Eating: Before or After Exercising?

Is it better to eat before or after your work out? I go home, help my son with his homework, WORKOUT, and then cook dinner. Should I shift when I cook?


  • sapalee
    sapalee Posts: 409 Member
    How do you feel when you workout? Hungry, low energy, great?

    Both for me, I usually workout from 4:30-5:30

    I have lunch, a snack about an hour before, protein shake and fruit after, cook when I get home. It's 1-2 hours after workout before I get to eat dinner so I do much better with the snack in the car.

    Dinner right before would be too heavy for me but I need some sort of snack before.
  • julie9200
    julie9200 Posts: 62 Member
    Is it better to eat before or after your work out? I go home, help my son with his homework, WORKOUT, and then cook dinner. Should I shift when I cook?

    I do both. I eat a snack about 30 - 45 min before, usually something like yogurt w/honey & granola, a piece of fruit, or sometimes half a slice of bread w/peanut butter. I'm always starving when I'm done so then I eat my regular lunch.
  • Ritzbrit
    Ritzbrit Posts: 211 Member
    My trainer told me to eat a small, light meal/snack 30 to 60 mins before you workout so you have the energy to do the workout. Then afterwards eat protein! Protein repairs the body so important to have it post workout.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    you have to do what works for you.
  • mcshoelovin22
    mcshoelovin22 Posts: 263 Member
    Thanks everyone, I think Im gonna snack on my way home. Driving in Atlanta traffic it will be 30 minutes, or more, before I start my workout. I love the peanut butter half idea!
  • phoenix8633
    phoenix8633 Posts: 137 Member
    If I'm exercising in the morning then I will eat after exercising
    If I'm exercising after work I'll have a piece of fruit at about 3pm and then exercise about 4:30pm
  • kace406
    kace406 Posts: 80 Member
    Lately, I've been exercising after work on most days, so I have a filling, easy on the stomach snack around 4:30, workout around 5:30-6, then dinner after. If I'm not going to have dinner right away, because we have other plans or it needs to cook or something, I eat another small, high protein snack.

    I'm always eating! I get really grouchy if I'm hungry, so small snacks are my bff.
  • sillycat20022
    I usually eat a snack about an hour before working out and then like you I am cooking dinner and eating about 1 hour later. I can't seem to eat dinner before I don't get as good as a work out.