Completely Fell Off Wagon

So, I completely fell off the wagon about 9 days ago there had been doing very well then hit a total emotional plateau and ended up eating ridiculous amounts of food in comparison to what I had been eating:mad: :mad:

So, it's tackling the emotional aswell as the physical, its blommin tough though. It's so frustrating. Back on track this morn the unhappiness has lifted and somewhere through the mist I can see my goal again......hope I can stay focused this time......

Anyone heard of Overeaters Anonymous? Any experience with them? I'm thinking about going to a meeting...... Thanks for your time

Rebecca :flowerforyou:


  • ColinQ
    Snap, I fell as well, I had nt been running for nearly 2 weeks and although I was still trying to eat sensibly I had a few naughty moments with chocolate, crisps and oreo's:ohwell: :noway: I felt angry with myself as I was doing so well, so this morning i restarted my fitness and diet. i also restarted filling in my diet diary:bigsmile: Ne ver heard of overeaters anonymous:huh: I just got a mental picture of people sitting in a circle taking it in turns to say about them selves:bigsmile:
    "Hi I'm Colin and I pigged out on chocolate and oreo's":bigsmile: Give it a try it might prove to be a winner:smile:
  • Rebeccamur
    Good to know I'm not alone. Yeh I know it sounds a bit unusual but its a consistent problem when Im out of sorts and I'm on a mission to heal myself! Thanks for the support! Best Of Luck Colin!
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    So, I completely fell off the wagon about 9 days ago there had been doing very well then hit a total emotional plateau and ended up eating ridiculous amounts of food in comparison to what I had been eating:mad: :mad:

    So, it's tackling the emotional aswell as the physical, its blommin tough though. It's so frustrating. Back on track this morn the unhappiness has lifted and somewhere through the mist I can see my goal again......hope I can stay focused this time......

    Anyone heard of Overeaters Anonymous? Any experience with them? I'm thinking about going to a meeting...... Thanks for your time

    Rebecca :flowerforyou:

    I think pretty much ALL of us have fallen off the wagon, so don't let it get you down too much!
    As for Overeaters Anonymous, I DID go to at least one meeting, maybe even a couple, though I can't remember now, since it was quite a few years back. About all I remember about going was listening to stuff like "I was cleaning and moved the couch to vacuum, and there was a cookie. I blew the dust off of it and ate it."!!! :noway: I decided I wasn't THAT bad, and didn't go anymore! :laugh:
    I've been on just about every "diet" out there, even tried hypnosis, (TWICE!) but nothing really worked until I came to MFP! I can't say enough about how fantastic the tools AND the members are! :love:
    All I had to do was "work with my numbers" through making better food choices (MOST of the time!:laugh: ) eating in moderation, (AGAIN, MOST of the time!:laugh: ) getting some exercise, and drinking lots and lots of water.
    I guess the whole reason MFP worked, where other methods didn't was that I never felt deprived here. I COULD still have "goodies" now and then, I just had to behave and as I already said, "work with my numbers" MOST of the time. :wink:
    So simple, "watch what you eat and exercise) yet, it did the trick, and I FINALLY lost the weight! :happy: Hopefully, you'll find it the same way for you too! :smile:
  • Sherry79
    I know what you mean. I have cheated ALL weekend & didn't even use my food diary. :grumble: If I would have ate bad but logged it I think it would have lasted maybe one day but if I don't "see" it I can "ignore" it so easily. I am getting back on track today. We'll just have to support one another thru these ups & downs and we WILL get there!! :happy: Best of luck to everyone! Have a safe & happy Labor Day!:smile:
  • Lyndo
    Lyndo Posts: 95
    I've also been very temped to go to Overeaters Anonymous.
    Binging on anything that comes across me, I'll eat it!!!
    I am sick & tired of feeling like this, It's a very overwelming feeling like my hand wont stop packing things in that mouth of mine... It's hard to explain to someone who doesnt have the problem, they think its just food, just stop eating??? but NO..... It's as hard as smoking smoking, or drinking.
    I wonder what happenes at the OA meetings?
    Im also interested in what they do & say to help!:flowerforyou:
  • christine918
    I've been logging everything for like 6 months. I ate horrible friday, did a little better saturday, then went on another binge on sunday! I'm sick to death of logging every single calorie! Im also sick to death of worrying with everything I eat, feeling guilty after a piece of birthday cake, and thinking I have to go run 5-6 miles everytime I go over 1200 calories! I guess I'm just burnt out. :frown:

    I'm trying to get back on track today. Maybe the binge was needed? I don't know. The food thing just gets on my nerves sometimes because it seems like its all I think about. :mad:
  • asiah
    Don't feel bad, I fell off the wagon also. Must be something in the water :wink: . I'm starting over again today to get back on track. Good Luck to everyone. We can do it! :happy:

  • Solandra
    "It's not whether you fall off the wagon, but whether you get back on that counts." - some random diet guru I encountered years ago

    Saturday was so bad that I didn't even bother logging on Sunday - which is a shame, because now that my head's back where it should be I'm kinda interested in how my homemade mushroom and rasin risotto measures out. I'll have to figure it out sometime.

    I'm back on it today. Chin up, folks! Skip the scales today, be virtuous and go for a couple of good walks, let's assess the damage tomorrow.
  • eglass64
    Dont give up. I might not stay on track alot, but I still work out and I'm losing weight, not as fast as I would like but I'm losing. Good Luck. :smile:
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I plan one day a week where I fall off the wagon (reasonably). I just make sure I got some extra work in that day.

    Usually it's when there are social situations where it will be hard to stay on the wagon; like a family dinner. There's no way I'm going to attempt to figure out the calories of the stuff I ate. However, I only go through the line once, as opposed to in the past i would go through 2 or 3 times.
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    I had a dietician tell me to follow the 80/20 rule... and I thought that was very reasonable. Just like the poster a few above me... within reason though. That certainly doesn't mean to devour everything in sight because I'm having an "off" day.
  • hungrybear
    I need to hop back onto the wagon too. I haven't been eating right (everything in my way--ice cream esp! since it's been hot lately) and haven't exercising much for a month now, and it really bugs me how I can see the negative changes and weight gain in front the mirror. Like many of you, I was sick of logging in MFP about every single calories. But I think I really need to step it up now or else I'll be more stressed out and suffer later.