calories to low

crystal479 Posts: 59 Member
:smile: hi they set my calories on here at 1200 but im finding that very hard to stick to and im being rearly good ,does anyone else find the calories they set have been to low as this is making me feel like a falier ,would like to put it up to 1400 as i no i would be better at sticking to the those calories but would i lose weight.


  • GeoJenna223
    GeoJenna223 Posts: 68 Member
    Yes you would lose weight.

    I lost and gained the same 5 pounds for months on a 1200 calorie diet, with lots and lots of exercise.

    I have lost close to 30lbs on a 1600 cal/day diet

    I lift weights 6 days per week, with cardio 2-3 days per week.
  • returningmyfatsuit
    returningmyfatsuit Posts: 35 Member
    If you are exercising, you should eat back your exercise calories. This gives you the calorie deficit that you need according to the goal you set on MFP, but you won't be so hungry and feel like a failure. Also, if you're not losing at 1200 calories like the one above me said, you might need more calories. The weight will come off :)
  • obeseto13point1
    obeseto13point1 Posts: 144 Member
    Yes. Definately raise them especially if you exercise. The 1200 worked for me for awhile, but I workout alot (have a hrm and often burn over 4,000/wk) and stopped losing weight until I started eating most of my ex cals, also changed my settings to lose 1lb/wk and that bumped up my cals to 1390. I honestly am to the point that I don't care if I only lose 1lb/wk, I just want to lose!
  • sherim71
    sherim71 Posts: 130 Member
    1200 is not enough calories for really any adult. Go to tools and figure what your BMR is supposed to be.

    I'm 5'7", now weighing 212, work out cardio/strength training 3-4 times a week for 45 minutes-60 minutes. I have my calories at 1700 after just upping them by 200. It helped me to begin losing weight again and I'm considering bumping them up again.
  • teegraves
    teegraves Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I feel that my calories are too low as well. I was set at 1200 calories and although I have lost 6 pounds since I began about 30 days, I think the first 5 pounds was water. I was thinking about increasing my calories as well. I read from Dr. Oz that 1600 calories a day at average is what a person needs to lose weight. I hope this helps some.
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