30 Day Shred~ Anyone up for it?



  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    Well, nobody responded so I did it twice last night & counted it as 2 days :laugh: So, that means tonight is day 17! :bigsmile: YES i'm almost there. My knees are hurting this week - on top when I bend down - any suggestions on how to make them feel better? I've not let my knees go over my toes in the squats (although I don't know how i could, she tells you not to a bajillion times) so I'm not sure where the pain is coming from?
  • destinyisyours
    JStar513~ You crack my up :laugh: Yeah, I would have DEFINTILY counted it as 2 days!! I don't think I could do it twice in one night though! That's probably why your knees hurt. Lol. Joking.. All her workouts are taxing on the knees. I've never had problems with my knees, but my husband said the same thing you did and his hurting on top like that. Not sure what you could be doing wrong. Maybe it's just some muscle toning going on.. Now hurry it up and get to lvl 3 so we can talk about that one!!!

    So I did 2 days lvl 3 then took one day off and now I have done 7 days in a row of lvl 3 with NO BREAK (and am going to continue till I hit 10 days in a row on this one)!!! I'm not even sore! Can't believe it, because lvl 3 is super HARD!!! The cardio kicks @ss in this lvl. She has you doing your cardio w/ your weights, which I love, but it's hard. It's hard to do jumping jacks with handweights!! But hey, I can do it,,, it's trying to do the excercises after that cardio section totally out of breath that kills me! And talk about SWEAT!!!!! Holy!!!! Anyhow, I have worked hard this week only to weigh myself and see AGAIN that I have not lost a pound in almost 2 weeks :huh: Owell, not gonna let that slow me down. My muscle tone seems better, but husband SWEARS he notices a difference. Once I get brave enough, I will post some pics. Wish I would have done better at taking measurements!!!!

    Here are some of the things I will be doing starting next week... If I write it, maybe I'll stick to it!!!

    *Take a 2 day break after my 10th day of lvl 3 (30 days deserves a few days off :wink: )
    *Measure Myself!
    *Eat much better, and log it ALL!
    *Start and stick to another work out routine!

    I'm sure there is much more I need to do to achieve this last 10 pounds, but this is another start for me... another one.... Lol..
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    Hurry up to level 3? Do you want me to die? :laugh: Level 2 is pretty rough - after each strength circuit I'm like "yesss, only 2 more rounds of strength...only 1 more round...kicka$$ I'm DONE with strength!" lol I'm such a weakling. I asked my husband if he wanted to do the shred with me again last night & he said "um no" totally dripping in sweat (i just finished the first round) I said "are you sure babe?" he says "look at you - of course i'm sure. i'll stick to the couch for this round, thanks" :huh: thanks baby.

    I think the cario in 2 is a lot easier than 1. In 1 I couldn't do 30xJJ and then right into 30XJR and back into it again. My calves were not liking it. Then all the way through abs all I could think about was my legs burning from the cardio. LOL :tongue:

    I'm going to finish the shred w/o breaks too - that's my goal, anyway. I plan on doing some intense abs for the remained of the time before my vacation. I'm going clothes shopping this weeknd - I was going to wait until a week before we left, but my weekends are packed & I figure chances are slim I'll drop a whole size between now & then. And even if I do lose weight (which doens't look promising, i stepped on the scales to the same number as last week as well :angry: ) the clothes will just fit me better. I can def. see a difference in my arms - now if only my tummy would show the difference! I HATE this baby weight! :explode: DH says it's just skin & I'll never be able to tone it - I'm going to prove him wrong. Bring on the burn. :noway: Did I just say that????

    Tell me which workout you're giong to start & I'll start wtih you. I need someone to keep my focused. and someone to complain to :sad: haha jkjk I need to measure myself too. I took pictures but they are in no way ones that I want the general public to see! :huh:
  • destinyisyours
    I'm with you on the whole ab thing! And BS We should be able to 'tone' all that extra skin!! I don't want to believe that it's just gonna stay there. Lol! We will both prove your husband wrong :bigsmile: Yeah, wait till lvl 3, it truly KILLS me! I just want to hear what you have to say about it! Make me feel a little better. Cool that your gonna go ahead and go clothes shopping for your trip, I probably would too since it's coming up so soon. Plus if they are a little baggy you will be soooo pleased & happy!! Save reciepts just in case.. or even buy a few things a little 'snug' just so you MAKE yourself fit into them! Lol.

    Oh, and I want to do lvl 1 again, just so I can feel the pain & burn in my legs.. Tell me thats not sick! :sick: I know what you mean about that one! I'll keep you posted on which workout I'll do next. It's still up in the air.. I'm gonna go between lvl's 1-3 for maybe another week (after lvl3) before totally switching it up though. But yeah, I need the support too, helps me stay somewhat motivated!!
  • zoink66
    zoink66 Posts: 116 Member
    Ow ow ow, Level 3. I had a rotten week last week and only did two days of level 3, so I'm not counting them and starting over this week with L3. It's a killer. I'm almost considering going back to L2 for a week. I did L2 for twelve days, but could never get through it complete without taking a quick breather or two. I wonder if I moved on to L3 too quickly?
  • destinyisyours
    mer155~ I wondered the same thing. But all her lvls are hard, which is actually nice, because it's in different ways. I finished 10 days in a row on lvl 3, and am actually looking forward to going back and doing lvl's 1 and 2 and just mixing them all up. I still feel that they challenge me even after 10 days of each! Not many workouts do that.

    Hope everyone else is doing well!
  • destinyisyours
    How's everyone doing? Good, I hope!

    I took a few days off. Now I'm back at it. Finished the 30 days! And feel good about it, not that I lost too much weight, but I did tone up quite a bit. Right now I'm doing all different stuff. Trying to drink more water!! Push up's & Sit Up's every AM! and then a dvd workout in the afternoon. Still doing the 30 day shred and others. Just mixing it up for the time being! Still want to loose 9 more pounds though!! And it's harder than the first 12!!!!!!!!! They just will NOT come off! Owell, I gotta keep going, one day it will!

    Anyhow, just wanted to check in..

    Good luck to you all!

  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    :cry: :sad: :sad:

    I gave up. I was on day 19 and missed a day, and then another, and then another. :explode: :angry: :sad: Ugh.

    BUT - since stopping, I've lost 6lbs?!? I didn't lose any while doing it, and now I've lost 6!? Explain that??

    I've got 15 days left until I go on vaca, if nothing else, I'm gonig to do lvl1 every other night & I'm trying to see if I can find any good cardio vid's on the internet (no cable bc we're cheapos. lol) that I can use to help blast this last little bit of fat before i leave for vaca.

    HELP! :noway:
  • destinyisyours
    WOW!! How did you loose those 6? That's wonderful :flowerforyou: . Were you eating much different? Dieting more? Were you doing any workouts at all? Lol.. Sorry, but it is taking me FOREVER to loose the last 10- well last 9 now! It's aggravating. Look on youtube for some cardio vids, I heard people talking about it. Have you ever done TaeBo (Billy Banks) He's got some great videos! I think I may pull out some of his old ones I used to do, just to trade my workouts up a bit. Keep it up though, whatever you are doing is working.. Now you are my motivation ;-)
  • kaylou
    kaylou Posts: 375 Member
    How's everyone doing? Good, I hope!

    I took a few days off. Now I'm back at it. Finished the 30 days! And feel good about it, not that I lost too much weight, but I did tone up quite a bit. Right now I'm doing all different stuff. Trying to drink more water!! Push up's & Sit Up's every AM! and then a dvd workout in the afternoon. Still doing the 30 day shred and others. Just mixing it up for the time being! Still want to loose 9 more pounds though!! And it's harder than the first 12!!!!!!!!! They just will NOT come off! Owell, I gotta keep going, one day it will!

    Anyhow, just wanted to check in..

    Good luck to you all!


    I am the same way..about 5 days from the full 30 and on level 3. I have really noticed a difference in the toning but I did not lose one pound! I hoping its the "theory" that muscle weighs more than fat!!
    I have gotten compliments in the last 2 weeks that my arms look good and they notice a difference in my face...but I don't see it.
    I do feel better and the level 3 is getting easier so there must be change going on
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    hey everyone!

    i hope you guys are still at it:drinker:

    i'm going to start the shred next week... was just wondering- i've done a boot camp recently with similar moves to this dvd so i'm not really new to the constant torture:noway: lol.... anyway, i'm not really sure how to use the dvd's - do we just split it up 10days each? i'm thinking i should start at level 2 (so as to not reverse the progress in any muscles i've built with the class i was taking) but just wondering if anyone was in my position being not completely new to this sort of exercise or for those who are almost finished the shred - and maybe have some suggestions......:flowerforyou: thanks!
  • destinyisyours
    ClassicC~ I think you should start at level 1 because I did the same thing, went to this dvd after doing power half hour - tony horton series. And lvl 1 is actually challenging still. I did 10 days of each lvl with only a few breaks. I'm still mixing it up a bit after completeing the 30 days. It's a wonderful workout especially for toning. Good Luck to you!
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member

    i started on lvl 1 on monday and did lvl 2 today just to try it out... wow!! it is challenging! i'm gong to keep it up tho! it felt good in the end! :flowerforyou: