What have you overheard at the gym...



  • Nu_Mel
    Nu_Mel Posts: 48
    I have 2 favourite girls that go to my gym. Never a week goes by without entertainment from them. I've heard them comment on the amount of sweat I must be producing to have that big sweat patch all the way down my back after a 20 min run on the treadmill, I mean gross who would want to work that hard to get sweaty like that, it's disgusting :ohwell:

    Then there's the loud conversation about how wonderful one of the boyfriends is for 'allowing' her time to go to gym, while he's home getting tea organised, hopefully it will be KFC like last week. Then the whingeing about the lack of results they are getting, whilst organising a playdate with the kids at McD's, cos they deserve a treat for all the hard work they do.

    They really do make my day when they are there lol
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I have 2 favourite girls that go to my gym. Never a week goes by without entertainment from them. I've heard them comment on the amount of sweat I must be producing to have that big sweat patch all the way down my back after a 20 min run on the treadmill, I mean gross who would want to work that hard to get sweaty like that, it's disgusting :ohwell:

    Then there's the loud conversation about how wonderful one of the boyfriends is for 'allowing' her time to go to gym, while he's home getting tea organised, hopefully it will be KFC like last week. Then the whingeing about the lack of results they are getting, whilst organising a playdate with the kids at McD's, cos they deserve a treat for all the hard work they do.

    They really do make my day when they are there lol

    They commented on the amount of sweat YOU produce? That's just rude!
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I have 2 favourite girls that go to my gym. Never a week goes by without entertainment from them. I've heard them comment on the amount of sweat I must be producing to have that big sweat patch all the way down my back after a 20 min run on the treadmill, I mean gross who would want to work that hard to get sweaty like that, it's disgusting :ohwell:

    Then there's the loud conversation about how wonderful one of the boyfriends is for 'allowing' her time to go to gym, while he's home getting tea organised, hopefully it will be KFC like last week. Then the whingeing about the lack of results they are getting, whilst organising a playdate with the kids at McD's, cos they deserve a treat for all the hard work they do.

    They really do make my day when they are there lol

    Oh lordy! I would definitely be amused by that too! I look like a wreck when I leave the gym! I'm sure they'd have plenty to say about my sweaty shirts
  • emgawne
    emgawne Posts: 265 Member
    normally i have headphones in so i dont hear anything, but last week i forgot them and i got to hear the people next to me plan out their dinner to get mexican food and margaritas (my fav!!) the entire time i was sweating my *kitten* of on the treadmill. pretty sure i was drooling. haha.
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    If I'm not at work or around my mom, I curse like a cranky sailor.:embarassed: I honestly think it is silly for people to get offended by "bad" words. They are just words. But, some people do. Ce'st la vie. :indifferent:

    When I used to go to a gym, mostly I overheard *kitten*-metal blaring from headphones. :sick:
  • stewsh
    stewsh Posts: 18 Member
    Was at a "class" at the gym, we were positioned in the middle of the room on the floor doing out thing and these two women were complaining about how we shouldn't be in the middle of the floor. And another guy throwing a fit because he had to walk around us. My instructor was ticked, but professional, about how we pay our fees and have the right to work out whatever way we want to.

    Also heard two ladies yelling at people to be quiet. The response was "It's a gym, get over it"

    Angry sweaty people are everywhere!:explode:
  • Karalopolous
    I overheard a mom in the bathroom slapping her child :(
    I was going to say something, but it stopped before I could leave the stall. Really? IN the bathroom at the gym??
  • Vespyr
    Vespyr Posts: 111 Member
    My gym is populated by hormone crazed teenage boys...they mostly talk about their trucks and getting drunk. Last night the subject was how out of shape the girls in their class are.
    One guy once said something like "can't work out my legs cause of the b1tches in here" I was the only one in there besides his 2 friends. Apparently my use of the swiss ball was upsetting to him. /shrug
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    If I'm not at work or around my mom, I curse like a cranky sailor.:embarassed: I honestly think it is silly for people to get offended by "bad" words. They are just words. But, some people do. Ce'st la vie. :indifferent:

    When I used to go to a gym, mostly I overheard *kitten*-metal blaring from headphones. :sick:
    I'm not offended. I just think it's boorish, like ripping a fart or picking your nose in public.
  • totallytasha
    totallytasha Posts: 134 Member
    If I'm not at work or around my mom, I curse like a cranky sailor.:embarassed: I honestly think it is silly for people to get offended by "bad" words. They are just words. But, some people do. Ce'st la vie. :indifferent:

    When I used to go to a gym, mostly I overheard *kitten*-metal blaring from headphones. :sick:
    I'm not offended. I just think it's boorish, like ripping a fart or picking your nose in public.

    Agree. Lack o class.
  • sailorsiren13
    Wow i could go off on this topic for hours but to hit the highlights...caught some young men checking out my boobs and butt ....hand gestures and all pretty bad when you can hear them over your headphones. Haven't seen them since.
    Young ladies talking about why would you want to sweat ?(in full makeup of course) when their are so many handsome pilots running around while most of the people there are busting their butts working up a mighty fine sweat...
    The TOM conversations or the Menopause conversations
    Little Johnny potty training....
    Like i said i could keep going for hours the gym is just such a microcosm of our society after all
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I always seem to get on the dreadmill at the same time the ladies get out of Zumba. Not a week goes by where I don't hear 2 of them discussing how heavy their "flow" is this week......GROSS!!!!!!

  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    If I'm not at work or around my mom, I curse like a cranky sailor.:embarassed: I honestly think it is silly for people to get offended by "bad" words. They are just words. But, some people do. Ce'st la vie. :indifferent:

    When I used to go to a gym, mostly I overheard *kitten*-metal blaring from headphones. :sick:
    I'm not offended. I just think it's boorish, like ripping a fart or picking your nose in public.

    Agree. Lack o class.

    Never thought of it that way before...might have to cut out the cursing.:ohwell:
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    If I'm not at work or around my mom, I curse like a cranky sailor.:embarassed: I honestly think it is silly for people to get offended by "bad" words. They are just words. But, some people do. Ce'st la vie. :indifferent:

    When I used to go to a gym, mostly I overheard *kitten*-metal blaring from headphones. :sick:

    I wasn't offended, I just want to make that clear. I just thought it was weird. I guess for me it's the same as me swearing in front of my parents, I don't drop F-bombs in front of 60 year olds at the gym.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    My gym is populated by hormone crazed teenage boys...they mostly talk about their trucks and getting drunk. Last night the subject was how out of shape the girls in their class are.
    One guy once said something like "can't work out my legs cause of the b1tches in here" I was the only one in there besides his 2 friends. Apparently my use of the swiss ball was upsetting to him. /shrug

    haha, I work out in the ladies section. I'm always worried people are looking at me like I have no clue what I'm doing, my trainer has given me some tricks to help with my form but they make me look like I'm a few bricks short, I can barely do it in front of other women, I would NOT feel like a super awesome powerhouse while doing squats with my nose touching the wall.
  • FreeThotStrm
    On the cursing, I don't do it at the gym in general but on the occasional bad day I'll drop my ipod on the treadmill or accidentally keep pulling my headphone out of my ear and drop a loud-whispered f bomb. Like a stage whisper. A very angry stage whisper.

    I don't usually hear weird conversations, but when I lived in Cali I worked at Trader Joe's, and I went to a gym down the street. I'd go before work, shower, and then head in. A lot of my customers went there. And it's so ****ing awkward to have a regular customer approach you naked in the locker room and have a conversation with you- buck!-bare!-stark!- NAKED!! And then have to deal with them at work once or twice a week. It happened all. The. Time.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    On the cursing, I don't do it at the gym in general but on the occasional bad day I'll drop my ipod on the treadmill or accidentally keep pulling my headphone out of my ear and drop a loud-whispered f bomb. Like a stage whisper. A very angry stage whisper.

    I don't usually hear weird conversations, but when I lived in Cali I worked at Trader Joe's, and I went to a gym down the street. I'd go before work, shower, and then head in. A lot of my customers went there. And it's so ****ing awkward to have a regular customer approach you naked in the locker room and have a conversation with you- buck!-bare!-stark!- NAKED!! And then have to deal with them at work once or twice a week. It happened all. The. Time.

    Lol, oh that would be REALLY weird.

    I'm a fast changer. I'm one of those that puts my sports bra over my real bra then take that off, or quickly whip off my jeans and put my work out pants on super quick!!
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    On the cursing, I don't do it at the gym in general but on the occasional bad day I'll drop my ipod on the treadmill or accidentally keep pulling my headphone out of my ear and drop a loud-whispered f bomb. Like a stage whisper. A very angry stage whisper.

    I don't usually hear weird conversations, but when I lived in Cali I worked at Trader Joe's, and I went to a gym down the street. I'd go before work, shower, and then head in. A lot of my customers went there. And it's so ****ing awkward to have a regular customer approach you naked in the locker room and have a conversation with you- buck!-bare!-stark!- NAKED!! And then have to deal with them at work once or twice a week. It happened all. The. Time.

    I had this happen to me ONCE. I never, ever, ever used the gym locker room again. I would drive home to shower (I only lived like five minutes away so I just made it work).
  • pantsdailyon
    pantsdailyon Posts: 173 Member
    The old guys shaving naked over the sink in the gym....just gross.

    Since the topic is things overheard, I'm guessing they must be using electric razors.