Hi! I'm new!

Hello! I am new to MFP and was looking to maybe make some friends. I really like the idea of this site, and though I just started, I have found it very helpful so far.

My name is Kyle and I am a 27 year old female living in upstate New York. Last year I surpassed my previous highest weight and finally decided that I needed a life change, not just a quick fix. I lost 25 lbs over the course of about 5 months, but then began to stagnate. A close friend recommended MFP, and I have to say, I am more excited and optimistic than I have been in a while. I also quit smoking a little over a month ago after being a smoker for more than half my life and I am finding it harder to stay on track.

Every day is a challenge. I think about weight loss several times a day, and I want my life to be more than that. I have a deep desire to be helthier and to return to the confidence level I once had, and was hoping to find some other people who felt the same way.


  • nala0517
    nala0517 Posts: 6
    Hi u can add me for support. First of all I suggest you should keep logging your food, also try to go the healthy route that is what I do but mind you we are human and there are some craving especially with you quiting smoking. I am reading a great book that helps you make a lifestyle change for u plus there is healthy recipes in it. Dont stress to much about losing weight yes we all want to but with disipline, eat the right amount but life doesnt work that way.
  • inked219
    inked219 Posts: 51 Member
    hey - always looking to add new friends. Feel free to add me, I've been pretty active on here for the last couple months.
  • leahalissa
    leahalissa Posts: 88 Member
    I love you. :D
  • leahalissa
    leahalissa Posts: 88 Member
    PS - Post a picture, hooker.
  • 2jayjaysmom
    2jayjaysmom Posts: 248 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    request sent
  • ashleygx26
    ashleygx26 Posts: 140
    Anone on here can feel free to add me! I am also new to MFP. I have lost 40 pounds already, but seem to be stuck trying to get these last 25 pounds off
  • redcut
    redcut Posts: 176
    You may gladly add me I am here everyday i also have quit smoking it has been 5 years and 8 months not a day goes by that I do not remember that struggle I did it cold turkey I learned to take it one day at a time that is my way of thinking for this journey hope your journey goes well.
  • mmacito
    mmacito Posts: 1
    I need help with my eating style. I either binge or fast. Its alters my mood. I don't want to live like this anymore. This is my attempt to eat normal. I used to fast to loose weight. Now I am going to eat to loose weight. Eat right, eat less. I hate to admit this weakness, but I know eventually this will effect my health. And I want to feel good about myself. When I binge I want to stay away and hide. That does not fit in my life style. I am a people person and in a service ministry. And here is the thing. When I eat right, I feel good and am productive. I am hoping myfitnesspal will give me the focus and ability to use food in a normal manner. I am 130lbs and my goal weight is 118lbs. I wish all fellow readers of this chat much success on their program. We only have one body. Its a gift. Lets not destroy it.