couch to 5k



  • firefly171717
    firefly171717 Posts: 226 Member
    I agree with the slowing down! You'll be surprised at what you can do, if you stick with it. I did C25k to prepare for a Turkey Trot and I can now run 7 miles without stopping! And this is weird, and may not apply to anyone else, but whenever I stretched before my run, my legs seized up; now I just stretch afterwards.

    I've heard that too, that it is better to do something more active to a warm up and stretch after
  • Masterdo
    Masterdo Posts: 331 Member
    Do some stretching before each of your runs, and if you have the time, some more stretching and plyometrics after the run. It helps to improve from one run to the next.

    Check your shoes too. Running is a pretty cheap sport overall, but it's important to have good shoes, fit for you.

    Drink plenty, and take at least a day off between each runs.

    Good luck!
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Is there a secret to this program? I tried it for the first time the other day and thought I was going to pass out! I want to stick with trying this program, but it brought me to tears because I couldn't breathe and the front of my legs KILLED me...any ideas?

    if you're experiencing shin pain:

    make sure you are wearing appropriate shoes.

    slow down your pace.

    run less, walk more.

    repeat workouts as much as needed--you don't HAVE to follow the exact training plan; it doesn't work for everybody :)

    do dynamic stretches before running--leg swings, jog in place a minute or two.

    do static stretches AFTER you are either warmed up, or at the end of your run--try googling "shin splint exercises"

    vary the surface you are on, if you're outside. try running on grass or dirt (just be careful, uneven surfaces can be a bit tricky at first!)

    Good luck!
  • teejayjancik
    teejayjancik Posts: 46 Member
    Some of those programs don't start you off slow enough I think. I just spent the last 6 weeks training for my first running/walking 5K ever. I used the following program: which is more of an interval program. Copy and paste that link into your browser. This one really helped me! I was dying after the first few times of doing it as well and then after a few weeks, my body got used to it and it was not so hard.

    The main thing to remember is to NEVER GIVE UP! Just stay with it and you will have success! Good luck!
  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 616 Member
    Go at your own pace. If, instead of running, you have to walk at a faster pace, then that's ok. Just build up to it. Don't worry about repeating runs or weeks. I did it last year and I definitely had to repeat several days.
  • StarkLark
    StarkLark Posts: 476 Member
    You can always cut the week 1 time goals in half and work up the the "real" week 1 times. Seems funny to say this about C25K, but it's not a race! :laugh: Take your time and you'll start seeing some progress. Good luck!
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    I'm on week 2, but I used to be a runner 13 years ago so I already know I can do it. you might want to consider strength training as well to build up your leg muscles. but seriously, I'm starting slow, jogging slow and walking at a decent pace. but even on week 2 I am seeing a slight difference.

    plus there are a couple different Couch to 5k programs pick the one that suites you the best, here's what I'm doing:

  • knowwhentoshutup
    knowwhentoshutup Posts: 318 Member
    Running is more a mental game than a physical game.

    That being said - slow down, focus on breathing and don't worry about anything else. If you stick with it, you will see a transformation within yourself.

    I started running diligently a few months ago - and will be running my first half marathon on May 5. I am not a typical runner, and I still have weight to lose, but the training plan helped me see the changes in myself and push myself. I still run slow (on running standards - around 4-5 mph) but have seen steady improvements in endurance. Don't worry about how fast you run, or how you look. Focus on your goal.

    Good luck!
  • kimmyj74
    kimmyj74 Posts: 223 Member
    I agree to SLOW DOWN. I had/have the same problem. When I try to run too fast my shins hurt and burn and my lungs kill me. I can't breath let alone talk. I actually have to gauge how I am doing by my breath and slow myself down. My legs naturally want to go faster then my lungs can handle.
  • LeslieMDoyle
    LeslieMDoyle Posts: 162 Member
    I started C25K last summer, but quit after a few weeks...I was still on week 2. The reason I quit was because I was in so much pain. I thought the shin splints and foot pain was what all runners endured. Little did I know, I was doing myself damage by not listening to my body. So, these suggestions are GREAT! Good shoes, adequate warm-up and stretching down, and hydrating.

    I started running again about six weeks ago, running 25 paces at a time, then 50, then 100. Kind of my own C25K. But I've been amazed in the last 6-8 weeks how much I've improved. Previous posts are correct when they say there will be gradual improvement in your strength, endurance, and cardio ability. I plan to start an official C25K on May 1st as I want to run a 5k with friends over 4th of July weekend. And I am actually looking forward to it...and I still weigh over 220 lbs.
  • pandsmomCheryl
    pandsmomCheryl Posts: 168 Member
    I'm a recent C25K graduate & I'm up to 4+ miles now - I reached out for advice on MFP as well - I was having a hard time too. You have to slow down. Someone said this to me, and it really stuck: "if you can run slower, you're going too fast". Endurance first, speed later. Good luck!
  • flyingwrite
    flyingwrite Posts: 264
    YIKES!!! I'm planning on starting that program in a few weeks!! which one are you doing? I think there are different programs. I think the one I'm looking at doing is running 90 seconds, walking 60, run 90. is that the one you did?

    This is the one I'm doing with pretty good success. I've had to repeat a couple of weeks because I've never run in my life. When I started running, even 60 seconds was hard for me, but I'm up to 3 minutes and I can handle it. Good luck to you! You CAN do it!
  • tryleigh
    tryleigh Posts: 7 Member
    YIKES!!! I'm planning on starting that program in a few weeks!! which one are you doing? I think there are different programs. I think the one I'm looking at doing is running 90 seconds, walking 60, run 90. is that the one you did?

    The one we are trying is warm up for 5minutes, jog 60 seconds, walk 90 and repeat numerous times