Working on GastricSleeve Surgery

Hi I'm Amy.. or Ames.. I'm already done with all that is needed to get my surgery BUT.. I'm struggling on losing the weight. I need to drop 20 lbs before I get my surgery date. I'm having such a hard time every time we hit a weekend. I've lost 8 lbs during the week then Friday comes a long and i'm back up. Just weighed in and i'm now down 9 lbs. I need help folks. Please any advice i'll take it. I am almost half way there but it's so hard. Anyone else having the surgery add me.. I need encouragement =)


  • Kai85
    Kai85 Posts: 440 Member
    The only thing I could suggest is to watch your calories and maybe add in some exercise.

    When my mum had that op she was put on the slimfast shakes to lose the weight prior to the surgery.

    Good luck.
  • velvetred14
    velvetred14 Posts: 18 Member
    Your getting there, just keep going, lots of people on here to help you. Good luck. V x :smile:
  • lmfbs
    lmfbs Posts: 72 Member
    I'm not familiar with the surgery, why is it they ask you to lose weight before the surgery?

    I would add in some exercise, and log what you eat - it sounds like you're being good all week then blowing out on the weekend, so planning meals for the weekends might help you heaps.

    Good luck!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    My weight does that too.

    My only advice it to try and keep the exact same routine (wake up, out of the house, eating times, etc) for a full week and see if that helps.

    Recently I made myself a No-Sofa-Saturday rule. That means no sitting in the living room at all. It seems to help me with my weekend slump.

    Also, although the science says calories in and calories out.... my body responds to low-carb better (not no-carb, just low-carb). Maybe try that for a bit too?

    Congrats on being so close to your goal for the surgery - it's a major step. Best of luck!