mentally, I am very active! I love bike rides, hiking, walking my dogs at 5 am, workingout! LOVE it! But between working 40 hours, 2 small kiddos, and 3 dogs I feel I never get around to it... I have packed on about 50 pounds and am so depressed.
Above all I cant stop eating, I have no self control! I will eat all day even if im not hungry, I never seem to get that feeling of being full.
I really need some advice on how to feel full! and control what i take in!

and maybe a few friends on here as well! :)


  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    Have you tried planning and tracking your meals in advance? That has helped me reign in the mindless eating. I only pack food for work that I will eat that day (no more snack drawer!) and I drink about 100oz of water a day - keeps you feeling more full and dehydration masks as hunger a lot of times. I've also found that working out in the morning, first thing, is the only guaranteed way I will get it done.

    As you're getting started with this, take it one day at a time. It's ok to take baby steps as you are building these habits. It's about being persistent, not necessarily being perfect. All you need to do is make one healthy choice at a time.

    Good luck!
  • sam939
    sam939 Posts: 11 Member
    It may what you're eating isn't the right stuff. And it may be why you could be feeling down too. Like if you eat a bunch of comfort foods, they aren't really meant to fill you up, they just give you that good high feeling. Protein and fiber help make you feel full. Have you ever thought that maybe you're eating because you could be depressed? Sometimes people over eat or under eat when they are depressed or in a funk. I tend to under eat (which you would think would be cool, but apparently I looked skeletal - I thought I looked great), so I try to make sure I eat, and eat the right stuff....change your snack foods to healthy choices. I mean, eat as many apples as you want, you know? okay, that's extreme, but you know what I mean, right?
  • Superchikanthem
    Superchikanthem Posts: 362 Member
    I use to be really bad at eating ALL THE TIME and now it is much better controlled I only feel like I need to eat a lot at work for some reason but I make sue that i drink lots of fluids mainly water and tea. I also plan on eating about 6 times a day I don't really eat big meals I make 3 small meals and 3 snacks for the day. (Works out to eating about every 3 hours) This does help with the fuller feeling. It also helps keep my blood sugar from spiking and dropping drastically. As long as it fits in my calorie range my body is happier when I eat more often and I find that I loose more weight fast when I do it this way. Mind you every persons body reacts differently to food timing and types so try a few different ways and see what works for you!
  • joycegina123
    Thanks for the tips guys!
  • joycegina123
    MrsCheeseFrie I know this is off topic but I LOVE your ticker!
  • ThePunkHippie
    I have the same issue - if I'm not eating because I'm hungry, I try to snack on things that don't have a lot of calories. I keep radishes, carrots, & celery cut up in a bowl of water in the fridge for snacking on & I find the fact that I can just grab a handful to be helpful (if I have to chop them myself when I want to eat them, I'm more likely to grab a box of crackers)
  • Lollypops44
    Lollypops44 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, sounds just like me! Am always snacking and eating and need to lose about 50lbs for health reasons. I live in London and would be happy to buddy up with you and see how we get on. :smile:
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    Have you tried planning and tracking your meals in advance? That has helped me reign in the mindless eating. I only pack food for work that I will eat that day (no more snack drawer!) and I drink about 100oz of water a day - keeps you feeling more full and dehydration masks as hunger a lot of times. I've also found that working out in the morning, first thing, is the only guaranteed way I will get it done.

    As you're getting started with this, take it one day at a time. It's ok to take baby steps as you are building these habits. It's about being persistent, not necessarily being perfect. All you need to do is make one healthy choice at a time.

    Good luck!

    What great advice!! I'm going to take this advice myself.... I've gotten off track as well.... moved to a new town, new house, new job.... I'm losing my consistent walking routine and I've got to back on track too! Thanks for the post and the advice!
  • ajschust23
    Try eating foods that are high in fiber. Fiber is what makes you feel full. Plus it's part of a healthy diet.
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
  • bjfrezell
    bjfrezell Posts: 241
    Have you tried planning and tracking your meals in advance? That has helped me reign in the mindless eating. I only pack food for work that I will eat that day (no more snack drawer!) and I drink about 100oz of water a day - keeps you feeling more full and dehydration masks as hunger a lot of times.

    I do this! I found it to be a life saver at work when I'm most likely to snack. Hang in there!
  • cgray
    cgray Posts: 132 Member
    Planning out your calories is great advice. So is drinking water and tea. I find that as soon as I change the way I think about myself on the inside the kinder I am to my body and what I put in it. Try telling yourself some positive things about your body. I know it sounds crazy, but it actually works. And if you're still looking for friends on here, feel free to add me.
  • lhaas24
    lhaas24 Posts: 92 Member
    Remember that you should not feel "full" when you eat, just not hungry. It took me a long time to grasp this.
  • butterfliespink
    Try eating foods that are high in fiber. Fiber is what makes you feel full. Plus it's part of a healthy diet.
    My dr just put me on a high fiber, low fat, lactose free diet. Surprisingly, I am not hungry. I now have a hard time eating my calories! Try fiber one bars/cereals and plenty of fresh fruit and veggies. Also, drink a lot of fluids
  • mshelly01
    I love to eat/snack on chocolate. I can eat a hersheys so fast I don't think I taste it. So I have found if I have to work for it it's not always worth it. Freeze it the garage freezer. Put it so high you have to think why you u are eating it. So I guess it all boils down to why are you doing it?:wink:
  • dharma2012
    I'm so relieved to see someone else posted exactly what I wanted to post, honestly I have been so frustrated with the exact same problem. It is less snacking through the day, and more never feeling full around meals. I just want to keep eating once I start. I had lost 35lbs before I started on this site, but then I gained back 6 and joined to help get on track. I have good friends who joined with me, and they try very hard to support me, but I think when you feel like you are drowning in your own hunger...well I feel like I'm utterly alone. I appreciate the support and advice listed here. I've tried everything, hunger suppressants, fiber, drinking copious amounts of water, some days I do okay, others I just start eating dinner and struggle to make myself stop at a reasonable amount. I am always open to new suggestions of how to try and deal with this and I feel for everyone else out there struggling with this.