Daily Meal Ideas

Hey Ya'll,
I've been told that I'm not eating enough calories. Can I have some suggestions of healthy ways to increase my calories. I have been tired and sluggish because I don't think I'm eating enough and I don't want to eat junk. I just need some help.

P.S-I'm a school teacher so I can't eat all day in front of the kids


  • sebmsu
    sebmsu Posts: 26
    Hey Ya'll,
    I've been told that I'm not eating enough calories. Can I have some suggestions of healthy ways to increase my calories. I have been tired and sluggish because I don't think I'm eating enough and I don't want to eat junk. I just need some help.

    P.S-I'm a school teacher so I can't eat all day in front of the kids
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    chocolate milk?
    whole wheat bread?
    low fat cream cheeses?
    deli meats...
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    almonds, yogurt, avocado slices, banana, ahh, whole wheat pretzels, any fruit, mini carrots, pea pods.
    Cheese cubes or string cheese.

    ahh, that's top of my head. There are lots more but those are all healthy and good as snacks.
  • Pom_love_2
    Hey Ya'll,
    I've been told that I'm not eating enough calories. Can I have some suggestions of healthy ways to increase my calories. I have been tired and sluggish because I don't think I'm eating enough and I don't want to eat junk. I just need some help.

    P.S-I'm a school teacher so I can't eat all day in front of the kids

    Banks posted this very informative link, after reading it, my comment is, what's wrong with teaching the kids how to eat healthier by snacking on good foods? Good chance to set an example? I was thinking today how sad that our educational system is sorely lacking in teaching our kids healthy eating habits....I always hated the fact that they only have a short time to eat their lunch and have to gobble the food. At least they improved on the quality of the food.
  • briblue72
    briblue72 Posts: 672 Member
    Here in NV, the kids get reheated, frozen "meals" for lunch. The only fresh choice on their menu are apple slices. But there is no nutrition "enforcement" to make sure the kids eat the only healthy thing. The meals are literally frozen pizza, ham and cheese sandwiches, tacos, etc. that come in saran wrapped boxes and are put into giant microwaves. I don't think the quality of school meals have improved down here...
  • Helawat
    Helawat Posts: 605 Member
    That's the problem...Clark County School District is so freaking large, distributors sell cost efficient food to the school district.

    Food at the high school level isn't great either. Granted, they pulled soda and really fatty snacks from the lunch lines, but they don't offer the best choices. During my student teaching, I couldn't believe what the kids were putting into their mouths.
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    In our state ketchup is considered a vegetable.. or at least it ws when i was still in school.

    We had the option of a salad bar, but it cost like 5$ for a salad whereas the 'normal' school lunch cost a dollar and 20 cents.
  • BlazinEmerald
    Here in Canada where I live , there are no "school lunches" like there is in the states. I remember when I was in school , when I lived in Tennessee it was the same thing every week ( Mon- burger, tues-chilli, wed-chicken burger, thurs- beef stew, friday-pizza) Here the kids have to pack and bring a lunch, which are monitored by the school , no junk food allowed, not so much as a fruit roll up, and the kids get an hour lunch recess. On an average day my son takes 1 water bottle, 1 juice, fruit cup/pudding/or yougurt/apple sauce, sandwhich or crackers/cheese/lunch meat, the most unhealthy thing he is allowed are teddy gramhs or bear paws , which I dont mind him having cause he only likes oatmeal or banana bread, and some baby carrots or celery stick. But this has been the case since he started school.

    No cakes ,no cookies, no fruit snacks (gummies), fruit roll ups, no pop are allowed and they do inforce it. they also have healthy snacks at the school to provide to the kids with hard headed parents lol.
  • BlazinEmerald
    Also forgot to add out kids are given morning recess, lunch recess, and afternoon recess this allows them to snack thruout the day like we do and the school encourages it. I think every school should be like this just my opinion. ya know how some people keep a candy dish on their desk , maybe you can keep a fruit dish. it'd be worth it that way you can snack as needed and maybe the kids can bring their own fruit snack to contribute to the bowl. Dunno how hard this would be to do in your school district...
  • Pom_love_2
    Wow, sounds like Canada is the place to send kids to school for healthy eating habits! I don't know about the offerings in different states in the U.S., but I spoke with my sons middle school cafeteria manager and she explained to me that the reason schools differ in what they offer the kids depends on how lazy or considerate the cafeteria manager is. The government offers great foods, but the managers don't like to bother with ordering (it's easier to order the same thing every week), or preparing the more labor intensive meals, or to offer more of a variety because it takes more work....she was wonderful and the kids had at least 4-5 choices of main dishes as well as a salad bar that included protein food as well. The meals were all the same price, about $2.45 without extra food added I believe, thankfully we had the free lunch program though.

    The problem is with only a half hour lunch, till he stood in the long line, he'd only have 10-15 minutes to eat. He would come home with juice or milk and crackers or cookies that he didn't have time to finish stuffed in his pockets (which he wasn't supposed to do because there are rules that no food can leave the cafeteria, it must be thrown out).
  • LokiFae
    LokiFae Posts: 774 Member
    Canada sounds awesome!!! I think we'll have to move up there before my son starts school.