Well that's frustrating

I've NEVER been active really in my life. I played baseball through high school and was fine during that but for the last 5 years I haven't done much at all. (Hence being very out of shape now).

Now that I'm trying to get back IN shape I'm getting frustrated. I know its meant to be hard but I need advice. I use an elliptical for 30 - 40 minutes (higher resistance.. Im raising it every 1 - 2 weeks) with varying speed as well 5 days of the week. I also do 40 - 60 minutes of very brisk walking (uphill, downhill, etc) about 6 or 7 days a week. I've recently started working with weights this week and though I'm sore Im handling the lower sets and weights which I plan to up when I am getting through the reps well.

Anyway - today I went to try a video with circuit training. After just the warm up I was tired, first exercise I thought I was going to throw up and pass out at the same time. I KNOW its meant to be hard at first and I KNOW I'm just getting back in shape but holy crap. I'm so frustrated with myself. What's the best way to approach working on stamina, etc.Has anyone else had this issue?


  • N_Bridgeman
    N_Bridgeman Posts: 45 Member
    I went to a bootcamp class a couple of weeks ago. I used to actually be quite in shape and was even doing p90x, a terribly hard work out video, but let myself slip. So I go to this class, and I seriously thought I was on an episode of punk'd. Like everyone was doing everything, and I was going to die. I was so sick, tired, out of breath. I just tried to survive, and left super discouraged.

    Well in the past few weeks I've been working out when I can (doing some 30 day shred videos at home some days), some soccer with my boyfriends team some other days, and just getting back into it.

    I went to bootcamp last night, and although I wasn't the best by far, I totally rocked it.

    Just stick with it. Do what you can, when you are tired try to modify (I got tired skipping rope in bootcamp, so just slowly jumped or jogged in place). You will notice the changes, and man does it feel good to see the difference. And the changes happen fast (way faster than big changes in weight loss).
  • spazofthedead
    spazofthedead Posts: 175 Member
    Just stick with it. Do what you can, when you are tired try to modify (I got tired skipping rope in bootcamp, so just slowly jumped or jogged in place). You will notice the changes, and man does it feel good to see the difference. And the changes happen fast (way faster than big changes in weight loss).

    This. :) I went to a boot camp class unprepared once and ended up puking in a can halfway through. Take it slower and build up to harder stuff and you won't be wanting to die every time.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    I would suggest taking at least 1 day a week off & you dont have to do SO much in the very beginning. I never could have imagined doing what you do at the beginning! You're really a trooper!! You know I do Turbofire. We go 6 days a week. Basically we do cardio 5 days a week. On one of the short days (where were do HIIT) we add in a sculpting/toning exercise, which is resistance training only we use a band & the other day is a core workout.
    B4 I started fire, I was doing jam & I went by my own thing. I did cardio mon, wed, fri & resistance/abs workout tues & thurs. Took the weekends off. I used to get sick & feel like I was going to throw up too. When that happened, I stopped. Some things you can push thru like DOMS & just being tired. But listen 2 ur body. When u start getting sick, that's ur body saying 'too much too soon'. It will get better the more you do, but just don't push urself SO far. :)
  • N_Bridgeman
    N_Bridgeman Posts: 45 Member
    ^^^^ Thats true too. Take breaks....... I modify when I can, but rest when I can't. And days of recovery are a great thing.