today and that one kicked my butt!! i am not coordinated enough at all lol
  • aryzha
    aryzha Posts: 7 Member
    I just finished Level 1, Day 10. Super excited about starting Level 2 tomorrow!

    I took some before pictures but haven't noticed much difference anywhere other than my biceps, which are a lot more firm when I flex. I'm actually 2 pounds heavier than Day 1 and no inch loss either.

    I'm definitely much, much stronger though. Day 1 left me all sorts of sore, but I breezed through Day 10! I now do all the 'badass' versions (except for the full pushup).
  • tkelly82
    tkelly82 Posts: 18 Member
    I got 30DS for Xmas this past year and I was planning on waiting until I had lost a bit more weight until i started it. I decided to give it a go last night and I was surprised at how much I was able to do. I can't do the jumping jacks or butt kicks because it's too loud when people are sleeping, and it's really hard on my knees. I just made sure I kept moving and did punches or modified jumping jacks to keep my heartrate up. The strength about killed me, and my arms and legs are feeling it today!! I am planning on doing it 3 days a week and going to the gym in between for cardio.
  • wtdia
    wtdia Posts: 68 Member
    I'm on day three of Level 3....I did 5 days a week at each level, so I'm in week 5. I am seeing great results. My weight loss has slowed despite my counting calories on myfitnesspal, but I am seeing muscles...and that weighs more than fat. My clothes fit MUCH better despite only having lost 13 lbs. so the scale is not indicative of how loose my clothes feel. I didn't measure before I started, just weigh myself. I plan to get through Level three after week 6 and then plan to rotate each day through the levels since each of them still make me sweat and my muscles burn. I am thrilled with the short amount of time I have to spend getting definite results. I do also walk several times a week for an hour each for extra cardio. I highly recommend.

    Level 2 plank exercises are a killer and Level 3 makes me nauseaus at times because it gets so intense. The only moves I still need to modify are the pushups and some of the plank position exercises that aggravate my pelvis, but I adjust them so I don't have pain but I'm still moving. Otherwise I am busting my butt to do all the advanced level moves.

    Jillian doesn't bother me. Some people find her annoying....but as long as I see results, Richard Simmons could be on the screen. I just want to get in shape and she definitely gets results with her program. I am really pleasantly surprised.
  • kiminita
    kiminita Posts: 150 Member
    I would definitely recommend that you look up some knee stretches and pay particular attention to form when doing squats and lunges. I've started three times over, gotten halfway through level 2 and stopped because the knee pain was too much. Apparently it's pretty common for people to experience knee pain from that DVD. I did the knee rotations for twice as long and threw in some extra knee moves at the beginning of my workout to help. I'm too scared to permanently hurt my knee so until I lose a bit more weight I don't think I'll be doing it anytime soon.
  • Amuggsy78
    Amuggsy78 Posts: 33 Member
    I am on day 13, 3rd day at level 2. I don't think I'm seeing any results yet. I'm already slim-ish, but I'm not fit or strong and I have chubby areas. I need to lose another 7 lbs to be at goal but even though I'm watching what I eat I'm not loosing. I haven't noticed any changes yet in my body as a result of 30DS although I am finding it more managable to make it through the whole workout with out taking breaks. I have to follow Anita at the beginner phase though because of my back.

    I dread even checking out level 3! We should all band together and cheer each other on!
  • tashajo414
    tashajo414 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm on day 6 level 1 and I love it!!! Totally kicked my butt the first 3 days, but I stuck through the soreness and kept going...had to stop for a couple of days to study for school (Nursing Student)...but after that was all said and done I got right back on track!!!
  • JenMarie826
    JenMarie826 Posts: 143
    Thanks everyone for your feedback! I am getting super excited to do this workout!! :)
  • New_Keeley
    New_Keeley Posts: 170 Member
    There's a bunch of people on MFP that are planning to start it May 1st. Someone is creating a group for it.

    My copy should be here by Friday....I need to join the group starting on Tuesday!!
  • stacyll
    stacyll Posts: 43 Member
    i'm going to join in doing these. i like her workouts because they aren't super long. go team!
  • txbabe20032000
    Walmart also has it!
  • LKF85
    LKF85 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey...I am starting the shred tomorrow and could use all the support and motivation possible...would love to have someone to encourage and encourage me!
  • phillbis
    phillbis Posts: 411 Member
    I just completed day 2 Level 3. I hate the shred, Jillian kicks my *kitten* but love it when it's over! I've been wearing a HRM and it shows I'm burning 440 calories doing the shred. It is tough but worth it. N
  • idream10
    idream10 Posts: 2
    I am starting tomorrow there is a few of us on facebook joining together with tomorrow being our first day.
  • idream10
    idream10 Posts: 2
    Is there anyone on here in the 200's who has done the shred?
  • nirvi9
    nirvi9 Posts: 34
    I just started this week,, finished day 3 today, I thought I was doing alright until I did the workout today - my muscles were feeling it more than I thought!

    I like it so far, but I have noticed that even on level 1 my knees have been hurting me a bit
  • cheryl5115
    cheryl5115 Posts: 154 Member
    Ok day late, I have it but I will start tomorrow. Please!!! someone tell me that this old lady (48) will be able to do it. :happy: