I need help bad

I was doing really good for awhile, and then I started cheating. Well now I am just having a all out eating junk food fest. I have been really stressed lately as alot of things have been happening in my life. And I guess im acting out by eating. I had lost 8 lbs, but gained back almost four. I always do this, i do well for a little while, and then slip up and then give up, and gain it all back. Any advice?


  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    All I can say is log religiously....You haven't logged a lot lately aside from today when you were way over. And you have to be willing to me the sacrifices/choices. I don't know what you respond best to but I will be glad to help try to push/hold you accountable but some people shut down to that.......You have to really want to change. you have to do it for you. We can offer support but can't keep you from eating that stuff.
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
  • txladybug41
    txladybug41 Posts: 105 Member
    We all slip up once in awhile, but you have got to jump back on the band wagon the very next day! And also realize you should do this for yourself. Lots of women put themselves second to their jobs/husbands/kids.. and after awhile we get so accustomed to it, that we forget about the person inside shouting out for redemption. You are not a second class citizen! You are YOU and someone special. When you put yourself first, do the exercise and healthy eating for yourself, you get to feeling better and looking better. That inner person begins to shine and people take note of it. If they don't encourage you at first, learn to speak up about your goals. After awhile, when people realize you mean business, they may help you instead of hindering your process. Take the baby steps necessary to learn about foods and how you react to it. USE my fitness pal to evaluate what you're eating. Use MFP to evalute the exercises youare doing and how you can increase your stamina and strength. Substitutes certain foods and learn to eat the better choices you LIKE. Experiment with recipes that are low cal and make it fun. These are just a few suggestions, but you got to get yourself hyped up about what you doing. Surround yourself with MFP friends that encourage you, motivate you, PUSH you to do the right things..that challenge you. Hope this pep talk helps. Feel free to add me if you wish. This mama bear will help you along. Hugs :)
  • tiffnkailey
    tiffnkailey Posts: 150 Member
    Thanks. Well it seems to happen whenever I'm out and stuck at like a party, or job thing. Where the only food available is junk food. Once I get junkfood back in my system. Then its like I crave it.. and the vicous cycle starts over agian. I do want it. I guess I just gotta get fed up, and make no more excuses. My mom is doing amazing. She has lost 35 lbs so far.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I tried to look at your diary to comment more knowledgeably, but alas, it's locked. I suspect that you need to recalculate your numbers- it may be that your calorie limits are unsustainable. If you don't get enough nutrients, it could cause cravings that you can't control, making your diet doomed to failure every time. I have found that the more nutritionally complete and balanced my diet is, the less I have cravings for anything.
  • Crystalchaos72
    I tried to look at your diary also but this is what I think....It sounds to me like you are being to restrictive. With restriction it leads to 'deprivation' which leads to binging which leads to guilt (why I don't know, I do not get the guilty feeling)
    Take every day, one step at a time. Do not deny yourself the foods that you love, modify them to be healthier versions, or just eat them as they are.......
    Hang in there, I know the 'junk food everlasting craving' thing:) it will get better just keep at it!