Ladies! Birth Control Question!

So, after having to be off of Birth Control for about five years, I have an appointment on Monday morning to talk about going back on it (yay!). I'm looking for some insight on the different types, and what you like best and why. I was on Orthotricylcin-lo for years, and never had a problem with it, but I am slightly concerned about gaining a few pounds from starting it again. Another option in which I'm very interested is an IUD. Anyone have one? I'd love to hear your thoughts and appreciate the insight! :)


  • amandacochran15
    amandacochran15 Posts: 105 Member
    I'm interested in this too. I've tried different types... but you can never tell if the issues are actually bc. I just had my mirena removed (IUD) Husband and I wanted another baby, but now we're not sure... so I am going to go back on soemthing. You read so many horro stories about bc. I personally like Mirena... No periods and no real cramping. I did gain weight but I think that was just me. Because once I started trying, it came off just fine. SO.... I think a non-hormonel one would be ideal?
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    I have Implanon. It's an implant with the exact same hormone as mirena. The only issue I have with it is I got acne. As long as I'm good about keeping my face clean, it's a non-issue. I like not having to worry for 3 whole years! My periods are all over the place, like before I ever used BC. But in general they are shorter and lighter than in recent years. I'll take a whacked out schedule for easier periods though!
  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    I have been on several different types...depo, Seasonale, Orthotricyclen, Yaz, and now I have the Mirena....I love it! It is very expensive, but very worth it. Considering the last time I got pregnant because I couldn't take my pills (long story but the pharmacy closed before I could get there to get my RX), not having to take a pill every day is VERY appealing to me.
    I loved seasonale - I think now they have Seasonique where you only get your period every 3 was great! And Yaz was great too because it helped lighten my periods. I DO NOT recommend the depo shot...for so many reasons. It was awful going off of it...just don't do it.
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    I recently went for a permanent form. I had a procedure called Essure done. They insert spring things into fallopian tubes and scar tissue builds, essentially non surgical tubal ligation. I can't say much about it, the procedure itself was not terrible, not comfortable by any means either. I have to go back after they've been in 3 months to get a test to see if they are fully blocked. As long as it works like it should, I am happy with this. But I have 2 children and both my husband and I have decided that two is enough :)
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I've tried all different types of pills and I swear they made me crazy. I had Mirena implanted after my daughter was born and the first three months SUCKED, but now I don't have to think about it. No side-effects (that I know of) whatsoever.
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,134 Member
    I liked Seasonale a lot - I was considering Mirena... but now I just cross my fingers....
  • MaryDreamer
    MaryDreamer Posts: 439
    Don't do Yaz! I quit taking that one. Now I'm on some low dose pill don't even remember the name of it but I'm good with it. I know I'm alot of help LOL
  • acurtis82
    acurtis82 Posts: 9 Member
    I just had the paraguard (IUD) put in last week. It has no hormones in it, just copper. I was afraid the hormones would offset my weight. So far, I am happy with it! Plus, it is good for 10 years and anytime we want to have another baby (not any time soon lol), they can take it out easy!
  • MissMom85
    MissMom85 Posts: 11
    I recently switched to Nuvaring, and LOVE it! It is so easy and there is no pill everyday to remember. And my periods since the switch have been really light. I had the Mirena as well and liked it, but this is way handier since my husband and I plan on having another baby sometime in the near future.
  • ladykaisa
    ladykaisa Posts: 236 Member
    I was on Tricyclin lo and Yaz over the past few years... as soon as I start my first pack, the weight packs on like no other. Doesn't happen with everyone, though. I found moods more stable on Yaz, but the 20lb gain in less then a year was unacceptable for me. Fiancee and I are just using condoms. I actually find my skin is better acne wise while NOT on OCP as well....
  • kellybean14
    kellybean14 Posts: 237 Member
    I'm on the extended cycle Levlen pill and it's AWESOME! I only get my period once every three months and it didn't make me put on weight.
  • MrsSorenson
    MrsSorenson Posts: 450 Member
    I was on the same Orthotrycyclen-lo for years! Then after I had kids, I would forget to take the pill. I'm not planning on having more kids, but too young for the final surgery. So I am on Mirena and love it. I'm good for 5 years, and I have had no bad side effects. No period since it was put in 3 years ago! I'd say that is a darn perk! :) Good luck on your decision.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Yaz has been a miracle drug for me. I know the risk of blood clots is slightly higher with Yaz (because of the drospirenone) than it is with other oral contraceptives. Although, in truth, ALL hormone-based contraceptives raise your blood clot risk a bit. But, it's the one my doctor recommended for me. I had debilitating PMS before I took Yaz.

    Cramps are gone.
    Ovulation pain is gone.
    Paranoia and depression are gone
    My skin looks flawless
    And... a box of 20 tampons lasts me over a year. My period lasts one day.

    I didn't experience any weight gain, either. I like the way I feel on this pill so much that I have continued to take it even after my husband had his vasectomy.
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 671 Member
    I hated Depo. The Mirena fell halfway out and had to be removed. I'd do the pill, but I have blood clotting issues. I'd say, find a pill that works for you. You might have to try them out for 6 months or so to know if you like them, but I think the pill is the best invention in the course of human history.
  • helenwilliams78
    helenwilliams78 Posts: 46 Member
    I'm on a pill called Microgynon 30 and it's fab! Regular periods with no pain - awesome. I have heard that some people put on weight with it though. I did have an increased appetite at first but knowing what to eat that is healthy and filling helped a lot. (Plus it's free on the NHS in UK!)
  • ChristineMarie89
    ChristineMarie89 Posts: 1,079 Member
    i had merena(IUD) theytell u it only hurts a lil. . . thats a lie. also u will "spot" forever!!! also if u . . . do it. . . and the wire gets hit. . .not pleasant >.> made me gain like crazy and break out too lol ortho(however u spell it)didn't make me gain
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I'll second the no Yaz motion.

    That aside it's hard to say what's best because everyone's different and reacts different. For example I had to switch off the pill form to the Depo Provera shot because not only was I having depression and migraines (one pill even gave me migraines so severe I had to wear sunglasses in any light and while I watched TV or sat at the computer) but it had not regulated my period, which was part of why I was on them to begin with. And personally I couldn't say how good they were working if I was having my period two weeks after the placebo pills. I've heard a lot of bad things about Depo but I haven't had any bad experiences with it but then again I'm not on BC for the no baby aspect, though it helps when I see my boyfriend. I'm on it because I had PMDD, painfully heavy periods, and irregular periods. I only started them when I went two months without a cycle and for a whole month I had the PMDD which usually only lasted two weeks before I started.

    Anyway, since you're up for suggestions I would probably jot down a few mentioned options you want to look in to and discuss it at length with the doctor. Also, do some research at home; look at genuine studies and feedback not just for-women sites that have a bunch of complaints or places like WebMD that can make you think you have cancer if you sneeze too hard. And any type you're given, look up the side effects and monitor yourself after you begin taking it/have it inserted/whatever so you can get an idea of where something may be coming from.
  • mrs_mcd
    mrs_mcd Posts: 6
    I take severe hormonal headaches, the only medication that stops then completely is the combined pill. So for me microgynon is a way of life now. I have tried the mini pill-it made my headaches worse, gave me acne, bloated me and gained weight and turned me into a raging ball of hormones, the mirena coil-made my periods more painful and ended up falling pregnant with it and as for the injection or another implant, well my GP thinks it'll have the same effect on me as the mini pill did.

    I'm very lucky in that the pill for me corrects my unbalanced hormones and whereas when i'm not on the pill i usually gain 7lb at that time of the month, get bad pmt and bloat this all disappears when i'm taking the pill. I think BC is very much a trial and error system as what works for some won't and doesn't work for others. Which ever kind you decide on i would watch carefully for symptoms or side effects and if you're not happy then try something else. Regarding weight, my GP said that if you notice early on after starting BC that you're gaining weight or not losing despite dieting then you'll probably always have problems with weight and that particular form of BC. Some side effects like mood swings can settle down over a few weeks as your body adjusts to it, but weight gain isn't one of these that will settle down.

    Hope that helps a bit. x
    DSCLBD Posts: 40
    Terrible side effects from mirena (whilst I know some have no issue, after all my issues I could not in good conscience ever tell anyone to ever get this, plus there is a class action suit in Canada against the makers and thousands of people suffering from side effects that doctors dont believe to be from this but all my symptoms get better within weeks of having it removed - just google, so many negative reactions!) ... decided to not use any hormone treatment for myself anymore - that means "if it's not on ... it's NOT on!" :laugh: Hubby doesn't care either way and I much prefer not taking the pill or other stuff after bombarding my body with it for over 15 years!

    I actually think that a condom is the best as you know immediately if it breaks but medication and illness can affect the pill even grapefruit if eaten at the same time as taking the pill will stop it working eek!

    Of course you could always be absolutely sure and go celibate :laugh:
  • Mrsfullwood
    Mrsfullwood Posts: 172 Member
    I was on the Depo for about six years and went from a size 10 to a size 18 and I never had a period. I got off of that and was on the patch for about 2 years, I actually liked it because there were no side effects and my period were regular. I gave bc a rest for about 7 years and now I'm on the pill no side effects of the pill either. It helps regulate my cycles and helps with the cramps because I have endometriosis.