Where do you dig your motivation from?



  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    No one can make you care. If you don't care about yourself, your husband, your future plans, then you're not going to lose the weight. You need to believe that it matters, that YOU matter. This is not about being a gym rat or fitting into clothes; this is about your health and your life in the long run.

    Think ahead into the future, a good 10-15 years. What do you think of? What might your life look like? I'm not saying make a plan; I myself have a dozen different ideas about what might happen when I ask myself these things. But what I realized is that NONE of them involve being overweight. If I ever want to attain any of those goals or dreams in the way I imagine, then I've got to get healthy at some point.

    What you have to recognize is that if you EVER plan on losing the weight, you have only one option. You will eventually have to adopt a healthy lifestyle, like it or not. That is the only way to get there. If you don't, then you'll stay where you are (or, as many people do, continue gaining weight). For me, that's enough motivation. Hopefully it might help you.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    I was at a point to where my weight made me so unhappy that I couldn't not care. It honestly came down to either losing weight or giving into what would most likely have turned into depression and even more weight gain.

    And at 19 pounds down I already feel so much better! That's what's keeping me motivated! It really does feel better than mindlessly eating all day...so much better.
  • thepanttherlady
    thepanttherlady Posts: 258 Member
    Everyone has their own reasons for starting this journey and motivations for sticking with it. I for one just got tired of being tired. I realized I always looked forward to the weekends to just sit on my azz and not do anything. I don't take the kids to the park or to do anything. I had become completely sedentary.

    I'm 49 lbs lighter now and my motivation is 2 things (other than getting healthier so I can be there for my kids):

    1. At 41 years old, 49 lbs gone isn't something to baulk at. I'll be damned if I allow myself to gain them back.
    2. I made the decision on 10/31/11 to start this journey. I made an appointment with my doctor for a physical about mid-November 2011. I hadn't had one in quite some time and wanted to see how my bloodwork would come back. I basically wanted a baseline to be able to compare to at a future date. My overall cholesterol was 196. Yes, within normal; however, broken down my "bad" cholesterol is 5 points over normal and my "good" cholesterol is 3 points under. My glucose level was 102. 2 points over normal. This was a couple weeks into joining MFP and having lost 12 lbs prior to the bloodwork.

    The second point above is what truly opened my eyes. If I'd continued the path of eating habits and gaining weight that I had been on for years, I would literally eat myself to death. I was waving the red cape like a bull fighter at the bull (diabetes, heart attack etc.) I know I'm going to die some day and would MUCH rather it be later than sooner!

    Now, if I can only get the motivation to exercise on a more consistent basis I know my results would be far better. *sigh*
  • Daydreams406
    Daydreams406 Posts: 249 Member

    ................ How do you overcome the emotional fulfillment that food brings?.............

    You find something else to fulfill you. Find something that sparks your interest, something that feels worth while. Food is definitely not emotional fulfillment for me. There is no food in the world that feels better than my husband telling me he loves me, or my children telling me they love me...or the memories we make together where we laugh, and even when we cry. Even the down times when we just keep one another company, and it all just feels so right in so many moments for so many reasons. That is where my emotional fulfillment comes from. My family & my friends.
    Living healthy and exercise are just a way of life. You don't have to like it, but you should feel appreciative of the effects that it has on your body and your health. That is what you do need to care about. Your health. No one can take care of your health but you. Your weight has a direct effect on your health and if you don't care, then there is nothing to complain about when you get sick or you feel bigger than everyone else. And like one other poster said...if you don't care about it, why should we? Yet, here we are offering you our opinions and advice.

    You don't have to be a gym rat to start living more healthy. Get out and start walking at a minimum. Listen to your music while you do that. You will be amazed by how far you can walk when you are listening to your music. Just start slow and build on it. Watch your portions when you are eating, skip the second helpings, or the desserts. Whatever it may be. Just start simple.
  • sinman22807
    sinman22807 Posts: 66 Member
    I just had my 3rd baby in 5 years.... My motivation comes from my kids.. it got to the point that I had no energy to play with my 2 older kids and I was always exhausted! I dont want to be like that anymore, I want to be able to enjoy my family life And also my husband is army, and i hate how fit he is and im not lol..
  • jennimben
    jennimben Posts: 66 Member
    Like many have said you first need to realize you are a worthwhile person. Small changes can make big differences!
    My reasons are that I don't want to be tied to a pharmacy for antidepressants or anti-inflamatories for things that exercise and weight loss would help resolve.
    And really simplistically - I can't stand my rolls of fat sticking together and being sweaty-sticky in the summer. I hate that feeling!
  • KettleBellHoe
    I have a deep desire to be healthy and to have every organ inside me working as properly as it can, I want to enjoy life and I cannot do that with an unbalanced emotional,physical,and spiritual body. Life is about pleasure and you feel the best when your at optimal health in every aspect.
  • KettleBellHoe
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 562 Member
    I hear people who have lost weight say, "nothing tastes as good as being thin feels" but I just can't identify with them...

    Looks like you've gotten quite a bit of good advice already, so this is purely for enjoyment.

  • kanonxbou47
    kanonxbou47 Posts: 265 Member
    my sex drive
  • princeza9
    princeza9 Posts: 337 Member
    My parents and soccer.

    A few years ago, my dad and I moved a lot of furniture and other stuff into a 2nd floor condo with no elevator. Every time I was getting tired/sore/cranky, my dad would simply say "Cowgirl up" and it was enough to get me moving. After all, he was 57 and I was 27.

    Fast forward a few years and a few countries, I was driving across the US to move to California for a fresh start. And I hated how I looked in so many pictures. I felt so fat and ugly. So instead of wallowing in depression, which I used to do, I decided to do something about it. My first step was eating better. My 2nd step- more exercise. I don't work right now, so I don't have any extra money for a gym membership. But I have a pair of walking sneakers. I started doing 4 miles a few days week, going up to 5.5 and finally up to 7.7. And I started Couch to 5K.

    This is leading me to soccer- my favorite sport. I love watching it on TV (EPL, Bundesliga, MLS), and I loved playing it. Haven't been able to in years since I was too heavy and too out of shape. I want to play soccer again. I want my parents to be proud of their only child (they are anyway, honestly. Just extra proud).

    I will play soccer again. So getting a US men's national team jersey when I reach goal weight. With Dempsey's name & number.
  • Mdin1029
    Mdin1029 Posts: 456 Member

    If you wait for motivation to magically appear? You’ll still be sprawled on your couch watching The Real Housewives in a decade.

    The clouds do not part. Inspiration does not strike. You will probably never be overcome by the urge to exercise. You. Just. Do. It.

    It turns out Nike might be onto something. Who knew?"

    Love it. I agree, I also believe those who say motivation come after you start. Seeing results keeps me motivated. That can be results in size or in ability/strength.
  • DominiqueSmall
    DominiqueSmall Posts: 495 Member
    Myself. I have been called a pit bull.
  • Curry0724
    Curry0724 Posts: 51 Member
    I understand! There are days when I feel so lazy and I make excuses for myself on why I can't work-out a certain day... or why it is okay to just have a half a pizza for dinner. Then I wake up the next morning... see the scale tip a little higher... feel awful and do nothing about it. It is a HORRIBLE and vicious cycle.

    So on the days I know I have to work until 7:30 pm. I wake up an hour earlier and do a work-out video. Do I like it... no, but I cannot become my own excuse.

    When I begin to understand that the ONLY thing standing between me and a healthy me... is indeed myself... That kicks my butt into gear. I cannot blame it on anyone or anything else... frankly it is just me. And if I want to be different, I have to do things I have never done before. And that is wake up at 6:00 AM to work out.

    It is mental at first... but once the pounds come off it becomes more than that.
  • Rosa1213
    Rosa1213 Posts: 456 Member
    This may not be what you were looking for, but I get my motivation from looking in the mirror in the morning and feeling fu*king disgusting.
    I don't want to feel like that anymore.
  • peaceinside
    peaceinside Posts: 272
    Action creates Motivation! MOVE even when you don't want to!!!
    Peace! :flowerforyou:
  • Dinob661
    Dinob661 Posts: 251 Member
    Before I lost 100lbs, I had so much trouble finding the motivation I needed to even get started let along dig for anything. I often say when I saw the scale say basically 300lbs that I decided that night I was going to do it. It wasn't that easy though. I had a sit down in front of the mirror and reflected on a lot of things. What do I really want in this life? Do I want it to be short, do I want to be a burden to family when I am older because I can't get around? Do I want to see my kids grow up at all when I have them?

    I really want to have a family and grow old with someone, and have Kids and watch them grow old and have kids. I want to be able to play sports like I used to without getting tired and kicking @*kitten* at it. most of all, I want to live. I just couldn't do that the road I was going down. I never got depressed, because I am always an upbeat person. But while I was sitting down staring at myself, in the mirror I asked myself is this me? Am I OK with this? When I thought about all that stuff.... I got angry. I got angry at myself for letting myself get to the point I got to.

    That same night. I went to the Gym. I literally kicked my @$$. I burned about 1500 calories. I kept up that feeling, that fire inside for about 6 Months I went to the gym everyday. I Lost the 100lbs. I am at 200lbs now. And I am happy, but not content. I still have that fire inside to push myself. I never ever want to go back to where I was or feel like I did. There are days were it is hard as hell to stay on the right track. But the Beautiful thing about this journey is 1 day does not undo everything you have done. Your body is shockingly resilient, and 1 days worth of damage is a drop in the bucket. As long as you don't let to many drops accumulate overtime then you will be fine!

    My journey still has a long way to go. And Just because I got to my goal weight, doesn't mean it's time to stop. Gotta keep going.... I have to for me and everyone I care about or will care about, once I realized I had all that to look forward to nothing was gonna stop me. :)

    /end life story lol