Please help? Eating and exercising problem.

I need help losing weight! I am stuck at my weight... :(
I am about 155 - 157 pounds and my goal weight is 120 - 130 depending on how I look. Please help!

My problem is... I love eating bad stuff. But I don't know what to do to counter that.
The be honest, I don't exercise daily. I am wondering... can I eat these bad foods if I exercise for at least (very least) 30 minutes with cardio exercise?

I mean... today, I want Italian. Greek salad and alfredo tortellini with diet soda made at home with Sodastream.
Not sure just how many calories it is, but I know it's a lot. I haven't ate today because I just got up.

It's around 3:30pm est. I sleep late because I stay up late working. (I program often and can't always stop where I'm at.)

Please help. I can't just stop eating like this. I LOVE these foods. They are good and bad for you.

The main way I've lost weight is through not eating much 'cus I get full relatively fast now. I used phentermine for two weeks and then stopped using it. I used it just so that I would stop eating large portions and could train myself to settle for less knowing that there's always more food later. I also moved to an apartment that is on the third floor and I own a small dog that must be walked three or four times a day.



  • tex43
    tex43 Posts: 229
    Are you tracking your food intake, cuz if you are you will see how little of the good stuff you can have, and how much more of the healthy GOOD stuff you can have. The key to this is calories in versus calories out, plain and simple. You have to stick to the plan for at least a couple of weeks, and you will then see that it just gets easier and easier. But trust me and I'm speaking from experience, you have to stick to the plan the majority of the time.

    Hope this helps best of luck!!
  • iwantahealthierme13
    iwantahealthierme13 Posts: 337 Member
    You know what? Punch all those foods in your diary. They may be high calorie but they're not bad for you.

    diet soda is 0 cals. The salad depending how much feta is not it (3 squares of feta is 135 cals) is probably around 300-350 if you put all the ingredients in seperate. Tortellini is probably around 400-500 if it's alfredo as well depending how it's cooked, if it's whole wheat or white and your portion size.

    If you were asking about junk food I'd tell you to try and eat healthier but that meal isn't bad.
  • tigerlily8045
    tigerlily8045 Posts: 402 Member
    I am fairly new to this lifestyle change and its to the point where I really weigh out my choices. Do I want to excercise for an hour just to have that doughnut???? I find that I am not craving that "bad" stuff as much. I am still having it occassionally and know that I have to work it off. You should really figure out your portions and see what your calorie intake so you can make that decision of is it worth it to eat 3 cups of stuff or would 1 do the job?
  • shibby1533
    shibby1533 Posts: 1 Member
    What really worked for me was tracking everything I ate...and I mean everything. When I first started I was so embarassed at how much I was eating it made me want to eat better. Something else I was told by my coaches was to always give yourself 1 day off where you are allowed to eat anything you want, "Bad" or "good". This has actually helped. I've been tracking my eating habits for almost 2 months now and by the time I get to my "free day" I try to eat what I want and just get full faster and don't end up eating it all.
    I workout 6 days a week for 45 mins a day right now while I'm in my kickboxing class. Working out and eating healthier has really made the difference. in the first 5 weeks I lost 9 pounds, 3% body fat and around 6 inches. It's pushed me to work even harder to lose those last 11 ounds by the end of the last 5 weeks. Once I'm done with my classes near the end of May..I don't think I'll have the urge to go back to wanting all of the bad things I was before. And I'll probably take it down to working out 4-5 times a week instead of the 6, so I can maintain from that point going forward. Once you make the commitment to change yourself, it'll be easier. You just have to keep at it. Hope this helps!
  • Skitti
    Skitti Posts: 20
    Thank you guys for your input! I really appreciate it.
    I've lost almost 60 pounds since early December 2011, actually... but this is where everything has come to a screeching halt! D:
    I guess I will exercise more!
    I don't like snacking that much, that's why I just eat a meal instead. I eat about two to three meals a day.

    I remember when I used to snack all the time, though, that was back in my 200 pound days...