Did the fit test !!!

vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! I have not been able to work out but 3 time in 2 weeks due to moving my son into another apartment and then coming down with a U.T.I . Well today is Monday and I did the Shaun T "Insanity" fit test for day 1 of 60 and it about done me in at the end. Here is what my score was, some got a little sloppy but I hung in there, WHOOOOO tough, tough!!!! Anybody else just starting this workout?
Switch Kicks=68
Power Jacks=65
Power Knees=110
Power Jumps=58
Globe Jumps=9
Suicide Jumps=23
Push-up Jacks=25
Low Plank Obliques=80


  • andlofly
    andlofly Posts: 62 Member
    never heard of it... what is it?... video/dvd??
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    never heard of it either.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    never heard of it... what is it?... video/dvd??
    INSANITY is a 60 day cardio based Total Body Conditioning Program, it was created by fitness expert Shaun T. This can be found on the net under Shaun T, Beachbody or Insanity. I bought my series off ebay by a Beachbody sales person! It is NOT for beginner exercisers!! I work out 5 to 6 times per week and I know this is going to kick my butt, and you know what? I look forward to it!!! Have a blessed day!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    It is awesome!! I have 2 weeks left and can not believe these workouts!!!

    Let me know if anyone has questions about it let me know!