Still confused about net cal etc.

Hi all, I am very new to this and have been reading all of the posts reference eating back exercise calories etc. and am somewhat embarrassed to say that I am still confused. My daily calorie # is 1200, my BMR is 1447 and I earn 280 of exercise cals per day. Should I be eating a total of 1447 cals per day (my BMR) or 1480 cals per day (1480 - exercise of 280 = 1200). Also on days where I don't exercise should I be at 1200 or my BMR of 1447? HELP please!


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    you will be confused because people on hear are peddling at least three different approaches. I'm beginning to think the sole purpose of this forum is to confuse the hell out of everyone.

    If you want to follow what the site is trying to do, you put in your exercise and it increases your calorie goal accordingly.

    Eat what it says.

    That's it. You'll eat more if you exercise more.

    Other postings about eat your BMR or 20% deficits or fat2 fit or other ideas du jour are different, so you won't be able to reconcile what they say with what MFP does.
  • Hi all, I am very new to this and have been reading all of the posts reference eating back exercise calories etc. and am somewhat embarrassed to say that I am still confused. My daily calorie # is 1200, my BMR is 1447 and I earn 280 of exercise cals per day. Should I be eating a total of 1447 cals per day (my BMR) or 1480 cals per day (1480 - exercise of 280 = 1200). Also on days where I don't exercise should I be at 1200 or my BMR of 1447? HELP please!

    I can tell you what I'm doing and maybe it will help with the numbers some. My BMR is 1,321 and I am moderately active so my TDEE is 2,047. I deducted 20% from the 2,047 to get my goal of eating 1,638 calories. I don't eat my exercise calories using this method unless I burn a lot and my net goes below the 1,321 BMR.

    Yes, you will get different approaches here since the BMR/TDEE kind of doesn't follow the "eat back your exercise calories" MFP approach. My opinion is that our BMR is what our bodies need just to run all of our basic organs/systems and we shouldn't eat below that. You will still lose fat eating above your BMR (as long as you are below your TDEE) because you are at least somewhat active throughout the day burning calories.
  • jasper186
    jasper186 Posts: 134 Member
    Thank you, I'm still getting used to "eat to lose" concept, but I think I have it now.:happy: