College Student Looking for Motivation Buddy!

I am fairly new to MFP, started a year ago, then fell off the wagon. I am now back at it more determined than ever!

Like the title says, I am an extremely busy college student and trying to find time to workout/healthy food on campus is fairly difficult!

I would love to friend someone with similar goals for that extra little push when the willpower gets down! (i.e. when cupcakes and ice cream are in the refrigerator).

I am not necessarily overweight and do not really have a "goal weight," I just want to tone up, eat healthier, and feel better. (Focus on the stomach/love handles/upper thigh areas!) If I can, I would like to lose around 15 lbs. (Currently 138 and 5'6" ) but toning is definitely more important at this stage in the game!

Feel free to friend me and hopefully we can keep each other going! Thanks for reading my post and good luck with all of your goals!


  • simonecj
    simonecj Posts: 8
    I am a college student as well! Feel free to add me! We also have similar height & weight. I am 5'6"

    CW: 137
    GW: 125
  • whiteviolett
    Hi I've just added you :smile: I'm a student too and eating healthy on a budget can be pretty hard but once you get used to juggling work with food and exercise it becomes much easier