Confused about carbs



  • prettygirlhoward
    prettygirlhoward Posts: 338 Member
    Yes he said that I'm at high risk and since diabetes runs in my family....My father passed away from health problems due to diabetes. Both my grandmothers from both sides of my family passed away from it as well. I went to see him today because I'm not losing weight and he was concerned about my diet...More going in and burnning less.
  • Dojjin
    Dojjin Posts: 9 Member
    I will tell you what I've learned personally, however I'm no expert I just do a lot of research. I always do research on everything I do, obsessively even.

    There are GOOD Carbs and there are BAD Carbs. Good carbs can actually help you lose weight and burn off fat, since your body does need carbs, however in a natural form.

    -Great! Whole Wheat anything is a very good source of carbs.
    -Ew! Any WHITE Flour products you should avoid at all costs...
    ~~~Site that has the Dos and Dont's:

    "Low glycemic index foods are almost all vegetables and raw fruits, whole grains, lean beef, fish, eggs and chicken." -

    Overall, if you watch what you eat and balance your diet you shouldn't have to worry too much about carbs. Try to stay clear of High Carb meals or Snacks, anything processed or minimally so.

    Really hope this clears up a lot of mess and gets you in the right direction!
  • I try not to eat all the carbs that MFP 'allows' me too eat. I would rather eat the extra calories using healthy fats (Holy Crap Cereal w/ unsweetened almond milk). Carbs are for energy and un-used carbs eventually turn to fat. Eating under 100g of carbs is how fitness competitors would eat but without fats. Its ok to eat less carb but eat all the required fats and make sure they're healthy fats (hemp, flax, almonds) . Carbs are good for you, help with brain function as well as energy. A rule of thumb is to eat complex carbs (whole wheat,whole grain, slow cook/steel cut oats- no white food) but no more than 1/2 for a female per serving up to 6 times a day. The body can only use and digest so much a time and stores the rest if it doesn't get used by activity. Also, not eating enough carbs and or food, usually leads to sugar and salt cravings:) Sorry, lots of info, hope it helps!
  • DanTTX
    DanTTX Posts: 64 Member
  • Byrdsong1920
    Byrdsong1920 Posts: 336 Member
    I'm having the same prob, interested to see what others will say. Seems hard to stay around 1350 and yet stay under 100 carbs unless you only eat chicken and turkey and protein shakes all day and every day. I mean even milk, fruit and veggies have carbs. Seems everything has it!

    Unsweetened almond milk only has 1 gram of carbs vs milk 2% fat which has 11grams. The almond is only 35 cals per cup. Most of my carbs come from veggies. For me...many fruits are too high in sugars, however I do have them on occasion.

    I agree, loving the chocolate unsweet almond milk. Love w/ my protein powder! Taste closer to milk than soy or silk, plus soy has been tied to breast cancer in women. Also,I'm lactose intolerant, so the almond milk has been awesome.

    For me the low carb helps me lose, my body soaks water and then the white carbs add to the sponge affect. I just find you have to log everything and see what works for you. There is also a book called EAT RIGHT FOR YOUR BLOOD TYPE that helps answer some of these questions. Everyone has a unique and different way of obtaiing their goals. good luck and happy journey!
  • Dojjin
    Dojjin Posts: 9 Member
    Of course it can, but I'm not going to throw out Whole Wheat Breads and Pastas for more protein, no thanks. I already intake a good amount of protein daily.

    I'm more so trying to help her out since she is border-line Diabetic, which I am myself. Which is why I discussed what I did, it helps lose weight and balances your die while keeping blood sugar down.
  • bedeeda
    bedeeda Posts: 21
    Thanks for taking the time to post all the advice! I really appreciate. Some of you posted some that really made sense and helped me figure things out.
  • bedeeda
    bedeeda Posts: 21
    FYI: I raised my calories to around 1350-1400 from 1200's and kept my carbs around the 80's and the weight has been falling off. I also get about 130+ grams of protein per day.