Advice for losing hp/stomach fat


I have the same problem as a lot of women. . . I work out 3-4 times a week (Spinning, cross training, weights etc) and I am finding that I still have unsightly hips and stomach! My legs feel a lot stronger due to spinning, but do not see the difference anywhere else. My clothes do not feel looser even though my legs and bum feel "tighter."

Can anyone help?



  • staceylouise6684
    I did that i was finding that i wasnt losing any weight but gaining mussle instead and as we all know mussle weighs more than fat makin g me think that i have added weight instead of lost it i was getting really down about it and felt i was doing everything right then getting no results at the end of it, i then brought a home DVD workout witch i must say was amazing, after 5 nights of doing this i lost inchs around my waist and my stomach was flatter, at first it is hard and i do all 5 sections 5 nights a week and it really works.
    10 Minute Solution: Blast Off Belly Fat [DVD]

    That is the DVD and theer are 5 10minute sections on it do this 5 times a week and i promice you within a week you will notice the difference.

    Hope this helps
  • lacostalot
    Thanks for the tip. I generally like to work out at the gym though as at the moment I do not have room to swing a cat in my living room!!! Will keep this in mind though. :-D
  • creature275
    creature275 Posts: 348 Member
    It isnt possible to spot reduce fat, the human body doesnt work that way, mitochondria in the body are like billions of little furnaces which makes the body more efficient but when the body uses fat for energy it doesnt choose a specific location to get that from the body doesnt care where it comes from, so to burn fat in one area is to burn fat in all areas, which is why just doing ab workouts wont burn belly fat, it will train the core muscles sure, but no more so than another type of excercise. so stick to overall body development
  • pedraz
    pedraz Posts: 173
    So why is this so? I've ben exercising a minmum of 1 hour sweatsky cardio 5 days a week followed by some form of yoga to stretch and calm down. I've been doing this since 8 January. Every time I do this I put a little red sticker on the calendar to mark the day. All those little red dots and I've only lost 4 ( f-o-u-r ) pounds. Joined MFP in March to see if I was eating too muchto compensate. Have been controlling ( like a maniac) ever since. This is just so frustrating I can't help but to let off steam here. Hope to find a wayyyy....
  • lacostalot
    I feel your pain!!! I do mainly cardio and strength and the results for my efforts are small!! LOL I do "feel" much better, but look the same! do your eally have to eat next to nothing and work out like a mad woman to see big results?
  • pedraz
    pedraz Posts: 173
    Ha! So it seems. That said I just made an incredibly delicious salad for lunch. Sliced fennel, sliced blood orange, arugula, walnuts (the calorie part ), lemon juice! Sooooooo delish!
    Planned on a hike in the woods to jiggle the excess a bit but the rain clouds are back.... Any suggestions?
    WILSONBA Posts: 197
    From the pictures i see beautiful people posting! don't feel bad about yourself, it's okay to have a little's actually healthy in my opinion to have a little bit. just focus on eating healthy and exercising and the rest will eventually come. the most important part is that you feel healthy, don't worry about your weight!
  • rescueapet
    For what my personal trainer /coach says many people think that doing vigorus training will burn off fat. I am told that this burns carbs which is why many will eat protein and such. That is why many professionals will do for example a 2-1 run when starting out. Meaning two mins of run than one min cool down. This helps the body to burn calories therefore burn fat. This also helps improve blood circulation, your lungs, and heart rate. Add brisk walking to your routine as many doctors and such as said that you will loose more fat by walking than running. Remember if you continue to do the same routine over and over than your body gets use to it and you will not loose anything more after the initial several pounds. You need to change the work out so your body can begin to work different parts of the body. As it has been said you cannot work on certain parts of the body such as hips or stomach an over all workout is the best. I am currently training for a marathon and triathlon so I am always doing something different. Hope this helps!!!
  • frillypantz
    frillypantz Posts: 134

    I have the same problem as a lot of women. . . I work out 3-4 times a week (Spinning, cross training, weights etc) and I am finding that I still have unsightly hips and stomach! My legs feel a lot stronger due to spinning, but do not see the difference anywhere else. My clothes do not feel looser even though my legs and bum feel "tighter."

    Can anyone help?


    Urghhhhh... tell me about it, i now have slender legs of steel from all the exercise but that midrift section still wont move!!!
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Lift weights, and heavy ones. Also Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 and 30 day shred are awesome. I did 30DS and lost 13inches, now doing Ripped in 30 and can already see a difference in my stomach after 2 weeks.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    The fatter you are, the more fat you can lose in a day.
    The leaner you are, the more lean tissue you can lose in a day.
    The lesson....stop killing yourself then stressing out about it.

    When you near your goal its time to take a short dietary break, about 2 weeks at maintenance, then continue the cut.

    For us ppl that are close to goal its about balancing hormones and not the amount of workouts or calories burned.

    I started getting best results when I abbreviated my routine to 3 days a week, 20-50mins a session.
    I only lift to build lean mass.

    In order to build lean mass I have to eat more on lifting days than on rest days.
    This technique is called zig zagging.

    How it works.

    Sunday is a rest day so I eat -20% TDEE.
    Monday I lift so +20% TDEE
    Tuesday I rest -20% TDEE
    Weds lift +20%
    Thursday is rest -20%
    Friday lift +20%
    Saturday is rest -20%

    So on the days you need the nutrients you eat!
    And eat well!
    This puts the nutrients where you need them!
    The body isnt in a constant state of dieting down.
    Hormones are happy.
    Lipolysis is happy.
    Cortisol is low because i'm not stressing about having to workout everyday and i'm not putting my central nervous system under stress all week long.
    On rest days while taking in less calories and lower carbs, im losing weight and its mostly fat.

    When you are near your goal the most important part of your plan is Nutrition and sleep.
    Then you work out but keep it abbreviated.