Xbox and Kinect, a good exercise tool?

dirrtytramp Posts: 17 Member
edited December 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
Are any people regularly using Kinect fitness programmes? If so, which ones and are they any good?


  • jahall76
    jahall76 Posts: 328 Member
    I was wondering the same thing. We just got our xbox and I'm considering purchasing the Biggest Loser program.
  • f1ctional
    f1ctional Posts: 235
    I have it and been using kinect sports, I am looking to buy the "your fitness evolved" for the kinect. It had better ratings than the BL "game" I was originally looking at. I also use EA active 2 for the Wii
  • kurenaikumo
    kurenaikumo Posts: 271 Member
    I have My Shape:Fitness Evolved and Kinect Adventures. I use it daily for exercise. Kinect Adventures (Rallyball/Reflex Ridge) burn about 300 cals per hour on Advanced, winning gold or platinum status :) My Shape counts for you and varies depending on which program/game you do.
  • dirrtytramp
    dirrtytramp Posts: 17 Member
    I've got EA Active 2 and its pretty good although it massively fails to pick up my movements sometimes. This can be really frustrating especially on lunging jumping exercises (can't remember what they are called) which my legs really can't handle and I hate being forced to do more to move onto the next exercise. This generally turns me into a sweaty mess so I guess its working.

    Has anybody used both Active and Your shape?
  • I have Your Shape: Fitness Evolved 2012 and it is challenging and fun. I'm not sure how accurate the calorie burning is, but it does work you. I'm exhausted after an hour of play. It is usually accurate in picking up my movements, but there are some inaccuracies every so often. But, from what I've read on the Internet, this is pretty common for most Kinect games.

    Kinect Adventures is faced-paced fun and is quite the workout, as well. It's a nice change for me when I get bored of Your Shape.
  • katisav
    katisav Posts: 7
    I have Kinect Adventures, EA Sports Active 2, UFC Personal Trainel and Yourshape Fitness Evolved 2012 . I think, if you're a beginner, Sports Active 2 i just enough to start with. But if you want more, i suggest Yourshape Fitness Evolved 2012. It's more challanging and has more workouts and it's more fun. So i haven't used EA Sports Active 2, UFC Personal Trainer for a while now, because it's not enought for me.
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