Can't do this anymore

I have stopped, started, lost gained, lost and gained. I have deleted my MyFitnessPal account three times in frustration and embarassment of myself.
Last night I had another sharp pain throw my back and chest, and my back just hurts all the time. I am done. I am 20 and am in in more pain with my body than I should be for my age.
I am Katie, 5'3, 276 lbs and my goal is 139 lbs. I want to feel fanastic and fit enough to run like I did when I was 14 years old by this time next year.


  • tammy1005
    tammy1005 Posts: 62
    Hi Katie, don't give up! You can do it....we all have our times where we struggle. I am going through that right now myself. I started at 1500 calories and lost weight and joined MFP. They had me set to 1200 calories! I gained 6 lbs!! Way too low and I'm 5'2". I am at 1500 now and its slowly coming off. I don't weigh myself anymore (too depressing) and just do my measurements.

    How many calories are you eating a day? Do you exersice and eat back those calories? Maybe start off with a yoga or pilates until your back gets better.

    feel free to add me for support!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    I have stopped, started, lost gained, lost and gained. I have deleted my MyFitnessPal account three times in frustration and embarassment of myself.
    Last night I had another sharp pain throw my back and chest, and my back just hurts all the time. I am done. I am 20 and am in in more pain with my body than I should be for my age.
    I am Katie, 5'3, 277 lbs and my goal is 139 lbs. I want to feel fanastic and fit enough to run like I did when I was 14 years old by this time next year.
    So maybe running isn't in the cards right now. Try exercising within your physical limits instead of trying to do something that you really physically can't. Running isn't the only option. Lift weights, use the bike, heck even speed walk.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Francesca3162
    Francesca3162 Posts: 520 Member
    We did not gain the weight overnight and we cannot lose it overnight. It is a process.
    Track your calories for week without changing anything you eat or do. this will give you an idea of how much you are taking in.

    Then after you see that- decide if you want to reduce calories in or increase calories burned or both to lose your extra weight....

    Do not deprive yourself of things you want but maybe you have one soda a week instead of one a day-- or chocolate or whatever your go to food is.....

    Dont look to be the 14 year old you. Look to be the NEW YOU!!!

    You can do this.... it takes time and practice!!!!!
  • kskaare
    kskaare Posts: 21
    you CAN do this! One day at a time, one step at a time. i wish i had your courage when i was 20... then i would not be 34 and trying to do this now. :)

    today: eat healthy, track calories and go for a walk.
    tomorrow, do it again.
  • whatiseenow
    whatiseenow Posts: 19 Member
    Hi, Katie! Welcome back! I've definitely been where you are, but I'm excited to see that you're choosing to do something about it now, rather than wait. I'm 5'2" and have a similar goal of 135 (though, honestly, I'd be happy at 150!). I've been struggling recently, but I've recommitted and have had a pretty good week--certainly better than I've been doing. Feel free to friend me!
  • whatiseenow
    whatiseenow Posts: 19 Member
    today: eat healthy, track calories and go for a walk.
    tomorrow, do it again.

    I love this!
  • kingkm02
    kingkm02 Posts: 23
    I have been in your shoes! I actually lost about 40 pounds when i was in college but gained it all back plus some when i moved back home and after my divorce. It is a hard journey for most people. I have been on here for a little over a week and am still learning what to do and what not to do. you just have to stick with it. If you want to add me for support I will be more than willing to help if i can. I am 28, 5ft4in and 245. I hate how i look but last week decided to take charge and change who I am. I have been overweight my whole life and am putting my food down now. Please don't stop yet. You can do this!!!
  • lg3703
    lg3703 Posts: 190
    Listen honey, next year is coming... NO MATTER WHAT. You have the choice to be exactly the same, worse or BETTER than you are now. It will still be 2013. Time doesn't care!! It keeps on coming! Don't wake up at 40 and realize you lost 20 years of health and happiness. Do you really want this? REALLY REALLY want it? Then throw away the scale, forget the typical "diet", AND CHANGE YOUR LIFE. good luck.
  • SamanthaC1
    Good Luck!! You can do it!
  • Agirard25
    Agirard25 Posts: 154 Member
    set small goals for yourself-they can be about eating well, working out, or even how you talk to yourself in your head. Write them down-and write down when you accomplish them. Just go one day at a time and don't be mean to yourself. Start controlling what is within your control-Drink 8 glasses of water today, eat within your calories, choose foods that fuel your body, write out small goals. You have power over all those things. Before you know it 5 days will pass, then 10, suddenly 60! You will feel better by treating yourself better! Good luck.
  • ccguillory
    ccguillory Posts: 30 Member
    Hi Katie,

    I understand how you feel.. I would suggest going to the doctor to see if you have any health or medical issues that are affecting your ability to continue in your journey.

    I can tell you that your symptoms were very much like mine.. Mine came from a scarred gallbladder that was not functioning. It caused back pain shoulder pain, arm pain.. And I felt frustrated and down due to my inability to one, lose weight, I actually continued to gain weight and two, my extreme exhaustion even after 10 minutes of excercise.

    Don't lose hope perhaps they will be able to assist you but keep going.. :)
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    Try making small changes that add up over time rather than just jumping in all at once. I started out by not getting French fries in the drive thru and substituting grilled chicken instead of burgers or fried chicken, and getting sugar free iced coffee instead of the regular kind or a milkshake. Big calorie difference but I still go to go through the drive thru. LOL. For exercise I started out cleaning my house about 10 times more than I used to, then started walking on the treadmill, the jogging and working out with light weights. If you make little changes here and there I think it's easier for some of us to stick to it and get momentum to make more changes as we see improvements from our efforts. I think sometimes when people try to overhaul their diet and activity level in an extreme way all at once, they get burned out very quickly. Take a look at your current diet and activity and think of some small changes that you know you can stick to most of the time. Stick to those for awhile and feel good about what you're doing for yourself. As those changes feel easier and more like a part of every day life and not a huge effort, make some more small changes. It will add up over time. Good luck. :-)
  • sprfly
    sprfly Posts: 57 Member
    You can do it Katie. Stick with it and take it one day at a time. Good luck!!!
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Try lowering your goals. Start with something small like 5-10 pounds and add to your goal slowly. Don't start with a diet just lower food intake at the start. Take small steps and a little success can only lead to greater success.
  • Tiff587
    Tiff587 Posts: 264 Member
    You can do this!

    I know it' s hard when your in pain and feel you can't do stuff. I had a nasty horse related accident a few years ago and it left me with back problems, I was terrified I would never be able to get my life the way I wanted again as I was a professional horse rider, even driving my car was an issue. I gave up totally on exercise and fitness and the weight crept on.

    Best advice I ever got was to commit to exercise, I was scared but I found that by building up a little more each time I can now do anything! I lift weights which have helped my back massively, and improved my shape! A couple of weeks ago a competed in a mud run for charity and I kicked *kitten*!!!!

    You can do anything you want! Remember you are doing this for yourself and you deserve it!

  • RunningShoes138
    thanks everyone for the support!
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Slow and steady wins the race Katie.

    At your height and weight you will lose rapidly without having to resort to strenuous exercise or extreme dieting. Just set your calorie goal to lose 1.5lbs a week and go easy on yourself. When you fall off the wagon, just promise yourself that you'll get back on as soon as you can - even if weeks pass.

    It's about gently changing your habits and your life, not aggressively punishing your body.
  • nikita138
    hi katie! before you attempt any type of exercise have you seen a doc about your back????? The whole weight loss thing was getting very frustrating for me, its tough to work so hard and not see the scale reflect it, so i gave up on the scale for a little while and focused more on how my clothes were fitting and how much more energy i had. Also i started couch to 5K running program, day one starts by running only 90 second intervals. But before anything make sure you get clearance from a doc. Good luck!!!
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I had similar back pain issues all the time at my heaviest. I walked and walked. kept it going for about 6-7 months before I even gave thought to running. it's a slow process but over time it will get better
  • Por2gueseMama
    Por2gueseMama Posts: 102 Member
    Its obvious that you really want to get fit and healthy. Your here and your crying out for help. And I would love to help you and try to motivate you. I am on here daily and the support is incredible. So please add me and we can support eachother on our health/Fitness goals :D