Trying this out - hope I can stick to it!

Hi ya'll, I'm new to this site, but not new to the weight-loss game... I'm 37 years old and have a 9 month old son. I've been on Weight Watchers, Atkins, Southbeach, etc over the past 10 years. Just haven't had much motivation and always end up going back to my horrible eating patterns. I'm an emotional eater with a killer sweet tooth. It's a shame, but at least I can acknowledge that I have no willpower when it comes to desserts/candy/cookies... I just CANNOT have it around me or I am doomed... So here I am with another try at losing. I've already got a good exercise program and am sticking to it, so that should help. Just hoping to be able to cope with stress and cravings in another way. My goal is to drink a lot more water - I know I don't drink enough, and to cut out the snacking. I'd love to hear from others that are facing the same challenges as I am an make a few friends along the "weigh"... LOL

I have about 25 lbs to lose to get to my goal weight. I would like to have another baby soon and need to be in the best shape possible so I don't have to deal with GD again. I really want to be healthy and have a long life for my kids.


  • 180farm
    180farm Posts: 230
    Feel free to add me. Everyone's losses are extremely motivating. I try to enter everything I eat so I always think twice before putting something in my mouth. I keep an open food diary so I know anyone else can see what kind of choices I'm making.
  • bythebay831
    welcome :) i am also in the same spot you are in with always going back to the bad eating habits. But i was told my a trainer then when you start off one day a week give your self a cheat day eat a cookie or a piece of pie, you still dont want to over it but it is ok to give yourself that treat. and allow this for about a month then slowly work away from it. break it down to a treat every 2 weeks and so on, it good to reward yourself and give yourself a award of all the hard work you are doing. and good lucy :)