What keeps you motivated to work out?

I just started working out again after about a year of sitting around and gaining 60 pounds. I've been doing pretty good but I am finding it harder and harder to motivate myself to go out and exercise. So what keeps you motivated?


  • SBerrio
    SBerrio Posts: 39 Member
    First off congrats on taking the initiative on working out again.
    I work at a desk all day and I printed out 2 quoutes and posted them where I can see them. I also printed out a picture of myself pre-babies. This really motivates me to get to the gym and make healthier choices.
    Best of luck to you :)
  • summaryzn
    summaryzn Posts: 122 Member
    Ataylor... i just started working out again and I think reading someone's post on MFP about their secret being to just keep going is what has gotten me thru day 7 of consecutive physical activity. I can friend you and we can help motivate each other. Start small and dont'g et in over yourself. I for one - HATE exercising - the sweating, the windedness, etc, but have gained SOOO much weight that I realize that as much as my body craves food, it craves physical activity as well... Let's tag team and get err done!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    My hips
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    progress and endorphins.
  • MRJ717
    MRJ717 Posts: 27 Member
    my motivations are my dog bc she needs a walk every day, the results im getting from working out, and my vacation in september that i plan to look amazing for. :) Just stick with it and you will come to need it and not feel right without it.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    There are several ways I stay motivated....

    I think about what I want to look and feel like, and that is motivating.

    I come on here to MFP, see all the people working out and eating right! So motivating.

    I signed up to receive updates from fitness magazines and fitness sites...so that fitness and health is always being thrown in my face on FB, through email, etc This really keeps me going. :)

    Also...I have been challenging myself by trying new things. When I accomplish something it is so empowering!
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    I have to lay down a goal to work toward or I fall away too.. I began with C25K, so the goal was to finish it. I'm one of these people who would rather swallow glass than back out of a goal. I finished it, and immediately began training for a half marathon, which I'd signed up for with some other moms in my support group to raise money (we all have/love kids with a rare genetic disease) and that goal was always in the forefront of my mind, the reason I got up at 4:30 in the mornings for long runs, the reason I kept pounding the pavement day after day. When the half marathon was over, I took two weeks off and realized that if I didn't set another goal, I'd never have a reason to get out of bed. So I began training for a Warrior Dash (now we're 3 weeks away!!).. I'm already looking forward, trying to decide what I'm going to do this summer, but I'll know for sure before these Dashes are over.
  • gehlerc
    gehlerc Posts: 651 Member
    Participating in the monthly "Move Your *kitten*" challenges here on MFP. Each person sets his or her own goal of miles to move in the month. It's a great group of supportive people. Just setting that goal, and being a part of that group, motivates me every day.
  • MMKE4ever
    MMKE4ever Posts: 115 Member
    I hate working out. I have to force myself every morning to workout. Before I start my workout, I think about my goal weight and how much I really want to get there. I take the weekend off from my morning workout, so I think about how I can't wait to have that 2 day break.
  • Kris0109
    Kris0109 Posts: 177 Member
    (lack of) backfat and my booty
  • chelseabrown61
    This is a continuous challenge for me as well. I have only been going to the gym now for about two in a half months. I go anywhere from 3-5 days a week based on what I need to get done on specific days. I just had my second baby, and I've been big my whole life. Since trying to lose weight I try to stay motivated by finding the most awful pictures of myself, I mean the ones know one should see, and I hang them on the fridge, and on certain trigger points. When I see these...I want to work out immediately LOL. (I use sticky tac, because when company comes over, I do not want them seeing those pictures.LOL)
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member

    just kidding! The hardest part of working out for me, in the beginning, was making it part of my schedule. Once the habit was set, it was like brushing my teeth. It became automatic. I get up, eat breakfast, clean up, get to the gym. Make it part of your life. Remember it takes several weeks for something to become a habit. Hang in there.

    Plus my motivation comes each time my husband walks by and grabs my rear, with a comment. That alone gets me into the gym more than anything else.
  • miss_carls_gets_fit
    for me once i've started working out regularly i enjoy it (yay endorphins) and feel rubbish if i don't do it. it can be hard to make yourself get up and go to the gym when you want to stay in bed or get home after work but reminding myself how good i'll feel if i do go usually does the trick!
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 760 Member
    Congrats on starting back. My motivation is my ever shrinking waist line. 4 sizes down :)
  • love2cycle
    love2cycle Posts: 448 Member
    I have always loved to exercise, and feel terrible when I don't get to. It helps me in so many ways other than just keeping my weight down. Varying your exercise routine helps also, in case you get into a rut.
  • N_Bridgeman
    N_Bridgeman Posts: 45 Member
    I also find this a struggle. Currently its the thought of the extra food I'll get to eat that motivates me, but sometimes the idea of food isnt even enough. It seems like if I can just get myself to change into gym clothes I'll work out. It takes just the very first step. And I know that Ill feel better after and be proud. I try to remind myself of that. But then again, I still find it a struggle.
  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member
    seeing results -- the feeling afterwards -- reminding myself DAILY about my goals
  • cinsuccess
    cinsuccess Posts: 333 Member
    I totally HATE exercise. There is nothing that will ever make me enjoy it and believe me I have tried. I schedule my exercise just like I schedule anything else important in life. I put it in my caledar. For me, if I see it like an appointment, just like going to the DR or a meeting at work, I don't really think about it ahead of time. It's not something optional or where I have to "find" the time. I set the time in advance , commit to it, and so I just get it done. Someone once told me something that stuck with me and totally helps.... "Discipline is only needed until a habit is formed" The first few weeks takes discipline but then once you have a habit, you will go into auto-pilot and just do it without any hesitation or feeling or dread.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you need extra support. I'm a very positive person and make sure to encourage my friends whenever I see status updates for exercise or weight loss. All of us need as much support and positive motivation as possible.
  • nkyjennifer
    nkyjennifer Posts: 135 Member
    I have to have a schedule and a goal. I signed up for a half marathon and posted on Facebook (repeatedly lol) about it and my training. It's been a two-fold benefit - My friends are being so awesome and supportive and are also holding me accountable. I don't want to let everyone down! :-)

    So I signed up, found a training schedule, and have been sticking to it because I knew that if I don't, I won't be able to walk 13 miles.

    I've also made a habit of getting others to work out with me. Different friends on different days, but having someone by your side makes it more fun and less likely you'll back out.
  • diesels67
    Someone else said it already, but I put a picture of me from years ago up in my room. Its the first thing I see in the morning, and it helps me eat a healthy breakfast. Sort of starting the day off right.