Any 5'11 ladies out there?



  • renejtrainer
    renejtrainer Posts: 21 Member
    I'm 5'10. My starting weight was 240 lbs. I'm currently 226 lbs but my goal weight is 170 lbs. I might go to 155lbs once I reach my first goal.
  • MMAQueen
    MMAQueen Posts: 279 Member
    I'm 5'10, maybe 5'10.5 i've weighed between 132 and 190. at 132 i looked absolutely sickly. my goal is to get to 145, which is what i weighed in my profile pic.

    ladies our height probably shouldn't really weigh any less then 140. unless you have no muscle, which is a problem all it's own, or you are only of those lucky people who's skeleton is tiny.
  • iFeelBrandNew
    iFeelBrandNew Posts: 263 Member

    I'm 5'11", started off at around 230. Initially my goal weight was 185... I told myself through the entire journey i would NOT weigh myself... after people started noticing I was dropping pounds I jumped on the scale and lo and behold 174 looked back at me! The lightest I have ever been was 162 (currently sitting at about 170 because I'm a TERRIBLE binge/emotional eater) but SO WANT to be around 155... just to see how my body looks.

    SN: I hate it when I tell people that I want to lose more weight because their initial answer is 'But you look great! You're so tall it would look really bad if you were any skinnier." keep in mind these are the same people that told me i wasnt fat, i carried my weight well ... when i was 230 pounds!

    nice to meet ya'll, from columbia, missouri
  • Bump! I'm very happy to find a group of tall ladies! I am 45, 5'10+ and live in Michigan. I started out at 158 and am now holding steady at 149. I started MFP during Lent to focus on healthy eating and exercising more. Its worked great! I eat much better when I have to write it all down. :)
  • worldhurdler
    worldhurdler Posts: 153 Member
    Hi! I'm 6'0" and currently 166lbs. My HW was 214lbs, and I'm working on getting back down to 160lbs (where I was last October after my triathlon).
    Once I'm back at 160, it's really more about fitness and building muscle for me.
    Dallas, TX is my current homebase.
  • MMAQueen
    MMAQueen Posts: 279 Member

    I'm 5'11", started off at around 230. Initially my goal weight was 185... I told myself through the entire journey i would NOT weigh myself... after people started noticing I was dropping pounds I jumped on the scale and lo and behold 174 looked back at me! The lightest I have ever been was 162 (currently sitting at about 170 because I'm a TERRIBLE binge/emotional eater) but SO WANT to be around 155... just to see how my body looks.

    SN: I hate it when I tell people that I want to lose more weight because their initial answer is 'But you look great! You're so tall it would look really bad if you were any skinnier." keep in mind these are the same people that told me i wasnt fat, i carried my weight well ... when i was 230 pounds!

    nice to meet ya'll, from columbia, missouri

    omg i have the same thing!! "you couldn't possibly weight 145 and be healthy" "you look great the way you are" GRRRR!!!

    taller people do carry excess weight better, because it is more spread out, but it doesn't change the fact that at my current weight, according to bmi, and my weigh scales body fat calculator, i'm over weight.
  • dozier00
    dozier00 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Ladies! I'm 5'10 SW 315 CW 242 GW 175. My goal weight may change but as for right now I think 170ish would be ideal.
  • AlicynH
    AlicynH Posts: 201 Member
    I live in Utah. My SW was 396 six years ago. I did have gastric bypass and lost 160 but ended up gaining back 60 of it. I started watching what I was eating and have now lost those 60 lbs again. I am currently sitting at 240 and my goal weight is 170.
  • I'm 5 '10' and my weight goal is 154. The lowest I have ever been in my life was 138 lbs., but i didn't look very good at that weight so i will be happy with 154 which is where i look best at.
  • Sepheara
    Sepheara Posts: 208 Member
    hey :D

    I'm 5' 10.5'' and my doc wants to see me at 150lbs. However I am aiming for 170, honestly as long as I get under 200 and can hold steady I think I'll be happy, and much healthier then I am now :) You can always re-*kitten* the situation.
  • laura502
    laura502 Posts: 3
    DC-area TallGirl here! I'm 5'11"... Started out near 270 last year. Down to 240 now. Aiming for the 150 range, but we'll see how it goes (I cant' remember when I was that small!)

    I'd love to have some tall friends on the journey. Feel free to add me! :)
  • kdruga
    kdruga Posts: 35
    I'm 5'10" and my HW was 222 when I started MFP. I'm at about 188 right now and not sure how low to go. My original GW was 160, but I might be okay with something around 170. I just want to start toning and being a bit less lumpy! And I'm from Pittsburgh. Go Steelers!
  • reignjonas
    reignjonas Posts: 26 Member
    I'm 5'10" and starting at 285 pounds. My goal weight is 160 - 170, depending on how I look and feel once I get to that point. I have a large frame, and I feel like I might look too thin at anything less than 160. Idk though, I've been heavy my entire adult life. We'll see, I guess. :)

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like!
  • AmandaK3
    AmandaK3 Posts: 80
    YAY for tall girls!

    I'm 5'11 CW 226, GW about 185. I'm not too sticky about my weight though, for me it's more about fitness. I just want to feel good in that regard again. At about 185 I'm a size 10/12, and more than happy with that.

    I have a fairly large frame, but I have friends around the same height that have much smaller bone structure and they look great and are very healthy at 145lbs.
  • suzystar79
    suzystar79 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'10 and was 196lbs at my heaviest (bmi of 28.12). Am currently 186lbs. Have a target of 174lbs which would put me into the 'normal weight' category, then a longer term goal of 155lbs. I quite broad in my build so don't think I would suit being any lighter than that.
  • idziak04
    idziak04 Posts: 69
    Hi ladies! I am 5'10 and my SW was 174. My CW is 166 and my goal weight is 150. I live in Michigan.
  • Finally! It is so nice to find validation that my goals are not out to lunch!
    I am 5'10 SW 306: CW: 249.8 First Goal: 200
    feels like a loooooooong way. I am hoping that after I prove to myself that I can handle that then it will click even more.
    Ultimate Goal I am thinking between 175 and 185.
  • malayabee
    malayabee Posts: 30
    5'10", currently 205, with a goal weight of about 150. I'm in Kansas City, MO.

    I weighed 135-140 in high school, and the pictures make me cringe. I look emaciated. :P

    Hoping 150 will be a good "stopping point", if I can ever get down there! It seems so far away sometimes.
  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    I'm 5'11" and my starting weight was 196. I'm now at 177 lb and I don't want to drop below 163-165 lb (that's when I remember feeling balanced between having curves and being trim). I'm really aiming to be between a size 8 and 10 and being strong and fit, rather than a number on a scale.

    And there is a tall girl forum:

    I'm in Denver metro area in Colorado. Feel free to friend me!
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    Halfway between 5'10" and 5"11" here, but I round up. :) I have a goal size and measurements instead of a goal weight, but I want to get back to a size 6 and know from experience that I need to be in the 150 range to do so. Currently, I'm 175 (at least the last time I weighed in February) and a kinda loose 12/slightly too tight 10. I have a small frame and 175 is too much. I even developed a small double chin when I drifted into the 170s. Ugh. Talk about motivation to stop being lazy.