60 Day Challenge (April 25-June 23)

I'm challenging myself to do the following in preparation for my 34th birthday (June 24).

April 25: Starting Weight:
(1) Lose 5-10 lbs
(2) Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily
(3) Exercise at least one hour a day
(4) Consume under calorie goal daily
(5) Practice yoga once a week
***If I miss my goal for the day (2,3,4), I'll put in a dollar (for each goal) in a box. Money will be donated to charity***

June 23: End Weight:

WHO'S WITH ME??? Write down your 5 goals and let's do this together!


  • angbieb
    angbieb Posts: 668 Member
    I'll do it! You're not starting until April 25?

    1) Lose 16-20 lbs.
    2) Consume under calorie goal.
    3) Eat at least 2 fruits and 2 veggies each day (at least!).
    4) Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily & workout at least 1 hour daily.
    5) Do strength training 2 x's/week.

    *meet goals (2,3,4) $1 in a jar for something special....prob for Humane Society as well. :o)
    ***If I miss a goal (2,3,4) $1 in a different jar for the Humane Society.
  • jet221
    jet221 Posts: 70
    I'll do it! You're not starting until April 25?

    1) Lose 16-20 lbs.
    2) Consume under calorie goal.
    3) Eat at least 2 fruits and 2 veggies each day (at least!).
    4) Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily.
    5) Do strength training 2 x's/week.

    *meet goals (2,3,4) $1 in a jar for something special....prob for Humane Society as well. :o)
    ***If I miss a goal (2,3,4) $1 in a different jar for the Humane Society.

    I'm officially starting on April 25 even though i'm already doing my best to meet these goals now. I want to do 60 days before my birthday to give me a little more motivation
  • I'm in too!!! I like a little bit of both of yours so i'm gonna steal it :tongue:

    1) Lose 10-15 lbs
    2) Consume under calorie goal each day
    3) Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
    4) Exercise at least half an hour every day
    5) Eat at least 2 fruits and 2 veggies a day

    I think I will stick to 6 so I don't get disappointed if I don't complete it!

    Good Luck Everyone!!! :happy:

    So I just realized that you said 5 not 6 so I will take my last one away!!!:blushing:
  • butjuli
    butjuli Posts: 56 Member
    I'm in! This is perfect. I'm in a wedding this August so June 23rd will be right about when I'll be getting dress alterations. (I hope there are lots to be made ;-) ) So far these are my goals, but they are subject to change by the 25th if I come up with something better =]

    April 25: Starting Weight:

    (1) Lose 8-12 lbs
    (2) Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily
    (3) Consume under calorie goal daily
    (4) Exercise at least one hour a day
    (5) Strength train at least 3x/week

    ***If I miss my goal for the day (2,3,4), I'll put in a dollar (for each goal) in a box. Money will be donated to charity***
    ***If I complete ALL daily goals, and/or weekly goals, I will put $1 in a separate jar to do something special for myself***

    June 23: End Weight:
  • jet221
    jet221 Posts: 70
    I'll send a reminder before the challenge begins! I'll be on vacation that week so I know it will be tough but I'll have to stay motivated!
  • mbk830
    mbk830 Posts: 164 Member
    Count me in too!

    April 25: Starting Weight:

    (1) Lose 10-15 lbs
    (2) Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily
    (3) Consume under calorie goal daily
    (4) Cardio 5x per week and Strength train 2x per week
    (5) Eat 5 servings of fruits and veggies daily

    June 23: End Weight:

    *If I miss my goal for the day/week (2,3,4,5), I'll put in a dollar (for each goal) in a box. Money will be donated to charity
    *If I complete ALL daily goals, and/or weekly goals, I will put $1 in a separate jar to do something special for myself
  • bebbjeb
    bebbjeb Posts: 134
    I'm in too!!

    April 25: Starting Weight:

    (1) Lose 5-10 lbs
    (2) Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily
    (3) Run 4X per week
    (4) Eat 5 servings of fruits and veggies daily

    June 23: End Weight:
  • jet221
    jet221 Posts: 70
    CHALLENGE starts today!

    I'm still on vacation and it has been a tough few days but I'm trying my best to be good! Goodluck everyone!!!

    April 25: Starting Weight: 132.2
    (1) Lose 5-10 lbs *****GOAL by end of challenge: 127 or less*******
    (2) Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily
    (3) Exercise at least one hour a day
    (4) Consume under calorie goal daily
    (5) Practice yoga once a week
    ***If I miss my goal for the day (2,3,4), I'll put in a dollar (for each goal) in a box. Money will be donated to charity***
    **If I complee my goal for the day (2,3,4), dollar in a "ME" box**
    June 23: End Weight:
  • FitBunnyEm
    FitBunnyEm Posts: 320
    1) Lose 28lb
    2) Consume under calorie goal every day
    3) Eat only the listed snacks in my plan
    4) Drink 2litres a day or more
    5) Go to the gym Mon to fri 1 hour each morning, sat and sun either gym/spinning/hiking. Rest day Sun if need be.
    6) No crap until i've lost my weight

    I will join u guys, but i did start last wednesday, hope i still qualify! my plan is the above.
  • FitBunnyEm
    FitBunnyEm Posts: 320
    1) Lose 28lb
    2) Consume under calorie goal every day
    3) Eat only the listed snacks in my plan
    4) Drink 2litres a day or more
    5) Go to the gym Mon to fri 1 hour each morning, sat and sun either gym/spinning/hiking. Rest day Sun if need be.
    6) No crap until i've lost my weight

    I will join u guys, but i did start last wednesday, hope i still qualify! my plan is the above.

    p.s- i want to lose as much as i can by that date. but im just happy with the change of lifestyle also. ;-)
  • slimmergalpal
    slimmergalpal Posts: 235 Member
    Yep, please add me in this one too ! It will continue to make me accountable. Love this idea !

    1) Loose at least 10-15lbs more
    2) walk/run at least 5 miles a day, 6 times a week ( already at 5 days a week, so this will be good to push me)
    3)Another 15 inches off my frame.
    4)Eat more fiber daily ! I suck at this one =(
    5)Get at least 6 hours of sleep a night. - this will be the hardest, believe it or not.

    Each day that I do not do 2,4,&5 I will put $10.00 in a "goal jar". All money in said jar will be donated to our local food pantry. However, If I do end-up achieving steps 1 & 3, I get $100 bonus. ~ which I will still prolly end-up donating to the local food pantry =)
    Thanks !!
  • bobadooo
    bobadooo Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in! :o) Please add me to friends via My Fitness Pal &/or FB (Vesper Alison) if you like.

    Starting weight: 223.6

    1) Log my foods, water, & weight every day
    2) Stick to healthy foods
    3) Stay under daily calorie goals
    4) Exercise 30 mins per day x 5 days per week
    5) Drink 8 glasses of water per day

    If I miss my goals I will NOT beat myself up.

    If I meet my goals I will treat myself to a margarita, a new haircut, & a mani/pedi :oD
  • butjuli
    butjuli Posts: 56 Member
    I'm excitedddd!!

    April 25: Starting Weight: 156

    (1) Lose 8-12 lbs - Goal by end date: 148 or less
    (2) Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily
    (3) Consume under calorie goal daily
    (4) Exercise at least one hour a day 5x/week (or burn 3000 calories minimum weekly)
    (5) Strength train at least 3x/week

    ***If I miss my goal for the day (2,3,4), I'll put $1 (for each goal, each day) in a jar. Money will be donated to charity***
    ***If I complete ALL daily goals, and/or weekly goals, I'll put $1 in a separate jar to do something special for myself***

    June 23: End Weight:

    **If I reach my MAX goal of 12lbs lost, I'm going to do something SUPER special, but I haven't decided what yet. Not food related. Quite possibly a shopping spree, or at least a very cute new dress that is flattering and sexy =] **
  • bobadooo
    bobadooo Posts: 6 Member
    How are we going to keep each other motivated & accountable for this challenge? I am excited to get started!
  • scarlettgeorgia4
    scarlettgeorgia4 Posts: 88 Member
    Im in

    Start Weight:


    1)loose 10-15 lbs
    2)drink 8 glasses of water a day
    3) make sure I do at least 30 mins exercise a day
    4)stay under daily calroie goal
    5)not another day like today (pizza and biscuits for the first time in 4 weeks, must remember how c**p this feels!

    If I miss my goals i'll put £1 in a jar for charity
    If I meet my goals I'll put £1 in my savings account, for something for myself!
  • tag0829
    tag0829 Posts: 40 Member
    I am in - this is just what I needed to get motivated again.

    1) Lose 10-15lbs
    2) Exercise 1 hour 5 times a week
    3) Log calories and exercise daily
    4) Drink 8 glass of water daily
    5) Follow cleaning eating

    For each day that do not meet goals 2,3,4 will put $1 in goal jar.

    Will not beat myself up if I miss a goal for the day just begin again the next day.
  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 728 Member
    Oh! What a great idea!! Count me in!

    1) Lose 5 lbs.
    2) Consume under calorie goal.
    3) Work out at least one hour every day.
    4) Take the stair at work everyday (unless I'm going somewhere with my coworkers... they refuse to climb up and down 6 flights of stairs)
    5) Walk Leah (my doggie daughter) at least twice a day (barring increment weather)

    *meet goals 2-5, I will place $1 in a jar for something special*
    **if I miss goals 2-5, I will place $1 in a jar towards a good cause**

    This remains contengent that I don't get scheduled for surgery and ordered off my feet when I go into my doctor's appointment tomorrow. Number 5 is also contenget on Leah's x-ray results and vet recommendations which is also tomorrow.
  • araxiedyck
    araxiedyck Posts: 127 Member
    April 25th Starting weight 139

    1) lose 10-14 lbs
    2) drink 8 glasses of water daily
    3) Excersice 5X/week
    4) consume under calorie goal (on exercise days) (bonus if I can do it on non exercise days)
    5) limit "treat" snacks to 3X/week ( I need my treats, but having them almost daily)

    If I meet my goal weight, I want to buy a new pair of jeans like True Religion or something
  • beckers80
    beckers80 Posts: 133 Member
    im in
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I'm in. I like your dollar for charity idea for not meeting goals. I will do that for goals 3-5 as well.

    April 25: Starting Weight: 155

    (1) Get weight below 150
    (2) Run 5k (registered in race on June 30, so I NEED this one)
    (3) Strength train at least 3 days a week
    (4) No more than one rest day per week
    (5) Stick to weekly calorie goal every week

    June 23: End Weight: