A little discouraged

So, I was doing so well for a while, down 14lbs! Then something happened and the scale is creeping up again. I need motivation. My husband, kids, and I are going on vacation at the end of July. Our first real vacation, ever. I want to feel good when we go. I go back and forth feeling like I am failing. Grrrr.


  • HeatherNoyes
    HeatherNoyes Posts: 114 Member
    I think you should look at cutting out any added sugar possible, start eating as many fruits and veggies as you can stomach and post a picture of where your going for vacation on your fridge, in your wallet or make it your wallpaper on your phone. Think of this as the final stretch. The next few months stay positive, drink a lot of water, surround yourself with people who are motivating, and then, when on vacation, I think you should be able to eat what you want.
  • HeatherNoyes
    HeatherNoyes Posts: 114 Member
    I also looked through your diary, and for me, Soda is a huge enemy. Every time I have dieted, I thought as long as I tracked the soda and it was within my ranges then I could have it, but I would also be at a stand still weight loss wise and sometimes it would go up, even with exercise and watching my calories. As soon as I cut out regular soda, immediately see a loss. I even avoid the diet as much as I can because it isn't really any better. Maybe try replacing the soda with Crystal light or those Mio flavor enhancers, I love this. And giving up soda is hard ( I am a pepsi addict, lol) but I bet you will see a difference. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!
  • mommanurse33
    mommanurse33 Posts: 189 Member
    Thank you for your motivation, friend. :) I am a BIG mountain dew addict. LOL. I was doing really well for a while.:noway:
  • HeatherNoyes
    HeatherNoyes Posts: 114 Member
    I know the struggles of soda addiction.....Pepsi was HARD to give up. :laugh:
  • kdiddygreen
    pepsi and all carbonated beverages was a struggle for me - I tried selzer type stuff but blah. I stopped buying it and have made it something I have when I am out at a restaurant or at a party. it is no eliminated completely but definately restricted. Not sure if that helps but I have turned to crystal light and vitamin water zero - love them both and there is alot of variety.
  • Justice2012
    Justice2012 Posts: 84 Member
    The same thing happened to me. I lost a total of 13 pounds, then I started gaining back the weight (poor diet again). So I slowly starting being MIA from this site, thinking I was a failure etc. So then I fell "off the wagon," so to speak, and now I am back again and I have lost a total of 7 pounds. So my advice is to plow through it, dig your heels in the sand and move past this temporary setback. Learn from me...you don't want to have to do it all over again do you? YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!

    Whatever you do, STAY ON THIS SITE!!!!!
  • cecimaguina
    cecimaguina Posts: 81 Member
    Soda is definitely a big no; it really helps to see what others are eating to realize what you could be doing "not so right". I'm also reading a lot about motivational books to stay on track, and they're really helping too.
    Don't loose focus! there're a bunch of us encouraging you here and your family is the best motivation. Try to write down (on an actual piece of paper) why you're doing this, your short and long term goals - the book I'm reading even says you can change them every time you need to. Put them on a place where you can be reminded every time your big WHY and get your answers there.
    It helps you to keep focus and don't loose track.
    This is the first time in my life I'm doing this for ME, no one else; and just like the commercial......BECAUSE YOU'RE SO WORTH IT!
    Keep it up girl, 1 pound down will make that difference!!!!
  • cecimaguina
    cecimaguina Posts: 81 Member
    BTW the book I'm reading now is called "Build your mind, your body will follow"; my next one will be "Excuses be gone: how to change lifelong, self-defeating thinking habits" and one a good friend recommended me is "It's not about the bike: my journey back to life" by Lance Armstrong (he found this one very motivational because of the fight against cancer Lance Armstrong had and still was able keep riding his bike and staying strong.
    Now that I surf through those books I had no idea there were so many of them! Just the fact of reading them every time I can is a constant reminder of my goals and what I want to accomplish from this experience. It's definitely a journey and a long one!, but you're not alone!