What 2 Year Old Fast Food Looks Like (PIC)



  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I would kill for a Whopper right now, but McD's has the best fries.

    quarter pounder for me :D
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    People are really gullible enough to believe this? Haven't you ever seen a hamburger roll on your counter, drop behind the breadbox.............and its a green mess in a couple weeks when you find it...........
  • BreakingOath
    BreakingOath Posts: 193 Member
    Oh do I miss them Big Macs.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    I like the point of the picture & whatnot...But I've ended up leaving fast food laying around for a few days & it looked worse than that...
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    MMMmmmhmhmhmhm Burger and Fries! *drool
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Bang them in the microwave and they're good to go! :-D (Only after a heavy weights session if on a carb-backloading diet, mind - this is a fitness site after all!)
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I had a McDonald's hamburger as an afternoon snack yesterday. It was yummy.
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member

    Some things age well, some things don't. I don't see your point. It's not like that stuff *stays* in you for two years.
  • Rosa1213
    Rosa1213 Posts: 456 Member
    I have to say, I've seen SUPER OLD french fries under the seat of my brother's car that have been there probably since dinosaurs still roamed the earth and will be there until the next coming of the Messiah, and they look just fine. They're rock-hard and inedible, of course, but they look tempting... Maybe I'm just hungry? :)
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    why would it be moldy? mold requires moisture, surace area of the fries lets it dry out fast enough to keep mold away, bread can go stale without mold, see it all the time, and as to the meat, well, anyone who knows what jerky is would not be surprised that a thin piece of COOKED meat dried out like that, Jerky is not even cooked! The people that spread these pictures are feeding on stupidity and ignorance, spreading these pics is a mix of fear mongering and outright lieing to spread their own agenda.

    while I agree with you on that, I think the main message is just that fast food isnt healthy for you
    If that point can't be made with logic and facts, maybe it shouldn't be made.
  • AeolianHarp
    AeolianHarp Posts: 463 Member
    I eat fast food and I'm probably healthier than anyone else here if we go by blood pressure and other various health markers. So, if fast food was truly unhealthy then my health markers should be bad but I've been eating this stuff for most of my life. Why aren't I dying?
  • Didn't they have some show on TV about this and they said they kept the food in the freezer or found some other way to preserve it?


    A friend of mine actually did this but only for 6 months and she had the same outcome...nothing changed, try it.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Yay...moar old fast food pix!!!11!!

  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    why would it be moldy? mold requires moisture, surace area of the fries lets it dry out fast enough to keep mold away, bread can go stale without mold, see it all the time, and as to the meat, well, anyone who knows what jerky is would not be surprised that a thin piece of COOKED meat dried out like that, Jerky is not even cooked! The people that spread these pictures are feeding on stupidity and ignorance, spreading these pics is a mix of fear mongering and outright lieing to spread their own agenda.


    and I'm pretty sure we've covered this. just yesterday, in fact. same sky-is-falling, mcdonald's-is-the-devil type of foofery there, too.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    why would it be moldy? mold requires moisture, surace area of the fries lets it dry out fast enough to keep mold away, bread can go stale without mold, see it all the time, and as to the meat, well, anyone who knows what jerky is would not be surprised that a thin piece of COOKED meat dried out like that, Jerky is not even cooked! The people that spread these pictures are feeding on stupidity and ignorance, spreading these pics is a mix of fear mongering and outright lieing to spread their own agenda.

    while I agree with you on that, I think the main message is just that fast food isnt healthy for you

    why not?

    (hint: the only unhealthy food is the one eaten in excess)
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    Thanks! Now I'm craving a burger and fries. That's just great.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    for those that missed the debunking of this myth just yesterday, some reading for you:


    lesson of the story: the results of an 'experiment' done by people with an agenda generally shouldn't be trusted to actually tell the truth.
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    MMMmmmhmhmhmhm Burger and Fries! *drool

    Mmmm...there's an In & Out on my way home from work. Yum!
  • kevinc69
    kevinc69 Posts: 6 Member
    It does, Makes me think, "I wonder what it would taste like" lol
  • what about that test that was done on the fake margarine a long time ago? It was like plastic.
  • mfp_junkie
    mfp_junkie Posts: 359
    I want to see the test of the Big Mac, secret sauce and all. Bet that baby is moldy enough to get up and walk itself out the door after a week.
  • Brian on Family guy - "ah, are you gonna eat that??"
  • howeclectic
    howeclectic Posts: 121 Member
    Ugg.. the vegan/organic propaganda is back. Your organically raised grass fed cow meat will do the same thing. Your Organic whole grain non GM bread will do the same. Our ancestors have been smoking meats (dehydrating them) for centuries. Dried bread doesnt mold either (crutons anyone?).
  • Hanablu2
    Hanablu2 Posts: 134 Member
    Please I just heard the FDA allows Castoreum (the excretion of beaver anal sacs) to be used in food flavorings like rasberry on a danish and some vanilla flavorings, yuck! I'll take a junior wendy's cheeseburger and small fries over that!
  • howeclectic
    howeclectic Posts: 121 Member
    Please I just heard the FDA allows Castoreum (the excretion of beaver anal sacs) to be used in food flavorings like rasberry on a danish and some vanilla flavorings, yuck! I'll take a junior wendy's cheeseburger and small fries over that!

    When I heard about the bugs being used to color starbucks drinks... i thought.. everyones overreacting. No biggie. I wasn't sure where I would draw the line. Congratulations, you have found that line I do not wish to cross....
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Please I just heard the FDA allows Castoreum (the excretion of beaver anal sacs) to be used in food flavorings like rasberry on a danish and some vanilla flavorings, yuck! I'll take a junior wendy's cheeseburger and small fries over that!

    When I heard about the bugs being used to color starbucks drinks... i thought.. everyones overreacting. No biggie. I wasn't sure where I would draw the line. Congratulations, you have found that line I do not wish to cross....

    I'd love to know how the scientist who decided vanilla and raspberry flavourings needed a little beaver *kitten* juice found out that it was the substance to add.

    "Guys, this flavouring doesn't quite taste right."
    "Boss, have you tried adding excretions from the *kitten* of a beaver?"
    "You what?"
  • d0gma
    d0gma Posts: 3,966 Member
    what about that test that was done on the fake margarine a long time ago? It was like plastic.

    I really hope you don't mean the "margarine is one molecule away from plastic" thing. If you don't know the science, maybe you should try looking it up before you buy into it.
  • TurtleTape
    TurtleTape Posts: 254 Member
    why would it be moldy? mold requires moisture, surace area of the fries lets it dry out fast enough to keep mold away, bread can go stale without mold, see it all the time, and as to the meat, well, anyone who knows what jerky is would not be surprised that a thin piece of COOKED meat dried out like that, Jerky is not even cooked! The people that spread these pictures are feeding on stupidity and ignorance, spreading these pics is a mix of fear mongering and outright lieing to spread their own agenda.

    I wish I could upvote you. Too bad the majority of people won't read this post or take it into consideration >.>
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