10 months to fit into my drees - eeekkk!!

Hiya guys! :happy:

Im getting married april 2013 and have ordered my wedding dress - 2 sizes smaller (talk about pressure!!).

Im determined to do this and do it the right way - no starving, fad diets or being silly! I want to learn about nutrition, food, calories and to tone up along the way. Ive joined a lovely gym along the road from me so Im determined to do this.

Im feeling slightly overwhelmed as Ive never done this beofre so I think it will take a while to sink in.

Any tips for a newbie? xx


  • staceylouise6684
    Hi i started this as i am getting married in September 2012 and i set my self a goal in Jan 12 to lose 2 stone so i can fit into my dress that i ordered in November 2011 3 sizes smaller than i was, i have lost 21lbs so far so i only have another 7lbs to go but i have realised that my dress fitting is on the 7th June so i only have another 4-5 weeks to lose 7lbs and the last month i have only managed to lose 2lbs as my weight is sooooooooooo hard to get of at the moment all though i workout and diet i can not seem to shift it its driving me insaine.
    I feel your pain but you have set your self a very realistic goal which is good, the main thing is to eat healthy salads chicken soaps etc but do not have to little calories as your body will store them which you do not want try and do 3 workouts for 45 minutes at a time each week and fingers crossed you will hit your goal, each week i have a rest day as well where i eat a healthy breakfast and lunch but go out for a meal for dinner so it reduces the cravings for the food your body is used to ive found this has really helped and it gives me a focus each week to work towards.
    What ever you do do not weigh yourself every 5 minutes like i used to as i got dis-heartened i now weigh myself every Monday morning and that way i got to see good results each week if you try and avaerage your self at 2-3lbs a week and if you lose more its a bonus. Try swapping drinks also instead of orange cordial i now have weight watchers cordial which is 5 calories per pint which is excellent and its also sweet tasteing which takes away the cravings also.
    My main cravings was choclate so i brought myself a box of celebrations and had one of the choclates a day to make me feel better :-)

    Good luck and i hope it all goes well add me as a friend and we can boast each other on.
  • maxxi
    maxxi Posts: 30 Member
    Congrats on the upcoming wedding!

    If you 're starting now, a year ahead at least you are going about it the right way and not crash dieting at the last minute!

    I'm new to this too - logging food is a real eye opener as to how many calories I can get through in a day without really thinking about it! So I'm hoping this approach combined with exercise and forum support works! Its always good to have a goal like a wedding it will feel great to fit into a beautiful dress on the day.

    Hope to see some pics then next year!

  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 897 Member

    tips will depend on what path you want to take to achieve your goal.

    There's weight lifting - a good group to ask questions is : http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/771-women-strength-training

    There's calorie counting - but be carefull with not going too under. Listen to your body and learn about TDEE, BMR and calorie deficit

    Eating back exercise calories - http://www.shouldieatmyexercisecalories.com/

    From my pov: managing your food intake is most important for weight loss, but for general health and looks exercise is the solution. One way to do things is to eat at your goal weight estimated TDEE or BMR and then use exercise to create the deficit to loose. Just take one step at a time, and definately which ever way you go make the 1st step be "you're awesome any way you are" ;) then 2nd step is learning about TDEE, BMR and calories.

    Also take pictures and measurements regularly (every 3-4 weeks f.ex.). The scale is ok, but measurements and pics are much better when the scale is being annoying with it's fluctuations. And it will fluctuate. On a daily bases you can see 2-7lbs difference, so weight the same time every day. Mornings, 1/week is a good way to be blind to the fluctuations. If you can handle fluctuations then you can do daily, but be warned - you will go up on some days! Especially TOM.

    Just be honest with yourself. Log everything. And find exercise you enjoy.