Just joined MFP tonight for me and my daughters

As indicated by my username, I have been obese all my life. I am morbidly obese. I gasp for each breath by the time i reach the top of the stairs every night when i go to bed. I joined not only for myself but for my daughters as well. I have 2 girls ages 7 and 11 and am very fearful that they might grow up enduring all the teasing and heartbreak that i remember throughout the years. I am a nurse and I feel that I have a decent understanding of nutrition and healthy eating. Unfortunately, I have not been practicing what I know i should be doing AND I have not taught my children healthy eating habits. I am determined to change that starting now. My youngest daughter came home from school today and was upset by what a classmate said to her. Neither of my daughters are obese at this time, however, they are both in the 100th percentile for weight based on their height. I am worried for them and myself.


  • DianneBoo
    DianneBoo Posts: 226 Member
    I too just joined MFP on Sunday. I have been obese for years. I believe being on this site will halp me stay motivated as well as meeting others who are going through the same struggles as me. Feel free to drop me a line if you need someone to chat with. Wish you much luck!
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    I teared up a little reading this. I am so happy for you and for your kids that you've made that little jump in your mind that it takes to make the change. Just make small changes to diet, exercise...like you said you know what to do. Don't let it overwhelm you and just make a little progress, get it fixed as normal life for you, then add something new. You are changing your family tree and that is wonderful.

    Feel free to add me if you would like my support.
  • 91093
    91093 Posts: 5
    Welcome and good for you for wanting to change- Just remember Today you can do it and its worth it just remember the goal
  • samra2012
    samra2012 Posts: 715
    :wink: Hi!! you can add me if you want!!!! we can support each other!!
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Good luck!
  • OMGLeigh
    OMGLeigh Posts: 236
    I remember an episode of The Revolution where they talked about obese nurses. How the job is hard, very taxing on the body and the spirit, and people reward you with treats. Grats to you for deciding that you're going to turn your life around.
    The exercise part is hard at first, but then you realize that after all of that wheezing and sweating that you actually feel better.
  • Watchmeshrink21
    Watchmeshrink21 Posts: 69 Member
    welcome im very happy for u !
  • LoveMy3Boys
    LoveMy3Boys Posts: 562 Member
    you can do this! Welcome to the site :) use it and love it and you will lose weight! :)
  • katydid25
    katydid25 Posts: 199 Member
    Welcome and congrats on making such a difficult, yet postive, decision! You've come to a really great site for help and support!
  • iwantahealthierme13
    iwantahealthierme13 Posts: 337 Member
    To the OP: you should change your username because if you follow this site I'm pretty sure you won't be obese for life.
  • Zehra137
    Zehra137 Posts: 6
    Welcome! You have made a great decision to join MFP. It's a great tool to make you aware of what you consume. You just need to persevere and you will see the results! Good luck! :)
  • traceybarbour
    traceybarbour Posts: 226 Member
    I always have room for new friends! Add me if you like.. Anybody else for that matter!
    Glad you found this site!
  • mici0427
    mici0427 Posts: 54
    Welcome!! Having kids myself, I would tell you to include them in your plans. My kids are the first to compliment me on my losses and also the first to ask if I have enough calories to have that treat I was eyeing:-) I have taught them how to read the nutrition facts on the food and they are now super conscious of portion and serving sizes. Our kids are about the same age. I have 3 tho, 12,10,7. They'll keep you on your toes and keep you honest! Congrats for making the step and hope to see you here often!!! If you need a friend feel free to add me!!;-)
  • CampKelly
    CampKelly Posts: 172 Member
    Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! Joining mfp on Valentines day was the best decision I've ever made! You are in the right place, with nothing but love, support and knowledge. Don't over think this...just do it :flowerforyou:
  • Kougra
    Kougra Posts: 358 Member
    Hello and Welcome!!! This is a great place for support and lots of love! Feel free to add me to cheer you on! That goes for anyone! =^_^=
  • treesha450
    treesha450 Posts: 321 Member
    this site has helped me so much, I could not have lost 50 pounds without it. good luck, I hope you are successful. this is the first step there.
  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    You have taken a step in the right direction!
    Hard work...dedication.....support.............you got this!
  • CarbAvor
    CarbAvor Posts: 45
    To the OP: you should change your username because if you follow this site I'm pretty sure you won't be obese for life.

    I agree, it's not really motivating either... what about a combo of your girls names? Something that EVERY time you log in, you remember WHY you're working so hard! I got goosebumps that you would look at your life, and lifes of your children, and decide to change it for the better! Some parents are very selfish, it is so refreshing to see someone willing to work at creating a new lifestyle for their family! Congratulations, and good luck!!!

    P.S. I could really use more friends on here if anyone is interested :)
  • Kayley
    Kayley Posts: 327 Member
    I wish you all the best! There's a lot of great support and motivation here. :flowerforyou:
  • schpanks
    schpanks Posts: 468 Member
    Aren't we (nurses) the worst at everything? :laugh: Congratulations on joining. I'm sure you'll do wonderfully thinking of your kids.