10lbs by end of May

Hi everyone,

I am, probably like everyone else, not looking forward to summer. I have many a trips away, a few weddings to attend and just generally less clothing to wear (ha!) and want to look and feel my best. I've recently gained back about 10lbs and feel like crapola. I know I feel better when I eat well and exercise, so just trying to get back into the swing of things.

Really want to push myself and stay on track with the diet for the whole month of May (well, starting today, but we'll just say May for the fun of it). I dont have any issues with making myself exercise or whatever, I love to run and do spin classes, makes me feel great. My problem is eating.. I eat, a lot.. a lot a lot. I cant do the whole moderation thing. I eat one bad thing and just spiral out of control until everything in the fridge is gone. I love junk food. Yum. Thinking about it now is not the best idea..

What really helps, apart from all the usual tips and tricks (drink water, keep busy, think about your dream body/goal weight) is the unconditional lovely support from MFP friends!

Sooooo what I was thinking / wondering was if anyone wants to join me on my crazy May challenge / deadline, I think I'm pretty supportive and motivating, would love to help someone reach their goals if you'll help me stay on track!

Just an idea, please add me if you have a deadline by end of May too :) got the idea from another discussion about a group, but it was closed by the time I saw it, and I dont know how to create / maintain a group, this just seem easier to me lol.



  • madc91
    madc91 Posts: 14 Member
    I would absolutely be down for that! I think it's doable!
  • yay! i'm excited
  • Count me in ;)...
  • tprice916
    tprice916 Posts: 22
    I just added you from the other Intro Board you did but I am also trying to get down 10 lbs (since I lost 2) by the end of May. My husband and I are going on a mini-moon and I need to be bikini ready!
  • terryjo623
    terryjo623 Posts: 101 Member
    Well I would love to give it a go also.
    sw 236 on april 25th
  • scrach
    scrach Posts: 19 Member
    Definitely!! Had a looong plateau, mostly due to losing momentum and falling off the wagon. 10lbs in a month sounds like a good challenge, count me in!
  • LBash03
    LBash03 Posts: 72
    I'm in! I have a wedding to go to at the end of July and my husbands ex-girlfriend is on of the brides (my new sister in law) bridesmaids! I think I have some good motivation to lose the weight!
  • kathdoud
    kathdoud Posts: 1
    I'm definitely in, my problem with trying to lose weight was always due to being not motivated enough, but if i'm in a challenge with other people and they are starting to lose weight that gives me the extra push to prove to them that I can do it too.
  • FoodieGal09
    FoodieGal09 Posts: 198 Member
    I'm in. I have a wedding on June 2nd, and I want to lose 10lbs by then to fit into a size 12.
    I suppose I'm going more by measurements though, I need to lose 4 inches off my bust, 2 inches off my waist and five inches off my hips.
    I'm definitely giving it a bash though and having a bit of support/motivation can't hurt!
  • tia1908
    tia1908 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm so in...I recently had a baby and am trying to jump start my weight lose as soon as possible. I have multiple weddings to attend and will not have anything to wear unless I start shedding the pounds lol
  • merilewa
    merilewa Posts: 19 Member
    I am with you in the May challenge. I have some weddings and events to go to. I am graduating in August. I want so bad to be down. I want to do 10 pounds per month till then.

    I feel you when you say you ♥ junkfood...cause I do to. I can never stop at one chip...never. It begins an endless spiral for me as well.

    We can do this. I have more than 10 to lose, but this will be a great start for me. Good luck!
  • nightsrainfall
    nightsrainfall Posts: 244 Member
    I'll try for it. :-)
  • Im totally in with you ! i think it is a do able goal for me to reach :) !!!!!!! Yeah cant wait to hear everyones success on this !!!
  • FitnessDivaK
    FitnessDivaK Posts: 180 Member
    Just sent you a friend request! Also, you may want o look into this group: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/5186-may-s-challenge

    It's all about support and motivation as ppl strive for their goals in May :-)
  • Would love to lose the weight too..so count me in. The problem i always face when i start a diet is the hunger and therefore not being able to exercise..beside i lack motivation and comfort eat.. i'm 5' 9" and weighing 71 kg i'd love to be 60 kg..sigh lol
  • kimberlydawn36
    kimberlydawn36 Posts: 35 Member
    Count me in too!!!!!
  • IamL
    IamL Posts: 69 Member
    I'd like to join, too. I think this will be good. :D
  • I'm in as well, is this where the group will meet? When are the weigh ins?
  • dinnae
    dinnae Posts: 28
    i'm in like flynn! ;) i just wish we could check the groups and forums on the app... grrrr... lol
  • runmybunsoff
    runmybunsoff Posts: 224 Member
    i'll do it too. woot!