What am I doing wrong?

I'm making healthier food choices (with the occasional splurge day), keeping my intake pretty close to my goals for the day, exercising, and cutting out soda.
Just last week, I went on a hike and had a 1,500 burn.
Why am I not losing weight? I've only lost three pounds since starting many weeks ago...

It's just so frustrating.


  • Ariane624
    Ariane624 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in the same boat! I've been tracking food every day, staying within my calorie limit and getting in at least 5 cardio workouts a week, and am down 1.3 lbs. My weight loss usually starts off pretty slow though (I am a pretty healthy eater usually, so there isn't a huge change between what I eat when using MFP and what I eat usually), and tends to speed up with I add strength training. Maybe you are the same???

    I feel your frustration though!!!
  • dreanance
    dreanance Posts: 246
    How are you estimating your exercise calories? Are you eating them back?
  • s1lence
    s1lence Posts: 493
    There could be any number of reasons. Could be that you aren't eating enough or that you are underestimating and eating too much, if you have a lot of salt in your diet that affects your weight as well. Changing up exercises could help the situation that you are having. Time and patience is the best bet.

    Do more research into what need to be eating and how much exercise you could be doing, if nothing else it never hurts to know more. Also check out plateaus, that may also help you to get over the one you seem to be on.

    Take your measurements, sometimes if you don't see the scale move doesn't mean that you haven't lost. Taking your measurements may actually give you a better view of how you are losing rather than the numbers on the scale.

    I wish you luck.
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    Are you weighing your food and using a HRM to track cals burned?

    The most common reason that people feel like they are doing everything right and not losing is unfortunately because we underestimate calories eaten and over estimate calories burned.

    Other things to try include drinking more water and tracking your measurements as well as your scale :) Good luck!