lowest calorie Indian vegetarian dishes???

Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
Have to celebrate a friend's birthday tomorrow night & want to keep to my 1200 calories... Any ideas??? :cry:


  • futuresize8
    futuresize8 Posts: 476 Member
    Oh, I have a hard time sticking to my 1200, too! So I am sure to do extra exercise on nights like this so I can have more flexibility...

    That said, I think nan has a good bit of calories, so I'd try to avoid that. Ask if they have any selections that don't include the ghee or are light on it? Maybe a vegetable curry over basmati?

    I am wishing you a wonderful time celebrating your friend's big day! Have fun!
  • newtattie
    newtattie Posts: 47 Member
    Poppadoms instead of starter - each large one is less than 50 calories - have them with yogurt or onion relish instead of sugary chutney.

    For main course avoid coconut based curries - they will be using full fat coconut milk which is laden, choose a tomato based sauce with boiled rice if they do it, or go for a vegetable biryani - you can then use as much or as little of the sauce as you like.

    Have a great time :smile:
  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    Good ideas! Ghee & coconut milk - YIKES!!! Thanks for the warning!!!