The reason I always quit trying to lose weight..dun dun dun

My excuse, each and every time I have tried in the past to lose thing ALWAYS gets in the way. I get sick. I get a head cold, or a sinus infection, or the flu....and then I feel all sorry for myself and let myself eat some chicken-less chicken noodle soup and I drink oodles of orange juice, have a few popsicles...and then I quit logging. This has happened several times....and I am NOT letting history repeat itself.

This morning I woke up with a sore throat, headache and congested....and I'm just not quitting this time. I don't care if I have the flu for a whole week, I'm going to log straight through it. I might not get off the couch, but I AM NOT QUITTING!!!!

Is there some thing that has always made you quit in the past? How do you over come it? Anyone else quit when they get sick?


  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    I think of it as a lifestyle change, not a diet because that sounds cheesier. Plus then there is no quitting. Whatever I decide to do one day is independent from the next day. I've been sick this day, I ate an extra thousand calories over maintenance over this period because I decided that sitting on the couch eating cheap easter candy sounded like a great idea. All the same, now that I'm no longer feeling sorry for myself and am back at work, I am settling into my old routine. I'm excited to lift again tonight. Extra rest = extra special PR?!?!
  • lmfbs
    lmfbs Posts: 72 Member
    For me, it's getting busy and injured. I'll get busy, stop going to the gym as often. Then I'll go, and push too hard and hurt my knee/shoulder/hip/whatever. Then I'll take a break off the gym. Then my eating will slip. Then I'll feel like I'm too far behind to catch up, so I'll just stop.

    It's silly. If I have a bad day/week/month, I need to log it, forgive myself, and move on.

    I hope you get better soon!
  • IslandGurl27
    I quit (or have quit) when I've gotten sick as well. I lose all motivation because I don't usually exercise when I'm sick. But for me it's also any major life event that can derail me. The past few months, I've just tried to power through it. Keep up with my blog and tracking no matter what. It's helping :)

    Feel better!
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Pizza gets in my way! And my favorite saying right now is "If you get tired of starting over, STOP QUITTING!" It has been pulling me through most of my challenges lately.
  • acknan
    acknan Posts: 261 Member
    Injuries, getting sick, being busy and everything else derail me. MFP helps me!
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    Getting sick and getting busy has been my hang-ups too. And actually in the past I've been too strict on myself or tried to exercise too much off the bat and burn out and just give up because it's too hard. I'm trying to go easier on myself, and tell myself that if I indulge in something I don't have to throw my entire eating plan away and give up- just do better the next day! The change in thinking doesn't always happen overnight.
  • cressievargo
    cressievargo Posts: 392 Member
    What derails me each & every time - plateaus...I get discouraged & say screw it.

    I'm in the midst of a bad one right now..trying all kinds of different things...scale is still pissing me off...but I am NOT quitting this time.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I quit a cpl months back cuz I thought I had it figured out. Stayed away from logging for 4 months. While I didn't gain any weight, I didn't loose a single pound either. Wasted time :(
  • honeybee518
    honeybee518 Posts: 15 Member
    try hot tea when you get sick or just chicken broth. both are very good and chamomile tea has no calories
  • Fat_2_Fit_Mommy
    Fat_2_Fit_Mommy Posts: 569 Member
    Today I though about quitting but I went this far so I'm going to stay at it cause I hate the way I look!! But good job for u trying to keep going.
  • xarla16
    xarla16 Posts: 84 Member
    Yeah, I agree about the not seeing it as a diet. The odd thing is my diet wasn't really "bad" to start with, I just ate way too much of what I was eating. For me it's all about portion when I quit I just go back to my overeating...not necessarily eating unhealthy food. Luckily my attitude has changed a lot. I feel as though I'm eating because I'm hungry now vs, bored, happy, depressed, thirsty, bored, and bored.
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    whenever i'm stressed or not as hopeful for whatever reason.
  • cwilhelm40
    I used to make excuses all the time! However, for the past 38 days, I have logged EVERYTHING, even the day I went a thousand calories over my target. If I make myself track, I'm more likely to stick to my target, despite those days or times when I stress eat way to much or when I'm sick and eat way too little. Stick with it and good luck!
  • allisonrozsa
    allisonrozsa Posts: 178 Member
    Depending on how sick I am, I usually TRY and exercise that day. Though it is exhausting, the physical activity helps to kick things in gear and your body tries to make itself better faster (broke some fevers doing that).
  • dawnschrecengost66
    dawnschrecengost66 Posts: 30 Member
    I always give up when I hit a plateau, and after being stuck there for a few weeks, I say what the heck, I might as well eat a pizza because I'm not losing anything anyways, oh and a couple beer never killed anyone, oh why not have a candy bar.....and then it ends.

    I'm sort of there right now, stuck in between the same 4 lbs for 5 weeks. But this time it's different, I just keep doing what I"m doing....logging and exercising...and eating soon as I fine tune my calorie count and not undereating.....I will be okay.

    I swear to goodness this time it's different !!!!
  • KeepOnMoving
    KeepOnMoving Posts: 383 Member
    This has often happen to me in the last few years!!! I guess its pretty common. The best thing that helped me is to log or take notice what is going on at the time. For me, I get sick in August and/or September because of allergies. Sometimes it turns into bronchitis well into October. I started taking Zyrtec when the allergies start to show, and stay on that medicine until it turns cold in November or December - wa-la! I made it through and still exercising!

    Also, I had my first injury in 2010, I had already lost weight but was determined not to let myself gain back the weight. So I did all alternative exercises to not gain my weight back. I was successful for the entire year of 2011!

    At the end of 2011, I slipped back due to extreme schedule. :( I am not totally off the wagon but I am making strides to improve. I have to prioritize family and work first. But I am determine not to give up on the exercise. MFP really helps me stay motivated.
  • MariaAlbina
    MariaAlbina Posts: 131 Member
    For me, I try to tell myself I look good and get people to say I look good but I could never believe it. I'm tired of TRYING to be happy with myself and instead am going to actually do the work to finally be happy about my weight.
  • Mcmilligen
    Mcmilligen Posts: 332 Member
    I care too much about what other people think. In the past, I let an old (extremely negative) friend push me out of "obsessing" over health and nutrition. After realizing all this guy was doing was weighing me down and forcing me in to his lifestyle of negatvity and 'an unavoidable melancholic state', as he put it. Needless to say, I don't hang out with this guy any more. I may have less friends, but I'm happier. And I'm not going to let anyone influence me away from my own personal goals again! I know in time, positive friends will begin to fill my friend circle again :)
  • texasheathers
    texasheathers Posts: 23 Member
    OH, a million things get in my way. It's been a rough week - let's go get gourmet burgers. It's been a great week, let's celebrate - out to dinner!!! I'm sick, let's have comfort food. I'm feeling fabulous - let's go out for margaritas and mexican food! LOL! This is the demise of every diet - trying not to fall into the same trap this time! Feel better soon!!
  • My auto immune disease really throws me off. I get oubreaks every three weeks. I feel fantastic while I dont have an outbreak and then the week it happens I feel useless because I am sluggish, tired, I deal with ulcers in mouth and throat and during that time I dont usually feel like running and that week is just enough time to throw me off. This happens every month.