Got over 100 lbs to lose and looking for supporters!!! :)



  • DebbieLOL
    DebbieLOL Posts: 71 Member
    Welcome. I stumbled across this site quite by accident and am thrilled that I did. What an awesome resource and it's FREE! And the community support is awesome. I'm down 19 pounds, with 140ish to go. Feel free to add me. I'm in this for the long haul & can use all the support I can get as well. Hey, w:flowerforyou: e're all in this together!
  • I am currently on the path to lose 100 pounds as well. I find this site incredibly helpful! If anyone wants to add me so we can do it together that would be great!!
  • steflbrown
    steflbrown Posts: 168
    Welcome!!! Feel free to add me. I'm 25 and have about 100lbs to lose. WE can do this together!
  • ashleygx26
    ashleygx26 Posts: 140
    While my goal was not as aggressive, I was close. I had an original goal of 80 pounds and am down to my last 20!!! I know how hard it can be, so with that said if anyone is looking for support PLEASE add me. I have been there, and it's an amazingly feeling when you succeed
  • amcook4
    amcook4 Posts: 561 Member
    I'll add you too. I have a lot to loose too, and I'm someone who does well with support of others (and I like lifting others up too). I'm 26 and spend most of my time at a desk.
  • You will find all the support you need on MFP! I'm right behind you! You have my support and I'll continue to show it through encouragement! Let's get started!
  • mbk830
    mbk830 Posts: 164 Member
    Sending you a request!
  • Hey! My name is Darla. Feel free to add me. This is day 20 for me, but I've become somewhat of a MFP addict. :)
  • grumps0001
    grumps0001 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello, Im new to this community and started myfitnesspal almost two weeks ago. The calorie calculator is great and im learning to be a more healthy person. This is going to be a hard task but with will power im sure this will happen

    i have about 100lbs to take off and so far ive lost just a few pounds. Im 32 and have a young child I want to be able to play with more with out getting tired.
  • I'm in the same boat.... Desk job and never enough time for me :( So far this has been good hope at the end of a week and I weigh in it will show :)
  • PrinnyBomb
    PrinnyBomb Posts: 196 Member
    I'm 27, from the UK and it is time to change. I have a desk job too. They aren't helpful

    Anyway I have well over 100lbs to lose so feel free to add me. Friends = motivation!
