Parents: Booster Seats

kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
My 9 year old son is in the 3rd grade. He is 4'3" and weighs about 67 pounds. According to my state's laws, kids should be in a booster seat until they are 4'9" and/or weigh 80 pounds. He does not meet either of these. So I still have him in a booster seat. I have tried to set him in the seat (in the garage) without the booster to see where the lap/shoulder belts lays on him. It cuts him across the face. So, the way I figure it, he's got a good 6 inches to grow before he can get out of his booster. He doesn't mind as my other 2 young children are also in car seats. (My daughter is heavy enough to be out of one, just not quite tall enough yet.)

So here's my problem: the school has 4 field trips coming up for the 3rd grade kiddos. Two of them are meant to be taken with parents driving the children in their own vehicles. They are using buses for the other two. I think it is for budget reasons that they take the trips with parent drivers on the other two trips. The parent drivers have insurance forms on file with the school, but I am concerned because it is not safe for him to ride in a car without a booster seat. There has to be other kids in the 3rd grade on the smallish side. The school seems to think that they are following the law because he is 9 and considered old enough to be without a booster. I say different and I get the information right from the highway patrol's website.

Do I send his booster seat with him on the field trip and instruct the teachers that he is to use it. This could especially be problematic since the parent may not buckle him in properly and the other kids may tease him. It is simply not possible for me to go to both of these trips since they are all day trips and I can't miss that much work.

Do any of you have kids that are older but just not big enough to be out of their boosters? Has anyone had this same problem with a school or daycare? I see kids not in car seats all the time and it makes me so mad! I am not putting my son's safety at risk just for this field trip. I could use some advice. Anyone?


  • kb455
    kb455 Posts: 679 Member
    If I were you, I'd absolutely send the booster seat in. I'm sure, like you mentioned, that other parents use them too... or at least I hope so seeing as its the law. I have a 7-year old who's pretty tall for his age but he's ALWAYS in his booster seat. As for the teasing, maybe you could prepare him for it before he goes to the field trip. (Maybe give him a couple of comebacks to say to the kids who run their mouths ;-))
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    i would send the booster seat too. my 9 yr old is too small to be out of one. my 10 yr old is too small to be out of one. the 9 yr old is in a high back booster. my 10 yr old is in a regular booster.

    our law is 8 and 80 lbs or 4'8" not OR. so, really at 8, if they aren't tall enough or weigh enough, or both, they should STILL be a high back booster!

    i send mine along on play dates, or anytime my kids will be driving in someone else's car.
  • _HeyMommy_
    _HeyMommy_ Posts: 323 Member
    Both of my kids will be taking their drivers tests in booster I would DEFINETLY send the seat.
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    Definitely send the booster seat along; he's significantly shorter than the advised cutoff (while I might tell you to let it slide if he were only an inch off). Even though there's a chance the parent will buckle him in wrong (though it seems unlikely since they would have experience with their own kids' seats), there's a ZERO percent chance of them doing it right if you don't give them the chance!

    I wish I could tell you how to prevent any teasing (as someone who was bullied all throughout my K-12 years, I know how tough that can be), but if I knew, I wouldn't have had to deal with it myself. I'd at least let him know that even though other kids might laugh, there's no shame in being safe. Maybe someone can offer some good comebacks/jokes for him in case that happens? Humor is the only thing that ever worked for me!
  • iam_thatdude
    iam_thatdude Posts: 1,279 Member
    im gonna get flamed, but the minute my kids turned 5 I threw away all booster/car seats/ These laws are ludicrous.
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    contact the school and tell them your concern. if they don't tell you what you want to hear, contact the board of education. :)
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I was a certified child passenger safety tech for many years. I'm sorry, but safety outweighs everything in my eyes. My kids were in low back boosters (as long as we were in a vehicle with headrests) until they were in something like 5th grade!

    I saw too many videos of children with severe injuries or who died due to the seat belt being improperly placed on them because their parents didn't want to use it anymore.

    My kids used to tell their friends "I use this because I don't want get hurt in a car accident". I'm not worried about how *I* drive, I'm worried about everyone else!
  • ajburroughs
    ajburroughs Posts: 16 Member
    My oldest is a good head taller than almost everyone in her grade and I wouldn't let her get out of the booster seat until she was, I think 9-1/2. She was maybe an inch away--supposed to be 58" I think. There's a big difference between what the law says and what is safe. She was not happy with me since her friends all stopped using booster seats way before her and were much much shorter. One of her friends even said something to me and I just said that I love her and want her to be as safe as possible so she was just gonna have to deal with it. I would definitely send in the seat and also send in a note with it stating that he needs to use it since according to the law, he is required to use one.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    im gonna get flamed, but the minute my kids turned 5 I threw away all booster/car seats/ These laws are ludicrous.

    Not flamed.. but, isn't your child's safety your primary concern? Regardless of what a law says? I mean.. the law doesn't say "Don't allow your children to drink bleach" but you sure as heck have locks and other protective measures on things that could harm them.

    Car accidents are the leading cause of injury and death in children under age 15.

    I don't know about you, but I don't need a law enforcement agent telling me what I should do with my kids - common sense and physics speaks loud enough.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    im gonna get flamed, but the minute my kids turned 5 I threw away all booster/car seats/ These laws are ludicrous.

    Glad you said it before I did phew. Now I can take some heat as well. I don't have kids, but parents sent their kid's booster seats to my camp class in the summer. Inconvenience, and those kids were big enough to be without them. Some people are over cautious and by God, thanks to capitalism you can buy anything for some false peace of mind.
  • Chubbyhulagirl
    Chubbyhulagirl Posts: 374 Member
    I agree with the poster above me. Better to be safe than sorry and although he is at an age where his peers are becoming important to him, you just gotta do it!
    Does he have a high back booster or just the seat booster?

    I always thought it was weird how school and city buses dont have seat belts...especially school buses. It is illegal to not wear your seatbelt in the front and backseats here but kids ride around without a seatbelt everyday on the bus.
  • saraemily5
    saraemily5 Posts: 116 Member
    Are you aloud to take him?? If I were you, I would take him myself...
  • broken_star1134
    broken_star1134 Posts: 65 Member
    Talk to his teacher and see if she is going to be one of the drivers and he could possibly drive in her car. If not, see if she has other kids that have the same issue that could possibly ride together and the teasing wouldn't be an issue. Or possibly tell you who she would pair your child up with and you could call the parent yourself and talk to them.
  • kgalea
    kgalea Posts: 156 Member
    My daughter is almost 10 and she still rides in hers. She complains all the time, but her safety is more important than saying yes to her.

    Could you live with yourself is something did happen and you hadn't insisted that he use the seat?
    Send it with him!
  • kgalea
    kgalea Posts: 156 Member
    Talk to his teacher and see if she is going to be one of the drivers and he could possibly drive in her car. If not, see if she has other kids that have the same issue that could possibly ride together and the teasing wouldn't be an issue. Or possibly tell you who she would pair your child up with and you could call the parent yourself and talk to them.

    Good ideas!
  • eso2012
    eso2012 Posts: 337 Member
    Definitely get them to use the booster seats. It is the law.
  • petreebird
    petreebird Posts: 344 Member
    My son was in a booster (seat only, no back) until he was in the 4th or 5th grade. I don't care who thinks its crazy, including him!! His safety is top priority.
    I say speak to the school about your concerns. If they are not amicable then it is very possible that the booster won't be used, even if sent. I'd consider keeping him home if you can't bring him yourself.
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    not gonna flame, your child your choice. if it's a law you can chose to break that too.

    the way i decide on things that affect my child and their safety is, can i live with the negative outcome that can arise? if i can live with it, then there is my answer.... if i can't live with the possible outcome, then there is my answer.......

    im gonna get flamed, but the minute my kids turned 5 I threw away all booster/car seats/ These laws are ludicrous.
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    My son is 8 and he still uses one. I don't know of any other kids around our neighborhood that still use them. In fact, most of the kids ride in the front seat and don't even wear seat belts which absolutely horrifies me. A couple of the kids have made comments about my kids still being in boosters but it doesn't seem to bother my kids.

    I'd send the seat.
  • groovyfirechick
    As a medic I will give my my opinion based on the injuries I have seen from children not being in booster seats. I would definitely send the booster seat along with a letter to the teacher making it mandatory that he be placed in the booster seat in the car. (I personally have never heard of parents driving kids on field trips but if that's what occurs so be it). Maybe you could contact the teacher in advance and let them know what is going to occur and site the law if you have to. Good luck!