looking for full-time mom friends...add me please :)



  • SAHM here too (with the occasional sub teaching here and there). 2 boys 11 & 8. STILL trying to lose the baby weight from the 8 year old. How embarrassing is that?? :blushing: Feel free to add me, I LOVE this site and the motivation I get from it. Something is FINALLY working! :)
  • petraann
    petraann Posts: 20 Member
    Hello there. I am right with you. Three kids keep me busy all day long. It has been a struggle finding that time for me. If I do not arise early to exercise it never seems to find its way into the day. But mornings are hard when you have been up with a little one. Regardless that makes the weight loss extra challenging. I am so close to my goal, 16 give or take pounds left to go. I would like to reach my goal by early August. Let's work on this together.
  • mmsilvia
    mmsilvia Posts: 459 Member
    I am a full time mom & I work full time out of the house. It's a balancing act but, once you the perfect balance you will be amazed what you can accomplish. Although, am still trying to find my perfect balance...one day at a time :smile:

    Please feel free to add me for support.
  • mandamommy3
    mandamommy3 Posts: 297 Member
    Totally relate here, I've got 3 under 5yrs. I tried all last year to get my but in gear, start and stop with diet and exercise, but only manged to lose 16lbs last year. This is my year though, I'm in a groove and am getting it done. I'm still being the best Mom I can be, but I am learning to make time for me too. Luckily we haven't had many sick spells here though.
    Feel free to add me.
  • Klem4
    Klem4 Posts: 399 Member
    Hello! I am a SAHM as well, I have a almost 5 yr old and a 2 yr old. We continually go through the sick-not sick cycle. ahhhh. Feel ya there. Feel free to add me! :) anyone on this thread as well!
    I don't know if you go to a gym or not, but we joined the ymca, and its a lifesaver, otherwise i probably would not be working out as much. I love going to the gym for 'me' time, even if I am sweating my butt off. :)
  • gerla_k
    gerla_k Posts: 495 Member
    Hi, I have a 2 year old and SAHM myself ;)) sending you request:flowerforyou:
  • AmberFaith90
    AmberFaith90 Posts: 904 Member
    I'm a stay-at-home mom to my little girl, Isabella. She just turned 2 last Thursday! I'd love have more mommy friends on here, so feel free to add me! I love motivating and supporting my pals!
  • KLD81230
    KLD81230 Posts: 29 Member
    Everyone here can add me as well!

    I am a SAHM momma of three kiddos who all just recently turned 2, 4 and 6!

    I also am a childbirth educator (Hypnobabies), doula and co-owner of a timber frame construction company. So needless to say, that all adds up to too many hours in a day!

    I get up at 5:15 to get to the gym in time to be back home while the kiddos are eating breakfast (thanks to my awesome husband). I have also been taking my two youngest to the babysitting room at the gym in the day while my oldest is in kindergarten if I missed my morning work-out. I am running the Colorado Warrior Dash this summer, which will be my first 5K. 4 months ago I couldn't run more than 2 minutes without feeling like I was doing to die, but now I try to get in at least 1.5 miles every day after my morning spin classes.

    I have about 30 pounds to lose and the weight is coming off VERY slowly - I think I am still very unclear about the BMR, TDEE, NET, etc... part of MFP, so maybe that has somethign to do with it? I have been a vegetarian for 20 years, but the beer in college and such hit me hard. Plus, the three pregnancies took a huge toll on my body. I was never skinny, but things never even remotely went back to how they were before my babes.

    I tried WW for awhile, but couldn't stick with it.

    I'd love some momma friends on here in a similar situation! :)
  • Im a stay at home Mom and trying to lose 15-20 pounds by summer. Add me please, it always helps to have friends in the same boat, lol. Plus Ive seen alot of ppl that have lost alot of weight in a couple months Id LOVE to know your tips!
  • Iansmommy123011
    Iansmommy123011 Posts: 872 Member
    I am a mom here and a new mom. My son is 3 months, will be 4 months next Monday. Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • channyne
    channyne Posts: 13 Member
    I'm a SAHM too with a hubby that travels for work 10-20 days a month... it's hard no doubt when they are pulling you in all directions. But we can do it... 1lbs at a time.

    My children are 3, 4, 7 and 17. (and nope, the 17 year old is NOT a 'big' help.... haha!)

    I too am looking for other Mom's who struggle with the balance so please, feel free to add me.
  • Denise6914
    Denise6914 Posts: 176
    Sending you a friend request. It's definitely hard to find time for yourself with kids involved. I have 3 children under 7 years old and work 45 hours per week. I try to incorporate them into my workouts. The oldest two love to play Just Dance on the Wii with me, and if we go walking, I keep them from getting bored by playing "Red light, Green light" with them.
  • M2DandA
    M2DandA Posts: 12
    I hear ya! I'm a single mom to 3 yr old twins and work full-time. Still workout when I'm dead tired!!
  • hi, im a mum of 2, work part time and a part time carer for my nan. I recently joined MFP, loving it, but also looking for friends to keep me going and share ideas. Feel free to add me if you want.xx