How long was it for you?

Hello all :)

I know everyone is different and that it depends on other things taken in account for but would love to know how long it took for you to lose the weight you wanted or so far and what helped you achieve it?

example i have lost 4lbs in 5 days i achieved that by cutting my calorie intake to 1000 a day and doing 30 mins of aerobics a day and making sure i drank at least 8 pints of water a day.

looking forward to your posts pictures would be lovely to see to :)


  • spekkio12345
    spekkio12345 Posts: 18 Member
    If you want to be successful in your long term weight management, then you need to focus on you and making permanent lifestyle changes you can live with over the long term.

    Losing 4 pounds in 5 days may feel good for now, but what will really matter over time is managing your daily calories intake and exercise day after day, month after month, year after year in a manner that is sustainable. This site is focused on that approach to weight management.
  • Por2gueseMama
    Por2gueseMama Posts: 102 Member
    I Agree ^ ^ ^ ^ ^!!! You need to focus on a lifestyle change because you will probably end up gaining wait after a while!!!
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    1000 calories is not safe, especially if you are doing cardio exercise as well... I know this is a matter of personal choice but you really should be getting at least 1200 and I would suggest eating your BMR.

    If eating more scares you like it does me, try joining the group Eat More, Weigh Less or simply going and visiting it and reading some of the posts there! It may encourage you to try eating more!

    Also as I know you baby is very young, if you are breastfeeding, you should be consuming 500-800 extra calories a day to maintain healthy mlk supply.

    Oh and to answer your question, I've lost 18 pounds in 35 days.
  • bluemorpho1247
    bluemorpho1247 Posts: 300 Member
    1000kcal isnt so good. I made the mistake of doing this! I kept fluctuating when not eating enough and weight piled on easier. I upped my calories and have now almost lost a stone

  • JB5349
    JB5349 Posts: 135 Member
    I have been working on it since the second week of January, my weight loss has been slow but I know this is something that I can maintain. I seldom feel hungry because not only I am allowing myself enough calories but I am making better choices.

    I know that it is really hard but it is not the scale that matters, it is how you look and how you feel. Make sure that you do something that is sustainable for you. I personally love to eat, so I have to make sure that I am able to enjoy eating. I have learned that there has to be a trade off and that is not to buy bigger clothing. My weight loss is really slow and I have been disappointed by the numbers on the scale.

    BUT I can do crunches, I can do plia squats with weights and I had to get some of my work clothes taken in, I am making progress and it will last because this is a new way of life and not just a starvation thing to get where I want to be weight wise.
  • Luandanielle1979
    Luandanielle1979 Posts: 747 Member
    Well done on losing the weight its good to have a little boost when you start. I would up your cals up a bit though. I eat 1200 which is still on the low side but have cosistantly lost weight. Ive lost 61 lbs since end sept 2011. So Its been coming off at a steady rate. I exercise too. I ate low for a while and my weight loss ground to a halt. I upped my cals a bit and it continued. Its what ever works for you though I guess. Good luck and stay healthy x
  • tdmcmains
    tdmcmains Posts: 227 Member
    Hi. For me it's been about a year and i've lost 43 lbs. For me the key has been logging and getting regular, sweaty, exhausting exercise. ;)

    But I wanted to say, without trying to sound discouraging, that I think a lot of people on here will tell you that 1000 calories a day is probably not enough calories for your body to function properly. It's probably lower than your basal metabolic rate (BMR). There are loads and loads of threads on here about calculating your BMR and how one should not eat below that level (I think MFP will never set anything below 1200 for a calorie goal). The idea is that you need some basic amount of energy for your organs to function. A level below that can work short term or if you are very obese and have loads of fat to burn, but otherwise, you just need more or you will become exhausted, burn lean muscle and just burn out. I'd encourage you to search the forums to read more about it. I'm hardly an expert.
  • I lost 90 pounds back in took a good year. Slow loss is best. And, keep in mind, it's about lifestyle changes...FOR LIFE! Not dieting! I kept all but 15 of it off until around 2008-2009...when I went through my separation and divorce. :smile:

    Make healthy food choices and MOVE your body every day. You can splurge occasionally, but you have to do it rarely and then get right back on track with your next meal.

    Good luck! :smile:
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    25 lb took from August 22, 2011 when i started on here to my current weight first acheived around the new year so Jan 1 2012. that was about 4 months total for me to do the 25 lb so i imagine it was like 1.1 lb a week. the weight loss was faster the first month and then slowed down a lot towards the end, but still was losing at least 0.5 lb the last few weeks. oh i was eating about 1500 calories to have that type of loss. at first i was eating 1200 but read about the muscle loss problem if you put your deficit too low, so stepped it up toward the end and still lost weight.
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    Ive lost 32 lbs in 4 months....It was a lot faster at first but ive settled in for the long haul at about .5 to 1 lb a week. Im within a few pounds of my goal now and it is harder for me to lose them. I also agree that 1000 isnt enuff cals, I eat about 1500 to 2000 a day. Anyway good luck!
  • samib09
    samib09 Posts: 19
    sorry your misunderstood i am making this a life style change i understand that and diets do not work i have been there i have only lost that amount because i am very much over weight at 249 and the first few weeks it is expected to see more weight loss than the weeks to come.
    I wont stick to 1000 cal for ever its just for a bit ;) i am only looking to lose 2lb a week i do not want to lose weight extremly fast, i want to do this over time so my skin will hopefully catch up.

    i just was curious to see how others are doing and how they are doing it :)
  • pinkminy
    pinkminy Posts: 286
    if its working for you then that's gr8,
    I'm staying on between 600 and 900 calories a day Nett as per my doctors recommendations,
    people tell me all the time its not enough but I am sticking to Doctors advice.
    I have plenty of energy and i'm losing weight steadily.
  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member
    cutting my calorie intake to 1000 a day and doing 30 mins of aerobics

    Ouch. If I was doing that every day I would last approx....1 day.

    I'm not on a diet. I'm on a journey to a healthier life. I eat more and better than I ever have before. And so far I've lost 11lbs since 1st March 2012. This is the most I have ever lost and the easiest way I've ever lost any. Also this is maintainable. 1000 calories a day for the rest of my life is'nt.
  • kamazza
    kamazza Posts: 98 Member
    I've been at it about two weeks and have lost 7lbs. The first week about 6lbs came off and now it's slowed right down, which is fine with me. As long as I'm seeing some come off each week I'm happy. MFP has me around 1500 calories a day and I consume about that, sometimes a bit less, sometimes a bit more, depends on exercise that day. Good luck!

    ps> as others have mentioned, 1000 a day it's all that healthy. Maybe consider around 1200-1400 a day. as the others suggest, basing it on your BMR is a good idea.
  • FitBunnyEm
    FitBunnyEm Posts: 320
    If you want to be successful in your long term weight management, then you need to focus on you and making permanent lifestyle changes you can live with over the long term.

    Losing 4 pounds in 5 days may feel good for now, but what will really matter over time is managing your daily calories intake and exercise day after day, month after month, year after year in a manner that is sustainable. This site is focused on that approach to weight management.
    brill reply, totally agree, change of lifestyle for me, so much happier.
  • Jezebel_Barbie
    Jezebel_Barbie Posts: 198 Member
    sorry your misunderstood i am making this a life style change i understand that and diets do not work i have been there i have only lost that amount because i am very much over weight at 249 and the first few weeks it is expected to see more weight loss than the weeks to come.

    i just was curious to see how others are doing and how they are doing it :)

    The responses you've got are in reaction to how you're approaching it. Re-read the comments then go read the forums (especially the sticky posts at the top).
  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member
    if its working for you then that's gr8,
    I'm staying on between 600 and 900 calories a day Nett as per my doctors recommendations,
    people tell me all the time its not enough but I am sticking to Doctors advice.
    I have plenty of energy and i'm losing weight steadily.

    I could eat 600-900 calories a day and 'it would work' for me. If working means dropping weight then yeah, it would work. If that means being healthy both in the short and long term then no it would'nt work.
  • JenMull44
    JenMull44 Posts: 226 Member
    I am also eating 1200 and exercising around 4-5 days a week. I am always hungry and feel that I ache a lot more know that
    I cut my calories so low. What made you decide to change your calorie intake and did you see a big difference in your energy level ?
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    1000 calories isn't enough, and as most say it isn't sustainable in the long run. For years I'd been eating little calories, was successful at first and lost around 60lbs, when I became too weak to exercise I started gaining even though I was still eating little.

    Since joining this site I've upped my calories, MFP suggests 1380 and I aim for that plus my exercise calories which can sometimes take me up to and over 2000 calories but even though I'm eating more than I have done for years I'm steadily losing, around 2lbs a week on average.
  • still_crafty
    still_crafty Posts: 682 Member
    I've lost 23 pounds since mid January but my biggest changes (which are NSVs) have come in the last 40 days. I've been eating 1700 calories (I am very diligent with logging food & I eat back most, if not all of my exercise calories) and doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. I just started her Ripped in 30 video this week. During this time, I've only lost about 5 of those 23 pounds BUT have lost 6.5 inches and my body fat % has dropped 5.5%. I can visably SEE the changes in the shape of my body in the last month or so. I'm much more focused on what my tape measure tells me than what the scale has to say.

    So, needless to say, I agree with the replies that you've already gotten. You may have lost 5 pounds but it probably wasn't all fat loss. You should be eating your BMR or maybe a couple hundred calories lower to jump start your weight loss but then you need to get yourself on a more permanent "program" of eating (not dieting) and exercise. Eating 1000 cals and doing exercise is going to bite you sooner or later. When I first started, I was trying to eat only 1200 calories a day (net) and doing exercise. After a couple weeks, I had lost quite a lot of weight BUT I felt like crap . . . tired & worn down. So I did a lot of reading on MFP and other places to figure out what I was doing wrong and I realized I wasn't eating enough. If you look around on MFP, there are TONS of threads on this topic with good (and some bad) advice.

    So, for me, eating more is what has worked for me.