Already lost 16 pounds before beginning, but more to go!

I have always been a little chubby, but after graduating from nursing school I was just plain big. 5'10" and I weighed 215. Between a bout with an eating disorder in high school and taking diet pills off and on, I have weighed as low as 155, and as much as 215. My husband loves me as I am, but I want to be healthy for me, and to look like the girl that he started out dating (155). I know that it is finally time for me to do this, and to do it the right way. Any encouragement would be great, because, other than my husband who loves me as I am and my mom, who thinks you need to be a little heavy, just in case you get sick and lose weight, I have always been ridiculed by the rest of my family (especially my dad, who is a doctor). Any help would be awesome, and I'm an upbeat person, so I would love to encourage you, too! :bigsmile:


  • readytomove
    I have always been a little chubby, but after graduating from nursing school I was just plain big. 5'10" and I weighed 215. Between a bout with an eating disorder in high school and taking diet pills off and on, I have weighed as low as 155, and as much as 215. My husband loves me as I am, but I want to be healthy for me, and to look like the girl that he started out dating (155). I know that it is finally time for me to do this, and to do it the right way. Any encouragement would be great, because, other than my husband who loves me as I am and my mom, who thinks you need to be a little heavy, just in case you get sick and lose weight, I have always been ridiculed by the rest of my family (especially my dad, who is a doctor). Any help would be awesome, and I'm an upbeat person, so I would love to encourage you, too! :bigsmile:
  • lvcdmk
    lvcdmk Posts: 11
    Congrats Jessica, good decision. We are all here for the same goal, and I think you will find this website truly helpful. Hit me up anytime you want to chat. Good luck.

  • Dropka
    Dropka Posts: 72
    I'm the same as you. Same height and about same weight. I look at recent photos and realize how everyone else sees me. I still felt like the person I was at 160 pounds, but I'm not. The best advise I have is try and stay positive. I have been on fad diet after fad diet and nothing worked. I finally realized it wasn't the diet, it was me. I had to make the commitment to want to be a better, healthier me. I had to hit my rock bottom before I could pick myself back up. This is not a fad diet, this is a NEW LIFE. So don't do something during your day that you woudln't be able to do everyday.
    Keep up the good work and be true to your self!
  • readytomove
    Thanks for the support. We just all need to remember what we've always heard, but rolled our eyes at.......Life is a journey, not a sprinting race. Let's take the time to enjoy getting thin together. I didn't get this way overnight, and it won't go away quickly, either.

    Food should be our friend, not our enemy. Don't be afraid to try new things....I actually made an eggplant lasagna, and it wasn't too bad. (I'm a farm girl, raised on pasta, bread, meat and potatoes, so that was a BIG deal for me:wink: ) So, get out there, and try something healthy that you never have before. Remember, if you eat healthy, you can eat more!
  • WMayfield
    WMayfield Posts: 19
    Hi! Congrats & keep it up! I'm 41 yrs old, 5'10" and weighed 191 lbs over Christmas! I couldn't believe how big I had gotten. I used to be very slim for my height. I haven't had problems with eating disorders, but I just haven't paid attention to what I eat---just assuming I could eat whatever and whenever I wanted.

    I decided I want to be healthy for now and the future. I don't want to be 50 years old and huffing & puffing up a flight of stairs!

    My best advice would be not to look at the scale too often & get some good exercise (something you like to do 5 days a week).

    I love this website. Tracking my food helps me pay attention to what I eat. I'm not eating a lot differently, just choosing more carefully. When I see how a particular food adds up on the log, I'm more apt to make a good choice.

    Take Care.