lifting and losing... what path did your body take?

meeulk Posts: 246 Member
I feel like something isn't quite right. I feel like people that are lifting are losing weight better/ faster/ more productively than I am, and I should be losing, too. I've been lifting for about 2 months... so I figured newbie gain would be slowing by now... and fat would be going away! If this keeps up... I'll be a very muscle-y and still fat 180 lb-er. waahh /end complaint.

start real question/ what path did your bodies take to get to where you are now? when did you notice changes and what were they?


  • cyncetastic
    cyncetastic Posts: 165
    I can't see your diary, but that would be helpful to see because if you are sticking to your exercise, I would assume the culprit is your diet.

    Once I cleaned up my diet and focused less on calories and more on ingredients, I saw dramatic changes in my body. I didnt even do a minute of cardio and focused solely on weights and the muscles was coming on and fat was coming off. I would say that by week 8, I saw the most noticeable changes that others could start to see too.
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    If i only lift it doesn't help, if I lift and do some cardio I can see a big difference
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Losing happens in the kitchen, not in the gym.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    i had been lifting using the P90X and New Rules of Lifting for Women programs last year while eating a vegetarian diet. I looked okay but wasn't seeing much in terms of changes to my body. BUT then I switched my diet to paleo (i know, huge change but being a veggie was literally making me ill due to a then unknown gluten allergy) and BAM! I started seeing changes---i was less bloated and had more energy. About a month after my diet change, I started crossfit and then--holy cow! Did i see changes...i lost 12 lbs in 2 months (as compared to ZERO pounds lost in all of 2011) and my abs were perminatly prominent. I stared seeing arm veins and huge gains in the amount i was/am lifting. Lifting REALLY heavy (like to the point where i always am afraid and often have to just drop the weight) and eating meats, veggies, nuts, and fruits has been the solution for me!
  • meeulk
    meeulk Posts: 246 Member
    thanks everyone, so far!

    opened my diary. would love some *kind* feedback.

    some of the items are listed from restaurants bc it's the closest thing to what i ate... but not really from there (like bbq from DQ. ew)
  • yarmiah
    yarmiah Posts: 325 Member
    I have to agree with jacksonpt's quite "losing happens in the kitchen, not in the gym".

    I am no expert, but viewing your diary just from the past few days, it looks like alot of processed foods.
    And, you seem to drink alot of calories too. Are you drinking any water? I hate water too lol, but am trying
    to work my way to drinking a gallon over the course of a day.

    I commend your commitment to hitting the gym, and by all means, keep doing so! But the results you
    seek are more likely to start happening if you change up your diet a bit.
  • meeulk
    meeulk Posts: 246 Member
    I do drink water... just don't log it. I could definitely drink more though.

    I've made a lot of changes to my diet already, and still have a long way to go in perfecting it. But, great ideas so far.
    What's your go-to source of quick protein?
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    What's your go-to source of quick protein?

    Optimum Nutrition protein powder (either Pro Complex or Whey Gold Standard), lean ground beef, chicken breast.
  • yarmiah
    yarmiah Posts: 325 Member
    Trainer wants me to get min of 100g a protein a day. It was a struggle in the begining, but am slowly
    finding ways to get protein in me throughout the day.

    Breakfast: eggbeaters, turkey bacon/canadian bacon, yogurt or cottage cheese
    Lunch: chicken, turkey or tuna fish, quinoa
    Dinner: lean protein
    Snacks: yogurt, cottage cheese, boiled eggs
    post strength work out: yogurt/cheese, PureProtein or Luna Bar

    Gratz on your success so far and improving diet!
  • meeulk
    meeulk Posts: 246 Member
    I was asked about my gym routine...

    @ gym 4 times a week. upper and cardio twice a week. lower and cardio twice a week. cardio- incline walking on treadmill before and after weights = 30+ minutes depending on time. upper body is chest flys (50), chest press (45-50), overhead press (35), mid row (85), lat pull down (90), tricep rope (40), 21s (20-30), and delt pull ups (17.5). lower WAS leg press (190), leg extension (90), leg curl (80), hip abduction (90), hip adduction (90), rotary calf (140)... but just added squats (55-65 only done them once so working on form) so I will likely not be doing most of those machines. I do heavy as I can 3 set of 8 each.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Took a quick look at your diary and the balance of your macros looks like it's a little out a whack. Specifically, you seem high on carbs and low on protein. A suggestion I might make is to adjust your protein to .8 to 1 gram per lb of lean body mass and split what's left between carbs and fats. Don't be afraid of fats. If you are eating in deficit, they don't make you fat. If you eat healthy fats with omega 3 fatty acids they can be very beneficial. With the lifting, you need more protein. MFP default settings are low.

    PS: Nice job on the workout routine. Stay with it! You'll see results.
  • KellyAlyssa84
    Trainer wants me to get min of 100g a protein a day. It was a struggle in the begining, but am slowly
    finding ways to get protein in me throughout the day.

    Breakfast: eggbeaters, turkey bacon/canadian bacon, yogurt or cottage cheese
    Lunch: chicken, turkey or tuna fish, quinoa
    Dinner: lean protein
    Snacks: yogurt, cottage cheese, boiled eggs
    post strength work out: yogurt/cheese, PureProtein or Luna Bar

    Gratz on your success so far and improving diet!

    Thank you for this!
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    What's your go-to source of quick protein?

    Optimum Nutrition protein powder (either Pro Complex or Whey Gold Standard), lean ground beef, chicken breast.

    ON is great but a little thin for my taste mixed in water. I use Gaspari Myofusion. It is a Concentrate and not an isolate. I think it has better texture mixed in water and digests a little more slowly so keep me feeling satieted longer. Can't really go wrong with either. Both great quality and high protein concentration.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    Right now you're eating about 2100-2200 per day. Try dropping to 1900 and see what happens.
  • chrisb75
    chrisb75 Posts: 395 Member
    Right now you're eating about 2100-2200 per day. Try dropping to 1900 and see what happens.
    Don't do that. I am losing at 2500 a day. Lifting 3x a week. Walking on off days. Look for the group Eat More Weigh Less and stop making calories your enemy and make them your fuel.
  • season1980
    season1980 Posts: 129 Member
    I can't see your diary, but that would be helpful to see because if you are sticking to your exercise, I would assume the culprit is your diet.

    Once I cleaned up my diet and focused less on calories and more on ingredients, I saw dramatic changes in my body. I didnt even do a minute of cardio and focused solely on weights and the muscles was coming on and fat was coming off. I would say that by week 8, I saw the most noticeable changes that others could start to see too.

    I dont know about you but I am totally listening to her recommendation of cleaning up the diet!! Just look at her results they are Amazing! Today was not a good day lots of processed food....but starting tomorrow I am going to start heeding the advice of focusing more on ingredients than calories!!
  • malins2
    malins2 Posts: 154 Member
    I'd say you need to change your diet a bit (like some previous posters suggested). More protein (I eat about 1g/1lbs body weight or slightly less) and vegetables and less carbs.
    You're doing a good job already, but with those changes you WILL see the results you are looking for!
    Good luck!!!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i agree with the others : clean up your diet, eat a bit below your maintenance, continue to lift heavy and do some cardio. eventually the scale will catch up to the changes in your body.

    at least that's what been happening for me.

    ideas for adding protein : i also struggle at times with eating enough protein. what i have started doing is adding things like avocado, salmon, or ground turkey to my morning eggs. adding 1.5-2 scoops of protein powder to my smoothies instead of just 1. keeping hard boiled eggs on hand in the fridge for quick adds to salad. increasing the amount of ground turkey i put in my weekly chili.

    stuff like that can add up. plus it helps meet my calorie goals