Going down in pant sizes

Just wondering how long it took, or how much weight you had to lose before you started to drop pant sizes, and before people started to notice you had lost some weight


  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    20 lbs, but I'm nearly 6 feet tall and loose weight on my top before my bottom.
  • Donnaakamagmid
    Donnaakamagmid Posts: 198 Member
    Well mine were tight to begin with so about 15 lbs
  • Qatsi
    Qatsi Posts: 2,191 Member
    20 pounds on the pant size, 30 before people started to notice.
  • csargent10
    csargent10 Posts: 1 Member
    I started at 193 and at about 180 people started asking me if I had lost weight... I went from a 14/16 pant to a 12. I noticed it in my face and chest before anything on my bottom half! Good luck!
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    i didn't lose very many at the beginning. seems like after i lost about 15 lbs the pant sizes started coming down faster. i started at a 10 and went to an 8 about 15 lb in and then a 6 about 5 lb later and then a 4 about 5 lb later. haven't made it to a 2 yet but would love to, just have to get some of my measurements down. hoping to tone up in order to do that.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Pretty quick (about 10 lbs) but I tend to store my fat around the belly so it's more noticeable there.
  • loseiteli
    loseiteli Posts: 242 Member
    I think I lost about 20-25 pounds before I droped pant sizes, and then I dropped several very quickly (down from a lose 24 to a snug 16). People still havent really noticed a lot of weight loss, but i think that is because of two things: 1) I am still wearing some of my really big clothes, not form fitting ones (not that comfortable yet) and 2) I am pretty tall at 5'11".

  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    I'm a total pear shape and carry ALL my weight in my thighs and hips, as little as 2lbs could mean a whole pant size for me! I think it really depends on where you carry and lose weight. :)

    At 170...size 18
    At 160...size 14
    At 150....size 11
    At 140...size 9
    At 136 (now) size 8
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    About 15 lbs to move down a pant size and about that time is when people started to notice...probably because I went from wearing baggy clothes to clothes that actually fit (and I had bought some more figure revealing clothes rather than big things to just cover myself up)
  • Bakerchk
    Bakerchk Posts: 424 Member
    I started at 152lbs. I'm now 139lbs and I've gone from a size 11 to a size 9 (but I am only 5'2''). My 9's are already big on me (I think when I first starting wearing a size 9 I was around 142lbs). Within the past few weeks, people have started to notice. But again, I am 5'2'' so I can see a difference between a few pounds. I'm hoping that with the next 3-5 pounds lost I will get down to a size 7.
  • careyayn22
    I now have pants from size 8 to 16 that fit me right now but it seems to be about every 15-20 lbs I go down.

    Started at 16/18 and even had one 20
    Around 20 lbs went to 14/16 (and bought one crazy vanity sized 10)
    Around 35-40 lbs went to 11/12/13 but still wearing 14's
    Around 50 lbs (still wearing 11/12/13 but moving into 9/10s and 14s are too loose-and one pair of 13s is borderline too big and so are those crazy vanity sized 10s I bought in the fall)
  • kellapicola
    kellapicola Posts: 28 Member
    I found this saying about that: "It takes 4 weeks for you to see your body changing, it takes 8 weeks for friends and family and it takes 12 weeks for the rest of the world."

    I noticed the pants size change for me between 10-15 lbs. When I started losing weight, I was a size 22/24--I am not in a 10/12. I've noticed now that the weight is not moving too much on the scale for me now, however, measurements are KEY! I've noticed more changing of my body then the weight numbers on the scale. Good luck and keep it up! It takes time for sure--it feels like we gain the weight overnight, but losing it takes forever, but it is all worth it! :) You are stronger than you think!
  • pachamb
    pachamb Posts: 52
    OH BOY! I started at 248 and I am now down 47 pounds and have only lost one pant size. I started at 18 and am now a 16ish. I lost nearly all my boobs and a lot in my lower leg and face first but I have always had real wide hips and i think that is my problem. People close to me noticed I was losing after 20 pounds and now at 47 people i just pass by every other day are stoping me to ask what I do. But its still hard for me to see the difference.
  • kimberly0416
    kimberly0416 Posts: 123 Member
    Just wondering how long it took, or how much weight you had to lose before you started to drop pant sizes, and before people started to notice you had lost some weight

    From a size 12 to a size 6 I didn't really lose much frigging weight!!! Hence I think scales are evil and think no one should use them.
    However from a firm 6 to a lose 6 some fours I dropped 20lbs? Seems unbelievable, might have something to do with me throwing the scales out the window and one day being weighed at the doctors.

    But time wise? About 30-45 days, spinning is the key. (Not to drop all those sizes)
  • furbs905
    furbs905 Posts: 11 Member
    It took 20 lbs before I went down in pants size and a good 30 lbs before anyone noticed. I seemed to have lots in my arms and legs and not as much in my tummy.