Help! Momma wanting to lose weight

I am 26 yrs old, a mother of 2. I am 5'4 and currently 241 lbs or so I would like to get to 180 lbs. I have been working a the treadmil doing 2 mi a day and eating between 1500-1600 cals a day. I am very new to this and would appreciate any adivce you can give me on what types of food to eat and what types of exercise. It has always been a life long struggle to watch what i eat, but i have decided that i am done with this fat body. I want to be around for my kids and my grandkids someday.

Thank you in advance



  • ThisCanadian
    ThisCanadian Posts: 1,086 Member
    Hi Ashley,

    I have the same situation. I'm a 32 year old mother or two kids under two. I'm 5'8 and about 197 pounds, still twenty pounds away from my (first) pre-pregnancy weight. I try to fill up on veggies and attempt to walk about 60 minutes a day (about three miles). I'm also training for a 5K in August, about 3 runs times a week and about twenty accumulative minutes of running each time. I know I need to strength train but it's hard to get away from the house with two young babies. Right now I'm only down about 10 pounds and I hope to lose 20 pounds by the end of July.

    As far as food consumption, I find what works best for me is what I'm NOT putting in my mouth. I avoid all fast food and sweet treats. I snack on butter-popcorn flavour rice cakes when I feel like snacking and so far it has worked wonders.
  • saustin201
    saustin201 Posts: 270 Member
    Hi Ashley, I am a 39 year old momma of 3 boys. I started out at just over 200 and am now under that, but I've lost 5 inches from my waist and hips. I started losing inches right away and just recently started losing pounds. I walk 1-2 miles per day (weather permitting). I am on a 1200 calorie per day diet.

    I usually eat a smaller lunch and then a larger meal at night. I eat a lot of fish and veggies. I walk after dinner or whenever I have time. Sometimes my middle boy rides his bike while I walk. My bike is broken right now:((

    Take your measurements and log them in. Go to the My Home tab at the top and click Check In. You'll get 3 measurements: neck, waist, and hips. Measure yourself, because I was losing inches, but not pounds and was getting concerned. However, I am more concerned about the inches right now, the pounds will come. A few people told me that sometimes your body will take 4-5 weeks to figure out you're trying to lose weight and this happened with me.

    Don't get discouraged.
  • saustin201
    saustin201 Posts: 270 Member
    I forgot to add I cut wayyy back on pop. I drink two cans per week and am thinking of cutting down to 1. I rarely eat sweets. I also eat salads and lots of veggies, but for me, the pop cut back has really helped.
  • Lindert16
    Lindert16 Posts: 3 Member
    I to am going to be doing a 5k in august. I am going to be going to the store to get a measuring tape and a good scale.

    Hi Ashley,

    I have the same situation. I'm a 32 year old mother or two kids under two. I'm 5'8 and about 197 pounds, still twenty pounds away from my (first) pre-pregnancy weight. I try to fill up on veggies and attempt to walk about 60 minutes a day (about three miles). I'm also training for a 5K in August, about 3 runs times a week and about twenty accumulative minutes of running each time. I know I need to strength train but it's hard to get away from the house with two young babies. Right now I'm only down about 10 pounds and I hope to lose 20 pounds by the end of July.

    As far as food consumption, I find what works best for me is what I'm NOT putting in my mouth. I avoid all fast food and sweet treats. I snack on butter-popcorn flavour rice cakes when I feel like snacking and so far it has worked wonders.
  • ThisCanadian
    ThisCanadian Posts: 1,086 Member
    Do you have a specific time that you would like to finish the 5K in? Or is it just your aim to finish it? I would like to complete the 5K in under 30 minutes. I also bought a scale that also measures body fat percentage. This way I can confirm that I'm still loosing body FAT on the weeks where my weight plateaus.
  • Lindert16
    Lindert16 Posts: 3 Member
    My goal right now is to just finish, it is actully a 5k obstacle course.

    Do you have a specific time that you would like to finish the 5K in? Or is it just your aim to finish it? I would like to complete the 5K in under 30 minutes. I also bought a scale that also measures body fat percentage. This way I can confirm that I'm still loosing body FAT on the weeks where my weight plateaus.
  • HeartlessHarlot
    HeartlessHarlot Posts: 65 Member
    What has done wonders for me is:

    1) Joining this site
    2) Tracking everthing I consume that has calories to it
    3) Cutting ALL beverages out of my diet except one (1) 8-10 ounce glass of skim mil and at least 8, 8 ouce galsses of water a day.
    4) Getting active, even if I just workout for 10 minutes a day, it's better than nothing
    5) Making my treadmill face the TV. The goal (not always reached) is to spend 75% of my time watching TV on the treadmill

    Hope this helps!
  • I am 26 yrs old, a mother of 2. I am 5'4 and currently 241 lbs or so I would like to get to 180 lbs. I have been working a the treadmil doing 2 mi a day and eating between 1500-1600 cals a day. I am very new to this and would appreciate any adivce you can give me on what types of food to eat and what types of exercise. It has always been a life long struggle to watch what i eat, but i have decided that i am done with this fat body. I want to be around for my kids and my grandkids someday.

    Thank you in advance


    Hi Ashley,

    You can take a look at my diary if you like, I think if you stick to a wholesome balanced diet, avoid processed foods, you'll find it easier to drop the weight.

    Get plenty of protein (fish, chicken, turkey, lean beef, eggs, dairy, nuts)
    Fruits / Veggies - the darker the color the better, more veggies than fruit
    Healthy Fats - walnuts, almonds, avocado, olive oil
    Water, water, water!

    My calories are set to 1640 and I don't have much to lose, I would bet you have some wiggle room still. Also, try to add in some good strength training at least one or two days in addition to your treadmill runs. Muscle is an excellent fat burner!