Any 5'11 ladies out there?

Hi - what is your goal weight? and where in the world are you?


  • moe5474
    moe5474 Posts: 162
    I'm 5'9 and my goal weight is 136 ( my weight for most of my adult life). Tall girl weight goals are very different than short girl weight goals :)
  • Daytonsmommy
    Daytonsmommy Posts: 162 Member
    I'm 5'11 and my goal weight is around 140ish. I'm currently sitting at 147, which is fine, but I'd like to tone up a little and cut down the body fat. I'm in sunny Florida :happy:
  • karaemoore
    karaemoore Posts: 45 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'11". I started out at 302 in February and am down to 265 as of this morning. I don't really have a set weight in mind where I want to stop, but I figure I'll know when I'm done! I've been a size 18-22 for forever. Now things are starting to fall off. My guess is I stretched them all out at my biggest size. Not really sure what my true size is. Feel free to add me if you want!!
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    I'm 5'10" and my goal weight is 175.
    this is at 299.8 & 237.... So halfway there!
  • Hi Penny, I'm Maggie from Louisville. I am 6 feet and 235 pounds. My goal is 185. Not looking to be skinny anymore, just slimmmer and more tone than I am now. Today is day 1. Wish me luck!!!!!!
  • darylinny
    darylinny Posts: 146
    I'm 5' 11" and my goal weight range is 170 - 175...I started out at 306 lbs and wearing a size 26. I am now 168 lbs! So I've been re-evaluating my ideal range because I'm toning up and losing inches. I live in New York and am currently rocking a size 12!
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    Yeppers. 5'11, SW 190, CW 159, GW, 155.

    I live in Columbus, OH, single professional, 33 years old.
  • TraceyDonna
    TraceyDonna Posts: 60 Member
    Im 5' 11". At my heaviest (around 3 years ago) I was 191lbs and dropped, through Weightwatchers, to 157. Trouble was, as soon as I slacked off from that regime it crept back up, over a year or so, to 177!! After discovering MFP and the Gym, Ive hopefully got a grip on it now and am currently at 155. Im sort of happy at this, but maybe just a couple more off would be nice - to get below the 11 stone mark would be an achievement for me!!!

    Im in rainy Yorkshire, England! x
  • ksavy
    ksavy Posts: 271 Member
    I am between 5'11" and 6' depending on who measures me. SW: 193 CW:185 First Goal: 175 and then possibly down to a final goal weight of 165. I have not been below 170 since I graduated high school, and you can see my ribs at 155 so I know I don't want to go that low. Currently living in Virginia.
  • ElleBee66
    ElleBee66 Posts: 128 Member
    Hi, I am 5'11 (and a bit!), starting weight was 266 - am down to about 214 now and am looking to get to about 180 and see how I feel then. I am 45 and would love to make friends with people of a similar weight/height/age?

    oh, and I am in Ireland.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    I'm 5 10, started at 223, not sure exactly where my goal is but aiming at 180 -- then going to see how I feel and how my fat % is :)
  • JB5349
    JB5349 Posts: 135 Member
    5'11 started at heaviest was 270 now at 224 and hoping to hit between 180-190 but we will see where this journey leads me... living in Toronto Ontario
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Andi, from Boston, 5'11 and hoping to get down to 20-22% bodyfat. Most likely that will put me around 170ish lbs. :smile: with us tall girls, it's ALL relative...
  • MiChaChelle
    MiChaChelle Posts: 125 Member
    im 5'10 and i want to be around 150 lbs.. almost halfway there :)
  • acurtis82
    acurtis82 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, I'm 5'10. Goal weights for tall girls are definitely different than shorter girls!
  • ladyhunter2011
    ladyhunter2011 Posts: 12 Member
    Goal weight as discussed and agreed with my doctor is 180lbs... living in Ontario
  • Cravenamanda
    Cravenamanda Posts: 54 Member
    I am 5' 11" and i live in central Florida:) It is always swim suit season so I am aiming for 155-160 depending on what I see when I get there. I am at 174 now and I still have that gut:(
  • katheharwood
    katheharwood Posts: 25 Member
    Hi there, calling out from St. Louis! I am 5'10". I started out on New Year's Eve at 166 lbs, currently 144, and my goal is between 130-135. My goal also is to feel and be healthy as I train to go back into running. I eat amply and exercise about 3-5 days a week for an hour at a time. Good luck on your venture and have a great day! :)
  • amyunplugged
    amyunplugged Posts: 16 Member
    5'11 here too. Started off around 158 and now at 140 and BMI 19.5, but my goal weight was 142 which is my pre-baby weight. I thought I looked too skinny below 142 but I've gone "clean" and partial paleo and have muscle definition so I'm fine with what my body is doing at this point. And I'm strong for the first time ever :o)

    Maybe we need a tall chick forum?
  • bedeeda
    bedeeda Posts: 21
    I am 5'10", 42 yrs. old, started at 385 lbs (ugh) and am at 363 lbs today. -22 in about 5 weeks. My goal is 240 lbs. I know that sounds high to most of you but I am keeping it realistic from where I am starting. I've been obese my whole adult life, overweight since 12 yrs. old.

    I could use some friends/support on this site! Add me if you're game.

    Good luck!
