Looking for other Gastric Bypass patients

I had Gastric Bypass on 11/04/2011 (about 5 months ago) and I've lost 65 pounds so far. It hasn't fallen off like I'd hoped it would--I still have to get my butt off the couch and move and I still have to watch what I eat. I had hoped that I would "dump" with sugar so I would never want it again . . . but that just isn't the case. I'm looking for some others who are on their journey--whether just starting out or already at goal to be friends with.


  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    Hi, my name is Kimberlee, 48. I had biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch on 9/6/11. I've lost 95 lbs. so far. It isn't easy to lose this weight. It has taken diet and exercise. I have dumping with carbs and fats sometimes. Feel free to add me.
  • Hey Ladies, I had GBP 02/26/2005. I am currently working to get my Post baby x2 weight off after 3 years. Please take it seriously, the weight will stop and return quickly. GBP is only a tool to assist but yes you will still have to watch what you eat and work your butts off. Good Luck to you both.

  • Bump
  • digitallady2001
    digitallady2001 Posts: 1 Member
    I had RNY 7/25/2011 and it was the best decision I ever made. I am healthy and as a bonus I am back to my high school weight and size!
  • I had GBP in Feb. 2010. I lost about 125 pounds, but have gained about 10 back in recent months. I'd like to get down 25-35 from where I am now. Trying to get myself back on track, focusing on protein and avoiding sugar. Sugar addiction has come back with a vengeance, but I'm trying to kick it again now! Good luck, all.
  • I had gastric band with plication on 4/9/12. I am looking for new friends, feel free to add me if you like.
  • kathiehughes
    kathiehughes Posts: 192 Member
  • ladycshell
    ladycshell Posts: 1 Member
    I am so there with you! I had my surgery on 9/24/11 and have also lost 65lbs. Just saw my surgeon on Friday and had only lost 10lbs in 3 months. We agreed I was 100% non-compliant! That's why I'm here, tracking and walking again. I DO NOT want diabetes again!
    It's been quite a journey so far, and the honeymoon is over as far as weight just falling off without doing anything!
    Best of luck to us!
  • HI everyone!

    I'm Pre-op, my surgery (RNY) date will be in august or september of this year.
  • Angelgirl040688
    Angelgirl040688 Posts: 56 Member
    well i had lapband surgery on 11-11-10.. i lose 60lbs but then i stoped seeing my surgen so i gained 16lbs back... now im here and working hard to lose the weight.. feel free to add me if you would like...
  • goofygal12
    goofygal12 Posts: 2
    a friend of mine had gastric surgery on 10/13/11 and has lost 130 lbs. i kn ow she watches her sugar faithfully. i dont know if that helps you at all. good luck
  • MDdivagirl
    MDdivagirl Posts: 1
    Hi Everyone,

    I started my weight loss program Dec 2010 and had RNY 10/6/11 -- I have lost a total of 125lbs!! (65 was preop). It's great to see similiar post op numbers because I feel like a "slow" looser". Congrats to everyone and best of luck :smile: