Ripped in 30 Reviews

Looking at new at home work-out DVDs. I am currently finishing up the 30DS and really enjoy it. I like that it is a quick and effective workout! Just wondering if anyone has had experience with the Jillian Michael's ripped in 30? I am thinking of starting that next.


  • Hood25
    Hood25 Posts: 208 Member
    Well I am finishing up 30DS and did ripped first! Ripped was my first video ever. I had excellent results! I loved the fact that it has 4 workouts and you move on faster. The workouts are under 30 minutes as well. The warm downs are longer. i liked the last two weeks best. It is more difficult though and has more complex moves. I'm not sure if you will have as good results or not. I lost a lot of inches and I haven't measured yet on 30DS shred because I have 9 days left. I think you will like it but it is challenging! I'm doing her abs video after 30DS and then maybe kettle ball. Jillian's videos have definitely made a big difference in my workout. I do cardio in addition to her videos everyday. I don't think I would have had the progress i'm having without her.
  • flobee76
    flobee76 Posts: 67 Member
    If you are still looking for a quick and effective work out, I do recommend Ri30. Like you, I did 30DS and loved it! I was amazed at the results. Ri30 is just a few minutes longer, a bit more challenging (at least for me) than 30DS. :)
  • chekesha2002
    I have tried the P90X and I loved it. Im currently addicted to kettle bells but my schedule does not allow me to be consistent with the classes. I am starting the Ripped in 30 but Id like to know the difference between that and the 30 day Shred.