Step counter - accuracy of results?

I just bought a cheapie step counter that is supposed to measure speed, distance, calories burned, time, etc. It will measure at walking and running speed.

I did week 4 of C to 5k with extra walking on the front and back end, and it estimated that I took 8435 steps, distance was 4.25 miles (in reality it's only 3.3), the time it took was 50 minutes and 41 seconds... (of that time, 16 minutes was jogging). It estimated I only burned 208 calories. Can that be right?


  • SaraThePrincess
    One thing about step counters (pedometers), especially the cheap ones, is there is a little "lead ball" inside that is used to count the number of steps. When this ball comes in contact with the counter it marks it as one step. I have found that most times it says you have taken more steps then you actually have. The cheaper step counters can easily be bumped and it will say you took a step. I also think that depending on the way you walk and how long your strides are it counts extra steps as well.
    I know the one I bought was so sensitive it counted "steps" and all I had done was put it on.

    I know this seems a little discouraging, but it is better to know about it then to think you're doing something you are not.

    Hope this helps!

  • Tinker73
    The best way to find out how many calories you have burned is with an HRM,that is the most accurate way.With what you used can give you false reading because you where jogging some of it.Invest some money and purhase an HMR.I us one and I could't live without one
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Pedometers work best if they are adjustable. I have a $10 one that is fairly accurate and you adjust for wiggle (the more you wiggle, the more "not" steps it counts). It's made by Ormon.

    It's about 2000-2200 steps per mile. As far as calories burned, it's approximately 65-100 calories per mile.