Needing some support

I've done really well ever since I decided to set off on my weight-losing journey. I've lost about 74 pounds in the last year an a half, which should leave me feeling accomplished, right? But even with all that, I'm still 240 pounds, far far away from being a healthy weight. :( And my weight loss has slowed to about a pound a week, so it's been increasingly easy to stare in the mirror and and feel like reaching my goal is never going to happen. Is anyone else feeling this (or has felt this)?


  • sehrler
    sehrler Posts: 89 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss so far! That in itself is an incredible accomplishment!!!
    And you are not that far...every day you get a little closer. I am talking to myself as much as you--my weightloss has slowed too but I feel better. I keep telling myself that the slower it comes off, the more time for my skin to rebound, the longer I'll keep it off, and the more muscle I'm building. I am hoping my stubborn streak helps me hang tough through the next few months. Add me if you like and we can help each other! :)

    I have 30-40 to go, but I don't know what my timeframe will be since my loss slowed. I am hoping for 20-30 more before my wedding in August. I lost 90+ a few years ago, gained back 35.5, and now have lost 22 of that since getting back on track. You are doing GREAT!
  • rooby2sday
    rooby2sday Posts: 6 Member
    You really just have to keep going at it. Everyone will have tough spots to get through, but as long as you are exercising and eating right, you will be healthy. My weight loss goals are not as big as many others, but my journey is just as long. This is not about a diet, but a lifestyle change. Progress is progress, even if they are small steps.

    When I first started this semester, I was losing about 2 pounds a week, then it really slowed down and sometimes felt like it had just stopped for almost a month. It was only when I looked back at what I was *insert time frame here* ago, that I felt better because I was maintaining my weight a couple pounds lower. You really need to give yourself a pat on the back for all that you've done! Personally, I like to give myself a small reward for about every 5 pounds. Most of the time, that's often enough to motivate me but not so often that I feel like I didn't do anything to deserve it.
  • xPOOKiEx
    xPOOKiEx Posts: 156 Member
    I agree with the people above me.

    You should be proud of what you have accomplished. If you have more work to do, that's it..but you shouldn't let that get you down. You've done such an amazing job and you're only gonna do better!

    Keep it up girl! Add me if you'd like
  • needles85365
    needles85365 Posts: 491 Member
    WTG on your weight loss. Stop looking at the scale and look at your accomplishments....looking great in your smaller size clothes, being able to go upstairs without having to stop to breath, fitting into restaurant booths. Keep watching what you eat and you will get to your goal.