New to this site

been using this site for about a week.A friend recommended it. It has helped me to be more aware of what I put in my body and exercising. But consistency is still a problem. I have taken up kayaking and I really enjoy it. I went for a run/walk this morning. My goal is get into running. I used to do it when I was young and enjoyed it a lot. Hope I can keep it up.


  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    you can. just stick to it, and you will be running in no time
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP, the best website ever!!!! You will love it here if you don't already. I :heart: this site. It is so motivational, supportive, helpful, easy to use, and everyone here is so nice and friendly. I just wanted to wish you a lot of success on your weight loss journey. You can do this!!!! :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • cboehm
    cboehm Posts: 462 Member
    Welcome!! this site really does help to keep you motivated and on track - Best of luck
  • Scottslass
  • kermiefan
    I'm new, too! Hi! :flowerforyou: