Body Revolution Diet

So I started Body Revolution today. The first workout was great, not too hard but still very challenging. After being on this site for over a year I was VERY surprised to see Jillian's diet. Regardless of how you work out you eat 1100-1200 calories a day. She offers a "kick start your metabolism" for the first week. This is where you will do the "normal routine" Strength front or back or cardio in the morning and then add cardio every night. The diet for the first week is 1100 calories. I have also come to the determination that I really dislike greek yogurt, but I am still eating it. This is a life change for me.


  • julsinfinite
    Hi Corrinne,

    Surprise, we are starting Body Revolution around the same time! I start my workouts on Sundays and end on Saturdays with a Rest Day. I just finished the second day today. I am super elated over this because its so energizing a workout. There are so many more people in there now, and they have good rapport, and I love the music.

    I do not have that much weight to lose, and I am more of a yo-yo dieter recycling the same 20 pounds for the past years. I am a victim of emotional eating and a stressful lifestyle and am seeking to end this once and for all. I've done her 30 Day Shred and Ripped in 30 with success but I have reached a plateau. I am looking forward to Body Revolution to turn this around for me.

    I have always had good experiences with Jillian Michaels DVDs and have done her 30 Day Shred and Ripped in 30 DVDs which I absolutely love. However, I have reached a plateau and am hoping that Body Revolution will turn this back up for me. I love that she includes a meal plan, which I am thrilled to get into.

    If you are interested in following my journey, I have created a blog which I will be posting to daily describing how I prepare the meals (I will attempt to cook right out of her Fat Burning Meal Plan book and will be following her 7-Day Kickstart as well), and detailing my progress with the entire 90 days of workouts.

    Here is my blog-

    Hope to see you there! I love encouraging others and hope to inspire you towards your goals as your inspire me.
  • julsinfinite
    The diet for the first week is 1100 calories. I have also come to the determination that I really dislike greek yogurt, but I am still eating it. This is a life change for me.

    Yes, its life changing for me too! Greek yogurt -- I happenned to really like it before she made me buy the 0% fat version. The 2% fat version wasnt as sour? ironic, ay? but I think its also because she has just put 0 sugars into it, which is the tough part. I used to put in agave syrups and fruits and whatever I liked which made it even better than a regular yogurt! However----with her recipe this week (the heaps of cinnamon and almonds) , I just accept that its good for me and guess what? After 3 hours I am still not hungry. I stare back at that thing and go, how on earth did this little cup fill me up so good?
    So there, I am sold.

  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    Is this a one size fits all program?
  • julsinfinite
    Is this a one size fits all program?

    I certainly was thinking that aloud before I got it, because it does not seem to have a lot of description on their website. So I emailed customer service twice asking them the same. As I did not have more than 20 pounds to lose and have been regularly exercising I wanted to make sure that this program tailors to me as well. They assured me that it is suitable for me because the workouts can be modified to suit whatever fitness level you are at. I was skeptical but bought it anyway. When I saw the video and did the workouts, I figured they were right. There are people in there who do more advanced stuff, some who do not do that, and still, if you are not able to keep up, then don't , just work up to it. I ended up not even trying t the advanced version coz it was adequate for me not to. Its enough of a workout, thank you very much ;_) The food part of it was even better coz it forced me to change my lifestyle, which is what I need and I think everyone** needs which is why we are here. The workouts are nothing if you are not committed to change the way you live and eat.

    Well, if you are still on the fence, hop on over to my blog to see how I do it everyday to get a better idea! I am following the program very closely and detail everything I do so hopefully it will be helpful for you.
